r/SneerClub archives
primalpoly wants your opinion on permission to use word (first letter unspecified) (https://i.redd.it/0rul9k4xf5s71.jpg)

I’m not thinking of any particular word

sure you’re not.

Slurs are a set of words, not a single particular one
There are many words that start with n.

Tell people you’re a white person who wants to say the n word without etc

> wokelets Getting a pretty clear picture of what word he isn't thinking of.
get primal polys next paper, Screenshotting on twitter a sign of psychopathy: A case study
Writing a scientific article to talk about your posting enemies is peak online. Hope he does it because it would be rich mine of sneers.
Wait aren't psychopaths good now according to evopsych folks? Didn't they reclaim psychopathy or something
lol what was the tweet he deleted
Probably the one where he esposed the racist Great Replacement theory. https://twitter.com/evopsychgoogle/status/1446069144302997506
How... unsurprising.
Amazing that the greatest heterodox, rational thinkers of our generation all believe the same claptrap.
That's because heterodox just means conservative.
No way! What Geoff actually thinks is happening is [10k word blog post where I minutely attack every flaw of liberalism while mentioning once it's great. Also, I somehow endorse monachism at the end. Not a conservative, btw, because I like sex with multiple partners].
Argh screenshots also make it less easy to mob people, actually having to type in (or better, search the text post because the username was edited out) makes attacking people harder. This is basic shit. (Im talking about his earlier post). A quote tweet actually makes mobbing back easier if the quote tweeter is only having a few followers. E: Also openly woke nazipunching effeminate soybois braver than dogwhistleing whitenat eugenicfanboys who pretend to be cavemen in their harem.
the virgin chud being forced to log off for a week for death threats vs the chad antifa catgirl on her 1312th account banned for posting 🥚 at stefan molyneux
>the accused shall enjoy the right to be confronted with the witnesses gainst him.
Coward should just say the word he likes to say

A pressing research question at the Your Casually Racist Aunt Institute of Linguistics.

I think this is one of the cases in which sneerers go beyond lighthearted fun, and seriously and outrageously misrepresent the Rationalist-adjacent community. How can you call them *casually* racist? After all the work they poured in rationalizing their racism with pseudoscience! All those sleepless nights spent on measuring skulls, and reading just enough of genetics that you use the correct jargon when reeeing at black people existing! After all the 10k words culture war posts they laboriously wrote! No dear sir, they are *committed and very involved* racists! Anything that denies how deeply and enthusiastically they answered their calling, how much time they devoted on it, and how sincerely concerned they are with it is just cheap slander that we should not stand for!
I have to admit, you got me in the first sentence. Great post.
I wanted those initials to spell something better than YCRAIL.
Casually Racist Aunt Collective for Knowledge, Polyamory & Other Topics
Haha A+
thought you were going somewhere else when I hit the k
Facebook Aunt Institute of Linguistics?
Meanwhile, actual Black academics have deep and thoughtful conversations about whether even a member of the affected community can reclaim such a painful word. But these guys make it a game for a Twitter poll.
Any reading recommendations?
I'm sorry, I actually don't have any. I only know of it peripherally as something discussed in a sociology class I took. I believe Maya Angelou was one such person who believed that you can't reclaim the n-word, which might be a starting point.
this is pretty far from a reading recommendation, but The Coup (Boots Riley's rap group) has a song called *I Ain't the N\*\*\*a* detailing his discomfort with the word edit: does the backslash escape not work anymore?!

“If my friends can call me an asshole endearingly, then it’s okay for everyone else to call me names, too”

Some content that gets posted on SneerClub I feel like I need to downvote because reading it makes me dumber.

That means the sneering is working.

Welcome to 2021, where the Rationalists are redoing 2010 internet atheists racism.


Come on guys maybe we should hear them out, it might not be rac…..(19 seconds into hearing him out)….and its racist!

I’m betting the word is not “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”

What a fucking setup. Like you don’t say it all the time.

How does such a smart person in evolutionary psychology have such bad takes on politics and economics (seeing what he tweets about crypto)

"Why does such an erudite and well respected alchemist has such dumb takes about actual chemistry?" I think the answer is in the question if you look a bit more closely
Look I’m not crazy about EvoPsych either but this dude has dozens of papers that are well respected among serious scientists, some that I even read in class. It’s always jarring to see crazy rambling on Twitter of someone you thought was normal. I’m sure it’s happened to you.
I really hesitate to compare him to accomplished scientists throughout history, but science is rife with people who have made extraordinary contributions to their fields, but are absolute pieces of shit in their personal or political lives. The only real answer I have is that the brain worms can be somewhat selective about what parts of the brain they choose to infect.
Isnt this even something which has a name, where nobel prize winners go full crank in unrelated fields?
Thanks! And yikes, should have known that name, rather obvious in retrospect.