r/SneerClub archives
Robin Hanson doesn't have the balls to say he hates Muslims. (Posted on 9/11) (https://www.overcomingbias.com/2021/09/the-insular-fertile-future.html)

Also note that the argument he’s making here is a STANDARD white nationalist talking point. The New Zealand gunman who shot up the mosque was absolutely obsessed with fertility rates and whites being replaced by minorities (particularly Muslims).

The rationalists (at least the SSC/TheMotte set) are weirdly obsessed with birthrates. Which is especially wild in light of their dismissive attitude towards global warming. World drifting out of the temperature range compatible with human life? No big deal, technology will fix it. Population of the US might be 250 million instead of 350 million in a hundred years? Absolutely critical, better turn back the clock on social progress as fast as we can.
It’s not weird at all. Those spaces exist for a very specific political reason which closely ties and populates them with avowed white nationalists.
For some reason tons of people on TheMotte are race obsessed Christian right wing nutjobs with no kids of their own that want to "outcompete" other religious nutjubs. They don't even appear to believe in god, just that pretending to is better for all of society...

it’s hard to imagine anything less appealing than reading Hanson opining on ‘fertility’ and ‘mating’

Actually mating with Robin Hanson sounds even less appealing tbh, but it's close.
Reading Yud's opinions on "fertility" and "mating"? Oh, or reading the comments section on a Hanson article about "fertility" and "mating".
F Yudkowsky M Hanson K myself

Squick. Skip the usual word salad and jump directly to the comments. Fantasies about North Korean women becoming “surrogates” for the state.

Focus on the fleas not the big dumb dog.

wow, the blog has a "recent comments" box and in it I just read [this terrible comment](https://disqus.com/by/disqus_AhEZqDU1AS/) from [a completely different article](http://www.overcomingbias.com/2018/04/two-types-of-envy.html) >>I’m a woman and I actually choose the man who has the most heart and ability to be compassionate. >I'm genuinely, terribly sorry if what I say next can be interpreted as an attack on your honesty or your ability to discern your own motivations (which, to be extremely honest, it kind of is. But not out of malice, which is what we usually assume when we use "attack".). >BUT.. what makes you think that ? There is a well-known tendency that everybody reading about brain biases reads about them in "outsider mode", the reader *assumes* that, if only he/she were in the same situation as the subjects of the experiment, he/she would have *obviously* chosen different. In a sense, it's the old "Above Average Fallacy", much more than 50% of people see themselves as above 50% of people. >Furthermore, what makes you think your brain is an accurate measure of a man's "most heart and ability to be compassionate"-ness ? We know for a fact that people ascribe moral qualities and personal qualities to physical beauty[1]. >What makes you think that, when your higher-level brain circuits are screaming "compassionate ! trustworthy ! Good Father !", this isn't just the echo of their lower-level brethrens screaming "Dominant ! Rich ! Powerful !" ? >Maybe it is, and this is precisely the point, those women choosing the most dominant-looking man weren't necessarily thinking "Uhmm Who Art The Most Dominant Of Thee", but they certainly acted that way. And action is a better gauge of a person's beliefs than the most stridently said words. >I recognize and respect your indignity at the implication that "women" as a whole tend to behave a certain way as if they're machines, but sometimes humans *are* machines, in that they are bio-chemical arrangement of matter that tends to behave a certain way under certain circumstances. It's not (intentionally) demeaning or degrading to suggest that. >[1] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_attractiveness_stereotype This guy is literally mansplaining this woman's own mind to her, with citations in footnotes lmao
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**[Physical attractiveness stereotype](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_attractiveness_stereotype)** >The physical attractiveness stereotype is a tendency to assume that people who are physically attractive also possess other desirable personality traits. Stereotyping is the process by which we draw inferences about others based on knowledge of the categories to which they belong. This theory was observed in a study done by Karen Dion, Ellen Berscheid, and Elaine Walster in 1972 they set out to answer the question “Do individuals in fact have stereotyped notions of the personality traits possessed by individuals of varying attractiveness? ”. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)

Considering that Hanson got slapped down for his racist Juneteenth post and that it’s sub-Saharan Africa which has had fertility rates not declining, I would have thought this is coded anti-black racism. Although considering the timing and the similarities between the extinction argument Hanson makes and the Eurabia argument (if we assume this trend will continue forever), who knows. Haven’t read the comments to confirm.

I broke down and read the article.

Alas, this fix requires that the dominant culture become much more tolerant of local variations in gender, mating, and parenting, which may not be much more likely than their just coming to see the wisdom of promoting fertility. After all we are currently in an increasingly Puritan era of more not less conformity on such things.

