r/SneerClub archives
"Capitalism is still not capitalist enough...We need double-capitalism - no, fifty capitalisms!" (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/q1izwh/capitalism_is_still_not_capitalist_enoughwe_need/)


Full paragraph: “This goes back to a point I revisit a lot: capitalism is still not capitalist enough. No matter how hard you try to get everything based on money and market forces, it’s still controlled by kind of elite taste and sense of “wouldn’t want to make waves”. We need double-capitalism - no, fifty capitalisms!”

lmao i thought the ‘fifty capitalisms’ bit was a sneer you added in but no he actually writes like this

also i love that he thinks financial incentives for everything would be better

like look at the SSC post that he links, where he’s talking about an article that says stuff like this:

Increased taxes on the rich don’t make rich people work much less. Salary caps on athletes don’t decrease athletic performance. Increased welfare doesn’t make poor people work less. Decreased job opportunities in one area rarely cause people to move elsewhere.

and by the end of the post he’s decided that’s a bad thing? like he wants every conservative myth about raising taxes on the rich or giving welfare to the poor to be true?

> like he wants every conservative myth about raising taxes on the rich or giving welfare to the poor to be true? We already have the proof, from The Email, that Siskind wants to be someone very important and will grab for anything that justifies his preconceptions. That the many ought to have less than the few is pretty blatantly one of those preconceptions he's looking to justify.
Noooo you don't understand! The few need that huge pile of money, the huger the better, for self protection against evil jocks ready to shove them in lockers! Or to shelter themselves from women so cruel and inhumane to *not have sex with them,* which is basically the same. Or (god forbid!) to have some cover when evil, Voldermort-like feminists are telling them not to be rapey, which is essentially what Jews suffered during the holocaust! Life is so so rough for tech moguls already. The communist Cathedral won't bow at them and admit that they solved philosophy. Maoist SJWs might even write op-eds *criticizing* them, which is like being in a gulag but much worse. And you, you little ungrateful neurotypical, from your immense privilege of having had sex and not having been called racist just for asking questions, you now want to strip them of the only thing that gives some meaning to their lives? How can you be so heartless?
I thought the jocks shoving people into lockers was the other Scott.
I mean, nerd essentialism and self induced trauma from telling your life as a collection of 80s movies clichés is what underpins all Rationalism and a good chunk of NRx. Maybe one Scott talks about lockers and the other about being too smart for school and both about being incels, but that's a distinction without difference
> nerd essentialism For real, every pink haired feminist I know of is some kind of a nerd watching obscure anime or something, but noooo, only a specific brand of male STEMlord is allowed to be a true nerd, all the rest are posers and invaders that are to get them and ruin vidya games.
Yep, that is the other Scott, this is the 'people are mean to billionaires on twitter and that proves they are the most oppressed class' Scott. And then there is also 'I broke my brain drawing a silly cartoon' Scott.
That last one is beneath contempt, and thus beneath sneers.

I’m sorry, Scott. It’s a bummer. In reality, you’re as dumb as they come. But I needed those free markets real bad and I had to give ‘em up just to get kind of elite taste off my back. So now we’re gonna have to go get more. And then we’re gonna go on even more adventures after that, Scott. And you’re gonna keep your mouth shut about ’em, Scott. Because the world is full of idiots that don’t understand what’s important. And they’ll tear us apart, Scott. But if you stick with me, I’m gonna accomplish great things, Scott. And you’re gonna be a part of ’em. And together we’re gonna run around, Scott, we’re gonna do all kinds of wonderful things, Scott. Just you and me, Scott. The outside world is our enemy, Scott. We’re the only [belch] friends we’ve got, Scott. It’s just Capitalism and Scott. Capitalism and Scott and their adventures, Scott. Capitalism and Scott, forever and forever, a hundred years Capitalism and Scott, s… things. Me and Capitalism and Scott runnin’ around and Capitalism and Scott time. Aaall day long forever. All, a hundred days Capitalism and Scott forever a hundred times. Over and over Capitalism and Scott adventures dot com W W W dot Capitalism and Scott dot com W W W Capitalism and Scott adventures all hundred years. Every minute Capitalism and Scott dot com W W W hundred times Capitalism and Scott dot com.

You can't just go and quote yarvin like that out of context.

Pay us to sneer/not sneer then coward!

