r/SneerClub archives
"Think about the phrase "fully automated luxury Communism" in the context of "speedrunning" and I strongly suspect that things will start to 'click' in your mind." (https://mobile.twitter.com/bronzeswords/status/1449345260207828995)

alternative sexual archetypes in the marketplace (‘fastest mario’)

>They are aiming to make a new sexual archetype, based upon 'speed' rather than 'doing things right' and refuse ownership of what few innovations they can provide to their own scene, denying creativity within their very own sexual archetype. >This is necessarily leftist. 12/15
its actually so bad that the most effective form of sneering is just posting unedited quotes
There's a standard Internet phenomenon (I generalize) of a Sneer Club of people who enjoy getting together and picking on designated targets. Sneer Clubs (I expect) attract people with high Dark Triad characteristics, which is (I suspect) where Asshole Internet Atheists come from - if you get a club together for the purpose of sneering at religious people, it doesn't matter that God doesn't actually exist, the club attracts psychologically f'd-up people. Bullies, in a word, people who are powerfully reinforced by getting in what feels like good hits on Designated Targets, in the company of others doing the same and congratulating each other on it. E.g. my best guess is that RationalWiki started out as a Sneer Club targeted on homeopathy, and then they decided that since they were such funny and incisive skeptics they ought to branch out into writing about everything else, like the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. Dark Lord Potter (I infer) aggregated as a Sneer Club targeted at Harry Potter fics they considered inferior, mated with a self-conceptualized elite fanfiction forum for properly dark, gritty, adult HP fics - the most elite HP forum on the Internet, or so they considered themselves. HPMOR came along and was critically acclaimed by mainstream authors despite not (then) being dark and gritty, and it was by an outsider. So the sneering club encountered something that seemed to threaten their status. There is also a common attitude that nerds are designated bullying-targets; or to write it out at slightly greater length, people who talk about science are acting like they think they're snootier than you, which is especially deserving of a slapdown since the person is probably just some nerd in their mother's basement. The result is not surprising. It's basically the same reason RationalWiki went after LessWrong with "HP fic that mentions science like that makes it snooty" substituted for "skeptics who talk about probability theory like that makes them snooty". I don't think this is complicated enough for me to need to write it out in Professor Quirrell's voice. To be clear, there are all sorts of people in the world who legitimately don't enjoy Methods for any number of reasons, but if you want to understand the tone of the posts you see on DLP you'll do better if you understand the concept of a Sneer Club. The natural response of a low-Dark-Triad non-bully who encounters HPMOR and doesn't enjoy it is to stop reading it, maybe with a small note of gratitude to the author for warning them in advance to give up if it wasn't fun by chapter ten. To hate hate hate a vegetable stew and everyone who ever said they liked it, you need to have something else going on inside your head besides having tasted the stew and having said "bleah" that one time.
Can I get this but with emojis thrown into it like croutons in a salad?
Beautiful. Simply beautiful.
It's honestly relieving to know you didn't spend all that time putting those in there lol
Your comment is so bad.Just so dumb.
We all knew that Aunt Mildred had gone Bolshevik when she ceded control over her cherry coke salad recipe to the church cookbook.
damn he's been talking to my ex it'sa me, fastest mario
New flair possibility just dropped
I will no longer consider Scott's head.
kinda jealous tbh
You are a person of taste and refinement.

Kind of weird to dismiss a hobby where people spend roughly one bajillion hours to shave off one frame rule as not caring about “doing it right”, but hey, you do you, bro.

A “speedrunner” may well spend hours a day at their craft, but this is ultimately a meaningless exercise, since they will ultimately accomplish exactly that which is done in less collective time by a casual player.

Except they … literally and quantitatively won’t?

The whole twitter thread is a trainwreck. It's late or I might going over it to go over its points and assumptions, just to compare how many are incorrect factually vs those that are merely conceited.
Bro misunderstood the way to play the Twitter game. You win by *not* being the main character of the day.
You win by logging off.
But they're not enjoying it the way the author intended. The One Correct Way to enjoy games is to play them in exactly the same way the developer imagined while they were on their 20th 12 hour day in a row during crunch. Creativity isn't about coming up with new things - it's about passively consuming art. Games aren't about agency - they're about doing what you are supposed to do when you are supposed to do it. Just like following orders. Obviously, anyone who tries to tell you games involve "fun" is a cultural marxist.

Our resident “classical liberal PhD student” takes us on a logical journey through the meaning of speedrunning, and how it is a “necessarily leftist” process of 1) making work look easy so everyone will become communists, and 2) seeking poontang without the prerequisite of doing useful work like Elon Musk.

