r/SneerClub archives
When you think about, don't women actually have it better off because they can trade sexual favors for a place to live if they become homeless? This and other insights into the female condition discussed herein (https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/pn9tal/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_september_13/hcr35hu?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)

it helps me sleep safe at night that if i was ever homeless, i could immediately resort to prostitution

Ahhh, but you see, me burning down homeless encampments while they’re sleeping there is actually a good thing, because it provides them with an incentive to not be poor. A basic utility calculation will show that the constant threat of sexual violence is actually a positive influence on….

No, I can’t do this, I can’t even fucking parody this person.

This is the problem with the current age. You can't satirize the right without falling into the trap of saying literally exactly what they would say, having neither added nor taken anything away, no matter how hard you've tried to exaggerate or veer into the ridiculous. It was a lot easier in the age of false civility when they weren't allowed to be mask-off in public and were forced to keep these thoughts private. Those days are gone.
This is why comedy is the only skewer and no thoughtful critique works
But how are we supposed to do comedy when whatever wacky idea we come up with, no matter how ridiculous, is either soon to be, or currently being, expressed in earnest by conservatives?
I just sort of scream
I think the Right already has a monopoly on even that.
Exactly. Satire is almost dead.

Ah yes, definitely have to be gay to be a rentboy. Doing something you detest to sleep indoors? Beep boop does not compute, couldn’t be me. Women probably enjoy prostitution of necessity!

Took the words out of my mouth. Talk about gay panic.
So, wait - is there something uniquely exploitative about survival sex / prostitution? I thought that sex work was work.
Sex work is work. Work (including sex work, including survival sex) is often exploitative and abusive. There are no contradictions here.
If it's *all* exploitative and abusive, then what is the particular harm in saying that someone should do sex work rather than some other kind of work? Like, is this guy getting dragged because he said that someone can always get **a** job?
"All jobs are the same and all types of work exploitation are the same" - a smart, rational, good faith debater (2021)
If sex work is work and sex work needs to be destigmatized, then it seems bizarre to become personally offended and call someone "scum" for suggesting that someone do sex work, as people have done in the comments section on this page. That's what I'm saying. I think the guy IS scum for saying what they did, and that it's shitty to suggest that someone can do sex work if they're otherwise unable to do anything else, by the way.
- sex work is work - sex work needs to be destigmatized - doing sex work of your own volition is no different than doing other work of your own volition (wrt ethics) - pushing people into sex work is sexual exploitation, which is worse than "regular" work exploitation
I'm sorry, I must just be a fucking idiot because I don't see how it's possible to 1. destigmatize a form of labor and also 2. call anyone who suggests that people perform that labor "scum". Like, that doesn't happen for literally *any other form of work* except for sex work. The commenter is a sexist, and is not motivated by women's well being. That is obvious. It is not confusing to me why people are pissed at him. What I'm trying to figure out is this - is it *always* exploitation, or always personally offensive to say "hey, you should be a sex worker" to someone? If so, how could sex work ever be destigmatized? What is meant by *destigmatizing sex work* if saying the words "you should do sex work" results in fucking stigmatization?
Probably does tend to be, yes, and I think that would be exacerbated by its illegality in the US. But more generally I think you're right sans the survival aspect and sketchy shit. There would be plenty of people working in brothels in this part of the world who wouldn't stack shelves at the supermarket if it paid double. Doing something you detest to sleep indoors is by no means unique to prostitution, nor definitive. That's not lost on me.
I guess what I'm saying is that it seems kind of absurd that the commonly accepted and communicated progressive viewpoint is that "sex work is work" but suggesting that someone engage in sex work is seen as deeply offensive and fucked up in a way that telling someone to work at McDonald's or to stack shelves at Walmart is not. If prostitution were legalized everywhere in the union, would it still be offensive to tell someone to prostitute themselves if they've fallen on hard times? If so - would it be exactly as offensive and shocking and problematic to tell someone to work at a McDonald's? If not, why not? It's not illegal to be a cam girl anywhere in the United States, but I want you to imagine your mental state, and what you'd think about someone if they said "if you fall on hard times, then make an OnlyFans." Is it as bad as "The McDonald's near me is hiring at 14 dollars an hour, go work there"?
You may be seeking a phantom dissonance here. I could think sex work is especially bad in all its forms, lament its existence and still in light of our situation defend that people should be allowed to do it. I could think the same for fast food. Or both. As for why the former view is more common, that's probably a long treatise I'm unqualified to write. >"if you fall on hard times, then make an OnlyFans." Is it as bad as "The McDonald's near me is hiring at 14 dollars an hour, go work there"? Well, the latter is more realistic. Known and guaranteed pay. Here I think the more offensive aspect of the former is that it's something like "go find scrap copper and hope you find enough to pay rent." In terms of the likelihood of enough income within some short timeframe like a month.
Dudes like the linked scum demonstrate the issue pretty well. The assumption that this is work anyone of a particular sexual class can just do and it doesn't depend very much on the individual and what they're comfortable with.
Friend of mine is a sex worker, and it certainly isn't for everybody, nor is it easy work. It certainly isn't something everybody can do. ('Do' as in do longer term, everybody can do some math, but not everybody can work as a mathematician for example).

That thread, not just the them talking about sex work has a certain level of ‘you have no idea what you are talking about’ but also homelessness and gender differences and toxic masculinity (which isn’t brought up directly).

But upvotes for everybody! I’m going to create a new cryptocurrency just for themotte so I can give people there special worthless Dunning-Krugerrand coins.

But the word Krugerrand just has that hint of plausible deniable racism.

Omg that thread! “Is there any data to back this up?”

“Well no, but let me extrapolate 5 paragraphs of my own opinion phrased as fact.”

Okay but what if the homeless man opens grindr?

Checkmate atheists rationalists

Why does homeless man not simply sell his phone and purchase housing with the proceeds? (is joke)

This is literally men’s favourite way to survive let’s stop right now before the statistics jump out