r/SneerClub archives
There's an entire subreddit dedicated to strawmanning LessWrong (/r/LessWrong/comments/pojrdu/theres_an_entire_subreddit_dedicated_to/)

Wait, there’s an entire subreddit dedicated to strawmanning LessWrong? Fuck this place, I should be hanging out there instead.

My god. Is it ever painful.

Dust speck in the eyes of uploaded immortals painful, or just your basic run-of-the-mill single person tortured to death painful? We need quantification!

The Rational Ubermensch and his army of Utilons are really underrated villains from the Second Doctor era.
Now it's a lost joke about fictional lost episodes! [meta intensifies]
Well, as I can only prove that I'm the only real person and you all are just faking having a rich inner world, only my utilons matter. So It costs them nothing. This post generated \^\^\^ utilitons for me. E: more in general about the post this post is linking at. 'Your boos mean nothing to me, I saw what makes you cheer!' e2: ow god, it was a revenge [post for this](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/po9r7j/dishonesty_on_rsneerclub/) lol. So I guess [the racist is mad](https://www.reddit.com/r/genetics/comments/plqi0n/a_response_to_arguments_about_racial_iq/) are making fun of his racism training centers. (This guys post history is a lot of 'he said on a smartphone' level of 'clever' memes). Lol did he delete it? The coward! (E: btw, this is a joke, delete away, I do so myself).


no he keeps dripping on the carpet
No, X Æ A-1, dgerard is your uncle, he only brought your parents together.
Uncle magic

What’s funny is that /r/SneerClub is literally listed as a related sub in the /r/LessWrong sidebar. They know.

Not reading properly is a Rationalist tradition! (Jokes aside, the sidebar is hard to find/notice on mobile so there is that (E: lol wtf, the rules of that sub (Guess it is meant ironically, just like our sidebar here)), alternative theory, that person doesn't even post in r/lesswrong, and just started that post there to try and send angry people here)).
> Discussing that incident with the initials RB? No thank you. > Your reasoning on this subreddit must be ironclad and have no logical flaws at all, or you are banned. lmao I have to say, the humour in the sidebar rules is right up my alley. Expected something more dry and anal-retentive from the LessWrong subreddit.
Perhaps the sneer-tentacles are longer and older than I thought.
What is this in reference to?
Your comment is ambiguous, so I'm going to assume you're asking about the meaning of RB? It's the initials of Roko's Basilisk.
Ahh that one. Thank you.

Strawmanning LessWrong? Who’s to say we’re not actually just steelmanning critiques of LessWrong? Ya know, for rationalism?

Steelman? Joseph? Are we gulagging LessWrong? >!I'm in favor!<

ah yes, that famous logical fallacy of linking to what someone actually wrote, or “strawmanning”

there’s an entire subreddit dedicated to strawmanning sneerclub

(nods sagely) Ah, yes, SneerSneerClub, or "SSC" for short

lol rational man deleted the link https://www.reddit.com/r/LessWrong/comments/pojrdu/theres_an_entire_subreddit_dedicated_to/

It was the only rational option
That’s unfortunate, I would rather have it stay up and spark dialogue, maybe some of the smart impressionable kids who find such hyper-rationality so appealing can avoid that community’s extremes by tempering it with some of this one’s critiques.
Rational man, rational man, Doin' the things a rational can. What's he like? It's not important; Rational man.
Now after Rational Man destroyed sneerclub with facts and logic he is setting his sights on destroying the next logical fallacy: [The Halting Problem](https://www.reddit.com/r/computerscience/comments/pqhh7v/cmv_the_halting_problem_doesnt_make_sense/), and he solved it by just claiming it doesnt make sense.
that's hilariously on-brand
Lol that's a good one.