> Everyone always says that "speedruns" look easy. That is part of the aesthetic. 5/14 Seems like it's also part of the aesthetic of dance, gymnastics, playing musical instruments, Bob Ross... The reaction is "what's impossible for me looks easy for them", not "I could do that".
What kind of brainworms would one have to have to arrive at that conclusion?
Further proof that no level of educational attainment can cure wilful idiocy.

god this would be so good if it was parody

just look at the way he writes!


why did you put quotes around ‘peanut gallery’ I’m actually losing it oh my god

> god this would be so good if it was parody Wait, it's not? The username + the Mass Effect profile pic made me convinced that it was absolutely peak satire.
if so then his entire twitter account is an elaborate bit and I have a lot of respect for the guy
> I see some preemptive bristling (so to speak) at my forthcoming thoughts on "speedrunning" and leftism. And also > By now, I am sure that I have bothered a number of you and rustled quite a few of your feathers. [mwah]
"preemptive bristling" is the new foreplay. Man is a poet.

What happens to the individual in this? Individual accomplishment in “speedrunning” is simply waiting for another person to steal your techniques in order to defeat you.

Where is something like “intellectual property” or “patent” in this necessarily communitarian process?

Like sure, I understand finding speedrunning pointless, but has he ever… competed in something?

Individual accomplishment in “tag” is simply waiting for another person to steal your techniques in order to defeat you.

Individual accomplishment in “chess” is simply waiting for another person to steal your techniques in order to defeat you.

Individual accomplishment in “100-metre dash” is simply waiting for another person to steal your techniques in order to defeat you.

I always knew that using your legs was a communist plot.

Reminds of some right-wingers arguing that open-source software is cultural marxism.

The goal is the illusion of speed and the desire (SUBCONSCIOUS) to promote radical leftist, borderline Communist ideals of how easy work is.

“Work is very easy and all in all we have no complaints.” - Eugene Debs

Speedrunning Gender (Youtube, 2021) (18:39)

Hey everyone, doing some gender speedrunning and just wanted to show you how to do a frame skip that lets you get extra trans drugs AND the revised passport upgrade even before you hit the name change gate. Go to the local NHS clinic and lean against the wall and jump up and down as fast as you can. There’s a bug in the geometry that will let you shoot up to the second floor AND it makes the nurses and doctors think you’re there for an actual appointment instead of an appointment for a consultation for an appointment for a consultation.

I… I really think this is a parody. I mean, it has to be, right? Even going into the whole exception that proves the rule?

Please… please be parody.

Then again, if it were parody, there would’ve been lobsters in there… Fuck. It’s real.


New York’s hottest club is “Conrad Golden.” This place has everything! The Left’s lack of work ethic! A new sexual archetype! MTV’s Jordan Peterson and his broader oeuvre, and clicking for everyone! What’s clicking? Your brain on the phrase “fully automated luxury Communism” in the context of “speedrunning.”

The first tweet is comically bad in itself, in particular the “1/14”

Why Pink-Haired Anime Chicks Won't Date Me part 14 of 88

“We affirm that the world’s magnificence has been enriched by a new beauty: the beauty of speedrunning.”

I wholeheartedly reject the notion of “Petersonian sense”

He left out the best parts of Fully-Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism.

he’s trying to imply the Left are bad lovers who go off as quickly as possible

my own sexual archetype is tantric 12-hour completion with a single half-press of ‘O’

I have literally no idea how this relates to /r/SneerClub, but I have a lot more followers on twitter than this asshole, and I can at least form a complete sentence so I’m leaving it up because it’s funny

Slightly concerned that one of my twitter mutuals, for whom I have a lot of respect, follows the asshole, but I assume it’s out of naked curiosity, rather than because he agrees with the aforementioned asshole

Already got this to /r/enoughpetersonspam 5 hours ago 🦞
Oh the halcyon days when I quit modding that sub because the motivation was good but the users were shit… Haven’t been on there in ages
You and every other mod, including myself. MapsofScreaming maintained it well until going dark about a month ago, so I brought on some new mods from the community. Hopefully it can spin off entirely from /r/badphil. It seems active enough.
iirc this 'True Classical Liberal' is also just a neo-nazi type (iirc that was my conclusion the last time this guy was the main character (but I have no way to back this up at all, so take this with even more doubt than normal)). If you just block everybody this person follows your twitter prob is a better place. E: But he clearly isnt sneerclub related, he is just youtube bullshit related, going from his follow list.


Does it make me masochist if I actually want to hear more of what he has to say?

It’s like a weird fascination. I want to know the exact chain of “facts” and “logic” that led to whatever the fuck THAT is.

Also this is the first time I’ve seen the term “Petersonian”, and I already wish it didn’t exist.

Have you heard of how lobsters disprove hierarchies being social constructs? I haven't, but Peterson sure as hell has.



Btw, "glitchless" runs are boring af

this might be the best twitter thread of all time