r/SneerClub archives


“we actually have enough data to say that aliens really are out there, and to roughly estimate where (some kinds) are, what they are doing, and when we will meet them.” His words, not mine.

At a quick glance it’s more of the same “misinterpreting the anthropic principle”.

The best thing about Hanson is he has no ego, the second best is the chip on his shoulder the size of a horse

This new math sim paper is an example of “gig science”, having been written by an unfunded team of non-astronomers

This inspires confidence in the correctness of these results.

Perhaps the endgoal is to devalue all science by spamming it with useless, but hard to check science. Release the interns!

Not only does human earliness suggest that these grabby aliens are
actually out there, these authors fit a simple three-parameter model of
the spacetime distribution of grabby aliens to three key datums, to tell
us roughly where they are, what they are doing, and when we could meet
or see them. These three key datums are: (1) our current date, (2) the
fact that we don’t now see grabby aliens in our sky, and (3) the timing
of key events in Earth’s evolutionary history. This model fit says that
grabby aliens appear roughly once per million galaxies, that they expand
at over half the speed of light, and that we could meet them in roughly
a billion years.

Clearly aliens exist. How else could we explain that we’re not seeing any aliens?

[Robin Hanson wants to buy your rock](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgNvKr010pc)
What happened to the dork forest hypothesis?

I’m not reading his paper, but I ctrl + F’d for “bayes” and was shocked to find that there were no results.

I love how hard he is trying to promote it. ‘call your journalists’ quote tweeting it at cstross and others. (check the quote tweets, the others are variants of ‘interesting, even if I don’t get it’ to ‘this is just like the science fiction movie big boss baby’)

It’s always fascinating to me how many people believe in aliens despite the zero evidence for their existence.

I don’t disbelieve in aliens, I just don’t believe in them either.

But so many people are so SURE that there MUST be aliens, based on… nothing, actually.

Based on the Copernican principle that says we shouldn't assume Earth is uniquely privileged in the universe.

robin: aliens are real

also robin: the immortal science of marxism-leninism is wrong and I have never heard of posadas

the onion: the worst person you know just made a great point for entirely the wrong reasons

The mars mushrooms 🍄 completely ruin the math on this.