Huh. There’s been a reduction in acceptance of gender variation and mating patterns in the dominant culture? Citation? Polyamory (mentioned positively by Hanson) – and other forms of non-monogamy – seems to be becoming more popular and also crosses numerous subcultures (rationalists, queer leftists, boring middle-class losers). Considering the rise in nb folks and femboys, it also seems like variation in gender and gender expression is also increasing.

Maybe the claimed problem is that these things are increasing but it is subcultures pushing them into the dominant culture, and thus reducing the amount of local cultures by homogenising them? But, wouldn’t a more fit local culture eventually outbreed the dominant culture anyway, leading to homogeneity anyway?

> would have thought this is coded anti-black racism. WhyNotBoth.jpg. It's not like there's some maximum amount of shitty Hanson is allowed to be.
Can't disagree there.

“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for the dominant culture”

"Because the beauty of the swinging, homeschooled woman must not perish from the earth."

How in the world is Hanson defining “connected to the dominant culture” here?

Today the cultures associated with higher fertility tend to be more “traditional”, and less integrated with the dominant world elite culture. And a few small subcultures, like Mennonites and Amish, or Mormons and Orthodox Jews, even manage to maintain high fertility while staying closely connected to the dominant culture.

I don’t understand how you can argue that the Amish are “closely connected to the dominant culture”, unless the other group you’re comparing it to is like, the Sentinelese or something.

It would be a lot easier to tell what his actual arguments were if he wasn’t too cowardly to actually name the cultures he’s trying to criticize and fearmonger about, but I suppose ultimately that’s part of his point.

Amish are the dominant culture due to their protestant work ethic perhaps? I'm assuming he isnt that racist that he just means white here.
Assume again, comrade
Sorry the barking dogs make it really hard to think. There must be terminators around.

tangential, but this link has sent me down a rabbit hole of reading this guy’s blog posts. I’ve heard of Robin Hanson and his “everything is signalling” hammer, but honestly this guy makes the worst posts I’ve ever seen. Not worst in a moral sort of way, they’re bad but there’s worse out there, just worse in a completely off the wall kind of way. It honestly astounds me, he is so creative at just having the worst take on every issue, like he seriously said the reason people who like wealth redistributon are appalled by sex redistribution is because we’re all collectively regressing into a hunter-gatherer mentality, and this was in response to him getting twitter dogpiled by people directly telling him why they see those things differently! i legitimately enjoy reading his posts and trying (and always failing) to guess what coocoo bananas explanation he’ll smugly condescend next. I seriously cannot get enough of this guy, thank you.

oh wow, I just stumbled across [another 9/11 post](https://www.overcomingbias.com/2011/09/forget-911.html) of his, actually about 9/11, posted on its 10th anniversary. paraphrased: Only 3,000 people died in the 9/11 attacks, untold millions have died since then, get over it and use the resources wasted on "remembering" it to help these people not die good sneer in the comments: By the way, since Robin is the master of "X is not about Y," it's fairly astonishing that he's unaware that 9/11 is not about 3000 deaths.
> sex redistribution God I wish I could log off

It seems to be correlated strongly with societal (not individual) wealth

No, it’s correlated with women’s education. Which is also correlated to women’s wealth, but I guess men are individuals and women are “society”?

Maybe he doesn’t say that, because it isn’t true? Someone with his radical futurist outlook and persistently functionalist interpretation of social phenomena, is unlikely to have an apriori objection to Islam. For all we know, he might have Houellebecq-like sympathies towards it.

What is true, is that if you want your civilization’s values to survive, the majorities of the future need to agree with them. And as of 2021 and the restoration of the Taliban, the meaning of 9/11 is that western values can lose in a big way.

Houellebecq: [Am I Islamophobic? Probably, yes](https://www.dumptheguardian.com/books/2015/sep/06/michel-houellebecq-submission-am-i-islamophobic-probably-yes)
[Also Houellebecq](https://www.theparisreview.org/blog/2015/01/02/scare-tactics-michel-houellebecq-on-his-new-book/): "I remain in many ways a Comtean, and I don’t believe that a society can survive without religion... the Koran turns out to be much better than I thought... I don’t feel that I’m writing out of fear. I feel, rather, that we can make arrangements." Then he had a friend killed at Charlie Hebdo a few days later. And even after that, he says, in the follow-up interview that you quote, it's not Islam per se that is dangerous, it is the more militant interpreters of Islam, like the imams of jihad. Bringing this back to Robin Hanson, what I notice is that his writings are devoid of advocacy for specific civilizations, religions, or races as such. He's not an identitarian in any of those senses. If he does have a visceral opposition to anything, it's antinatalism, a topic which led him to make [a rare statement](https://www.overcomingbias.com/2012/04/morality-should-exist.html) about *morality* rather than just marginal utility.
"what I notice is that his writings are devoid of advocacy for specific civilizations, religions, or races as such." This is because even GMU will only put up with so much.