r/SneerClub archives
"(Pinker admits as much when he advocates for those of the 'Rationality Community,' for whose membership he refers readers, in a footnote, to a 2017 blog post on lesswrong.com.)" (https://slate.com/culture/2021/09/steven-pinker-rationality-book-review.html)

“His new book is a stinker”. Great sub headline lol

This results in large, unsupported claims, as when a Politico op-ed he co-wrote in defence of Bret Stephens is his sole footnoted source for the claim that logical fallacies are “coin of the realm” across academia and journalism.

I see that the reviewer learned his lesson from Enlightenment Now: always check the footnotes.

Edit to add this tweet by the reviewer: > unlike in Enlightenment Now, he doesn’t “substantiate” claims about postmodernist academics by fabricating quotations. He doesn’t substantiate them at all.

Such are the options.

> I see that the reviewer learned his lesson from Enlightenment Now: always check the footnotes. Well unlike Pinker Ted is actually an academic historian