Someone has to leak this idea to them from the “inside”

This entire sequence of posts is “rationalism” at its very worst. I know this should not annoy me so much – who cares if a bunch of idiots want to sound off about their uninformed views on architecture – but it also lays bare so many of the problems with the ways this community reasons.

These posts, written thoughtfully, could have opened up a pile of fascinating discussion topics: changes in popular artistic taste, changes in elite architectural opinion, survivorship bias in historical architecture, construction productivity, cost disease. Instead, they’re written in a style that seems purpose-built to munge all of these separate issues together and thus to allow the author (and commenters) to add whatever commentary is most pleasing to their pre-existing biases. Which *of course* they do in spades.

The best illustration of this is the absurd framing of the initial post [1] which compares the Taj Mahal to… a random Google office building! No, this is not a joke. But from this frame the piece lays out its real accusation, which feels infused with the perspective that simultaneously (1) pernicious liberals have captured the field of architecture and infested it with ugly modernism, and (2) evil liberal government regulation has made it impossible to build “nice” buildings. *This* is why the Google offices don’t look like the Taj Mahal. But… but… but…

To be clear I’m not even opposed to a discussion of these claims! I think it would be fine to discuss architectural costs or regulation or Baumol’s cost disease. But this community simply can’t do it. Instead they pick an absurd frame that’s clearly the result of many factors, and then proceed to use it as a mirror to reflect their own pre-existing biases. It’s maybe what I should have expected, but somehow it’s worse – because usually this sort of thing confines itself to political discussions.

The most disappointing bit is the highlights from comments. At one point a commenter (who clearly has some actual knowledge) makes the point that the cost of fancy ornamentation has actually gone *down* over the years, at the same time as architects have started using less of it. This would seem to be important data that would refute the “cost disease and regulatory burden is making our buildings less beautiful” theory articulated in Scott’s previous post. But of course there’s no reflection, no analysis, no updating of priors to reflect this valuable new information. Scott just moves on to the next commenter, who is an architect (fantastic: new information and perspectives incoming!) who (ugh!) just wants us to know (without citations or proposal-for-change) that the architectural schools are captured by modernists and heavy regulation is keeping beautiful buildings out of your neighborhood. This post is valuable to Scott, who actually has something to say: maybe we just need more capitalism and fewer liberals.

[1] https://astralcodexten.substack.com/p/whither-tartaria

Siskind sounds like the kind of guy that sees a twenty-something engineer belligerently mansplain some random field of research at a house party, and feels like he’s in the presence of Buddha himself. Also is it just me or is the rationalist community getting lazier with every passing day? Beyond the wacky shit these people get into, it really feels like the quality of rationalist articles and discussion has brutally declined in the past year. Edit: I initially thought this had gotten posted to a different, very informal community I participate in. I’m unfamiliar with Sneerclub, and mea culpa if I’m striking the wrong tone
nah, you're doing fine rationalist articles have been shit from the start, what were the less worse ones a year ago?
I never followed rationalists more broadly, but I do share the feeling about Scooter specifically. Not in the sense that he wasn't shit before, but the first part of getting lazier. That big Sandifer article from February described the task of teasing out his underlying argument as "there’s no smoking guns; it requires the sort of 2500 word exegesis I just engaged in to point out." The more recent posts I've seen linked here feel like they are barely trying to obscure anything.
Right, I feel like it previously took a little squinting and head scratching to peel off Scott’s argument down to its Tucker Carlson talking points. Nowadays, the trump flag is out on the front porch, so to speak. I wonder if the substack deal is what changed, maybe he figured he can write whatever and still get a suitcase of money My comment about the quality of discussion was more targeted at SSC comments and forum, which I seem to recall involved far more pluralistic and thoughtful discussion in years past than what we see these days. It’s possible I’m looking back with rose tinted glasses, somehow
It is not just you, others have noticed this discussion quality decline in the past before. iirc the redditor yodatsracist noticed this a while back and that is why he moved away the rationalist community. (yodatsracist was always a poster that posted thoughtful posts). But this started years ago, so it predates substack.
ever since The Email leaked, Scoot's put a lot less effort into hiding his power level
Maybe he does the opposite of shame?
I kind of wonder if that article gave him the yips
I don't know how to say this without sounding like a dick, but you seem wayyy too invested into what some people you don't respect or like are saying. World is full of idiots. Getting all annoyed every time stupid people say something stupid is not worth it.
I've lost friends to this idiocy. Bright, decent, empathetic friends who have become worse human beings because they joined this community. ETA: scientists too, which is hardly the worst part of it but somehow is. I'd rather see my friends drawn into a cult that worships some weird deity than see them fall into one that worships bad logic.
It's the same with me and Jordan Peterson. I legit had to cut off several male friends from my life, because they became insufferable assholes after watching his nonsense videos. But yeah, from the outside without context it does seem like I'm obsessed with shitting on Peterson for no reason.

