r/SneerClub archives
Eliezer’s insights into philosophy of economics: coming soon (https://i.redd.it/ukp2n4uavhr71.jpg)

So imagine

bong rip

a market


but it’s just exchanging foreign currencies

Yud is going to reinvent MMT from first principles.

You mean he’s just gonna come up with new names for everything and pretend it’s his own?
The crypto guys have been working on this for over a decade
He kind of did already, didn't he? *Inadequate Equilibria* spent half the pages ranting about how Bank of Japan should print more money or something. I don't know, the book is straight up unreadable.
Ow wait indeed he did. I recall reading something about that, forgot it was Yud.
Lemme consult my give-fuck-o-meter… oops, no, not a single fuck is given.

Lord, grant me the confidence of Eliezer Yudkowsky tweeting about literally anything at fucking all

It’s like when the shy kid at the pool party loosens up a bit but then starts running around like a menace and whacking people with the noodle

Brace yourselves for the new cryptocurrency based on proof-of-torturing-simulations

http://rokoco.in/ Sadly, reality cannot be parodied. ( I get this was actually a joke coin).
> These Utilon tokens may be burned to provide reward to the evolving Basilisk calculation. They may also be traded, though they degrade, losing 1/3 of their spending power each time a new batch of Utilons is minted. But only if you roll a natural 38 when you confront Probabilitor the Mathnificient.

Social media = every crank on a soapbox. Watch the misfolding at a macro scale!