posted on September 22, 2021 12:56 PM by
u/Soyweiser42 pointsat 1632324104.000000
The book argues, among other things, that founders are godlike, that
monarchies are more efficient than democracies, and that cults are a
better organizational model than management consultancies. More than
anything, it celebrates rule-breaking. Thiel bragged that of PayPal’s
six founders, four had built bombs in high school.
> The book argues, among other things, that founders are godlike, that monarchies are more efficient than democracies, and that cults are a better organizational model than management consultancies.
All of those sound like premises that I would expect to show up in the next Charles Stross novel, not things I want people to be advocating for in the real world.
> More than anything, it celebrates rule-breaking
Coming from the kinds of people whose existence is solely bent to creating rules, norms and organizations to protect themselves, that's comical.
Also these kinds of 'break the rules' things are not allowed for poc. 4 different white dudes can just build bombs, and they are quirky tech nice guys, one poc kid builds a clock and suddenly there is a problem.
I have to admit that I am kind of impressed they did not blow themselves up, because they seem the type for it.
"Indie bombmaker" isn't a job with a low accident rate.
So I gotta say I have some affinity to Musk because of the ASD he fessed up to...
I also think all the over the top Musk love is just too much - he's still a human, y'know.
But the counter revolution that Musk is literally nothing and all the hate is... also way over the top. He did make a huge push for electric cars. Space X is a good thing. He has a hard charging management style, and I'm not sure I'd want to work for him. But damn, where's the third way / middle of the road path?
Por que no los dos