r/SneerClub archives


its almost as if these things depend on the material conditions of the society within which they’re constructed

Even then, they don't *that much*. There is legitimately an ideological and cultural component that exists and has force beyond whatever the material conditions of the society happen to be at the time. You put two groups of people with different histories and different starting cultures in the same environment, and their cultures will develop in different ways. If technology did abruptly return to the level of Middle Ages Europe, you would not suddenly see everyone decide to follow kings based on divine right.
To be fair, the ideological and cultural component is also affected by material conditions. But yes, they both feed into each other, the apocalypse wouldn't make everyone suddenly turn into hunter-gatherers, economic determinism is cringe.
I mean, partially becuase hunter-gathering is a highly skilled way of life that most people aren't in any way prepared for.

some preppers like to fantasize about the fall of civilization because then their status would derive from their gun skills instead of their career skills and social skills

then you have this kind

or is it the same kind

Do people not know that, prior to latex, condoms were made from treated animal intestine for hundreds of years? That you can still buy lambskin condoms, like, anywhere condoms are sold?

If I have to wrap my dick in animal guts I ain't fucking.
[Apparently 5% of the condoms sold in the US](https://www.healthline.com/health/lambskin-condoms) are still made out of natural materials, and they don't protect against HIV/STDs. [Epistemic status: literally the first google hit]
I guess anywhere is an overstatement but, yes, they're sold in stores and online. I know I've seen them. Trojan Naturalamb. It's a thing you can buy.

Trad gender roles include a thriving sex work trade.

trad gender roles also only date back to industrialization, when there started being a "work" sphere for men to spend all day in that was distinct from the "home" sphere where women were confined people who fantasize about returning to a state of nature are always so uninterested in what it was actually like when we had it
>...industrialization... Do you mean agriculture? Although I think the division of labor started even earlier than that, although you can debate how aligned that division was with "trad gender roles."
The interesting thing is that while sexual division of labour seems *pretty* universal, what bit of labour goes where is not. There are tendencies, but nothing really hard-and-fast.
Espousing tradwife opinions as a sex worker to attract men with madonna-whore complexes and deep pockets is a hell of a strategy, I'll give her that.
Oh, the cynicism of it is something I absolutely admire in anyone, even if only at an ironic distance I’m not above pulling that kind of move if I can, I’ve read enough books about such people that I get what’s going on I’m mostly just pissed off that you can do it better and yet people flock to idiots like her
she does have a weird pocket of, really not being good at the less wrong rationalism, but very central in that sphere

Earthquakes on the Moon as Jupiter ascends its qudranal apex on the solstice would return people’s belief in astrology, fuck is the point?

An apocalypse in the sense that happens in movies is just a fantasy. Anyone who bases their political opinions on it is worthy of sneering at.

but firstly, no more blogs or twitter

Yeah, no.

Aella? Honey? Please, sugarpie, darlin’, do me a favor. Me personally. It would gladden my heart and better my day if you would just shut the fuck up

How difficult is it to make a copper IUD once you know that it’s possible?