r/SneerClub archives
It’s very important that you understand that Big Yud does not have a feeder fetish. (https://twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/status/1433112387322662919)

It starts with “I am going to make a self-deprecating joke about my occasional social awkwardness” and then veers hard, jumping the guardrail off the freeway and into “I am typing this with an erection”.

Just a fscking weird control / self-importance fetish.

Also, he namechecks us! We are /so/ blessed.

People doubted me when I mentioned math pets, and then Yudkowsky just goes and posts this.

Love to just talk about my partner’s health online like it’s an interesting thought experiment.

Why is he trying to frame it like an experiment? Thats not an experiment, you only had one participant thats not how it works.

Also “women cant resist my lines.” Yes, yes they can.

Prf it only isn't an experiment if you follow the rules of Academia, his mindmuscle is far beyond such things. Fun fact, Einstein didn't even finish highschool! School is not a place for smart people, Morty
> women cant resist my lines maybe he meant coke

What was the thought process behind that tweet? I mean, beyond the surface level “I, Yud, have a feeder fetish”.

I think it occasionally happens to most of us that things get garbled in between thinking about what we want to write and and what actually gets written, but I’m struggling to even imagine what he thought he was trying to express. Did he accidentally mix up his dating-for-fetishists account and his Twitter account?

I too am wondering…what the ever living hell is he talking about!?
Cancel culture and social norms are the biggest threat to speeding up scientific research, and that is why I should be allowed to be bdsm horny on main.
BDSM horny on main is 22% more Rational than vanilla horny on main, that's just Science.
I truly can’t parse it though. They have such a jejune way of approaching any topic. It’s wild

I need you all to understand that whenever you post something on here I’m going to put it in the next chapter of my Bayesian fanfic. I cannot be held responsible if you keep linking horrid tweets like this one.

you know there's ten years of material to go through right, you could write a fic as long as Worm just Dragon Army House but it's Worm, my goodness
Dragon Army House fanfic! Please No!! …please…yes??
do not call up that which you cannot put down
Mm, link me to some stuff? I might write it
NegativeTwist6 gave me some great links earlier this week

I wonder how much you’d have to pay a sane person to make them subscribe to a Reddit about somebody they hate, exposing them to weekly screencaps of that person’s suggestive tweets about handcuffs and chocolate.

you know, this is actually a good point. i think i’ll unsubscribe

Personally he got me with this: > I don't wish any fate on them worse then the fate they've made for themselves. Such a deep cut, so wise. Made me realize my whole life is a sad lie!
I mean…how much money we talking? Lol

what the fuck.

It is the most important thing for the future of the human species to understand that he does not have a feeder fetish.
This comment deserves to be pinned


Just as keikaku TN: "keikaku" means "plan" 😎

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“I don’t think they hate you but the existence of that sub is surprising.”

is it?

Also >I wonder how much you'd have to pay a sane person to make them subscribe to a Reddit about somebody they hate *Of course* he thinks this is entirely about him
Totally him, not the disgusting pseudoscientific eugenics and racism rampant in his movement at all.
The existence of that sub. Heh heh.
What Yudkowsky needs to get is that we only sneer because we want him to punish us.
you're an adult, you can buy nice chocolates yourself you know
I can also spank my own ass, but it's not the same
at least you know what you did and why you deserve it
Safeword! Red! Reaganomics!

PSA to check in on your local doms, they are getting a bit stir crazy with all the lockdowns.

Forcefeeding, Forcecooking, it is getting wild out there.

E: also those are rookie numbers, 1 normal bag of crisps. (EU normal, not those crazy American normals).

I laughed so hard at this

Idk, this actually sounds really sweet. People trying to make sure their loved ones eat enough in a really eccentric way just seems endearing unless I’m severely missing some part of the thread.

I would think most people put “tying someone to a bed and force-feeding them” firmly into “weird fetish” territory, not “sweet and endearing”.
If a random person does this, fine, weird but not worthy to talk about, but this is not a random guy, this is the leader of the Rationalists, we must stop the bad agi taking over at all cost guy. It is like discovering a nobel prize winner rates porn stars on his main website, next to his cv, and his 'donate to my work' links. It is weird, a bit cringe, but also funny. (The sexual abuse in the community is not funny however). E: It also fits a bit in the pattern of 'I'm a genius, I should not be bound by societies expectations, only fools act like that' which sometimes surfaces in some of his writings.