Looks like Moloch hacked the account.

*fifty* Molochs!
I raise you 100 Molochs!
We can go higher [3\^\^\^3](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/3wYTFWY3LKQCnAptN/torture-vs-dust-specks) Molochs!

damn it’s almost like capitalism is not actually about any sort of efficiency at all, weird, wonder if anyone’s ever written anything about that

>damn it's almost like capitalism is not actually about any sort of efficiency at all, weird, wonder if anyone's ever written anything about that When capitalism fails to produce magical outcomes, it's because pernicious government regulation is around the corner. Always.
was disappointed this was not the "Marxism dripping from every word" flair

lol how long ago was free-market profit-based capitalism replaced by the disruptive monopoly-focused financial speculation economy

and what kind of policies enabled that to happen

Marxists did it because they hate free thought.

You know, with all these posts complaining about “elite taste”, I’m really starting to get the sense that someone told Scott he shouldn’t have worn those brown shoes with a black belt and he’s still seething about it weeks later.

What is amazing about scott is that he complained he couldn't wear the fancy patterned shirt in his daily life because he worried people would think he would be insane. But during the start of covid before it was known how much of a risk it was, he was already wearing his P100 respirator on the public transport. https://slatestarcodex.com/2020/03/02/coronavirus-links-speculation-open-thread/ He should just let go and wear his fancy shirt.
The funniest part of that would be it’s not Sneer worthy lmao
Yeah. Im honest here that I think he should just wear it if he likes it. He clearly likes the look, go for it.
formulating my own theory that he tried to shop a book proposal in the aftermath of the NYT blowup and no one wanted it
lol, any more on this than just a feeling? (A plausible one, I must admit.) god, imagine Scott having to listen to an editor
[live look at the drafting process](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0LYSzTscGc&t=26s)

Whoa, who actually thinks this: “Thailand seems to have a daily minimum wage of 0, which probably works out to a little over a dollar an hour, which is probably close to what the West was paying people back when it had Art Nouveau and such. I don’t know if this is a coincidence.”?

Like I’m pretty sure the Thai architects are paying their masons more than minimum wage given the quality of those buildings. Oh, what’s that? There’s data on that? Thai bricklayers for your everyday building projects earn on average 510,918 THB a year times 0.03 is 15327.USminimumwageearnersgetonaverage15080 a year. About 247K us workers earn exactly the federal minimum wage, dwarfed by the 865K paid below the federal minimum. But yeah, let’s change minimum wage policy based upon some stupid hand waving.

I thought the title was a joke of OP. Then I read that no, it’s a quote, he’s actually memeing the “please notice me senpai Curtis” he wrote eons ago. himself

As the famously one/fitieth of an appropriate capitalist Adam Smith wrote,

“It is not from the benevolence of the verbose blogger, of the rationalist, or of the alt right recruiter that we expect our sneerworth material, but from their regard to their own thirst for incestuous inside jokes. We address ourselves not to their
sense of humor but to their addiction to lexicon coinage, and never talk to them of our own fun at sneering, but of their lack of awareness on how any of that actually sounds”

This has pretty much been the standard response to the reality of “trickle down” economics not working^* – i.e. capitalism simply wasn’t deregulated and free marketed hard enough. Just a little bit more would really open ’er up and get things moving.

^* Yes, I know, “trickle down” worked exactly as intended, in that it was an intentional deception to convince incurious people that it even existed, and provided a simplistic talking point to exhaust and wear the rest of us down. But that’s a whole other conversation.

Same with “prediction markets” Robin Hanson is gunning for. They will work! But only if they get big enough, you see.

There’s some evidence that income inequality driven by turbocapitalism can bias production of consumer goods towards elite tastes and drive up prices, so fifty capitalisms would probably just bias things towards elite tastes even more.

If one capitalism is liberalism, fifty capitalisms is neoliberalism.