r/SneerClub archives
Wisdom from Scott Siskind (https://i.redd.it/ghgwqw1vd4s71.jpg)

Like, was he thinking tech bros didn’t already have god complexes without a pun?

He probably thinks tech bros should be worshipped *more*.
Yeah, he's pretty much being sincere. Nerd victimhood + “science was invented by white men during Enlightenment” = we're entitled to veneration.

developers developers developers developers

sanest tech ceo

word is like other word! look at the spurious connections i can draw between them

i am very smart

*penis* -> *happiness* -> *bonheur* Coincidence?

God: “I can’t believe the crunch on this triple A FPS. Maybe I should start sleeping at the office?”

And on the seventh day, he was finally allowed a holiday off but then his boss called him in for overtime.

He must have watched the show and forgot.

The Matrix came out a few decades ago, Scott.

Good sneer.

You know he could have talked about deus ex machina. Literally god from the machine. But ok the devs deus. We’ll do that.

"He could have taken this somewhere interesting but almost willfully choose not to" describes at least 70% of sneer worthy content tbh

This is what you get when you let non-native speakers play with a different language‘s character set.

Real Eyes Realize Real Lies

that’s some intense ierking off

Wait does Scott program
No, and he doesn't know maths either. I've read his game theory sequence (on LW under Yvain) at about the same time I had it as my MSc module. The sequence is utter trash with no content, he completely butchered the mathematics, embarrassingly. There's a reason Yudkowsky implored people to call themselves “aspiring rationalists”. Their identities routinely oscillate between a sense of superiority and impostor syndrome. This explains, for example, why somebody like Duncan Sabien writes in such a convoluted jargon-ridden style. Duncan used to be a middle-school teacher, somehow ended up in the community, now has to fake his in-group affiliation worthiness by other means, because only physicists & theoretical computer scientists are high status.
he programs *minds*

What a moron. The Romans still wouldn’t have understood a V in that case to be a consonant and if they did, it wouldn’t be pronounced like the English V. And it only works in the short form so how clever could this possibly be.

Weni widi wici
wicca vendi wicki
Well, 'deus' is also cognate to (for instance) Sanskrit 'deva', which does have an actual 'v' in it.
What is this, identity theft?
What a moron. The Romans still wouldn't have understood a V in that case to be a consonant and if they did, it wouldn't be pronounced like the English V. And it only works in the short form so how clever could this possibly be.
Ubisoft goes Steamworks bye bye, always on DRM.
That show, unlike anything produced by the rationalosphere, was actually good
flawed masterpiece, don't miss
Took a bit of a wrong turn when it tried to narrow down the science too much leading to head scratchy "wait are you sure that's how it works mr writer?" moments. Sort of the reverse of Mr Robot which has a quantum device left almost entirely enigmatic and metaphorical.
To be fair, the show went out of its way to have the science of things debated by the actual characters. The characters discuss and argue over the quantum stuff themselves in the story, with the central machine ultimately being the tie-breaker. So I took it less like "this is how the writer thinks advanced scientific concepts work" and more like "this shows happens to take place in a universe where advanced scientific concepts work this way".
How have I never heard of this?
well, for one thing the Prestige Television market is pretty saturated right now but also it's hard to even describe what it's about without giving spoilers, because it takes some major turns. and if you try, "a conceptual thriller about Big Tech, machine learning, quantum mechanics, and..." zzzzzzzz still the fact that someone with such a deep and narrow range of interests as Scoot Salamander wasn't aware of it shows some marketing failure
Sounds dope, I'll go looking for it
well it's clunky. you were warned. but there are some really interesting ideas and it really does keep taking turns so bear with it
[very late](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMU0tzLwhbE) are computer programmers even called developers anymore or is it engineers now next thing you know it will be architects I guess
> next thing you know it will be architects I guess Software architects exist

This reminds me of something I would have written when I was 20 and thought was clever.

SSC in a nutshell ;)

Scotts normative determinism/kabbalism is both funny and such bullshit against the while Rationalism ideals and his own ideas that I think it will never not be funny none of his fans push back harder against it. (He does this kind of shit a lot, and even his fans started to do it. It is just free association with extra steps).

A lot of Rationalists' attempts at doing science from the arm chair are pattern matching on steroids, similar to pareidolia. This thing kinda looks like that other thing, there has to be a connection.
Unsung was his Mary Sue self insert saving the world through programming Hebrew even though all natural languages have ambiguity
So redoing snow crash but worse.
Those online pushing Judaism and Confucian-like philosophies as alternatives to anomie (Scott did promoting Judaism once) lack the "community to be dutiful" to outside of the internet/rationalist meetups

It’s only a matter of time before Rationalists stop worshipping random cognitive scientists and computer nerds (who maybe even believe the Copenhagen interpretation and for sure oppress poor little red tribers) and realize the true spiritual father of their movement has been Isidore of Seville all along

According to his supporters, this is a reference to Unsong, his novel


Could have been a good joke but he had to include that last sentence…

Couldst has't been a valorous gleek but he hadst to includeth yond last sentence *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Actually it makes me wonder if there’s an etymological connection.