r/SneerClub archives
Yud complains about Puritan doctors who don't know how science works treating obesity with diet and exercise (https://twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/status/1455784816008318979)


Yeah I'm not sneering at how difficult it is to lose weight, I'm sneering at Yud who thinks that the reason that he can't lose weight by just popping a pill with zero personal effort is that doctors and scientists are all dumber than him
Looking forward to his rationalist Grey's Anatomy fic
Wait did he get any writer’s credit for House, MD?
Wait what? Or am I wooshing?
Merely a joke about another famous rationalist tv personality/asshole.
Ah right, for a moment I was just thinking he actually helped writing on the tv show, of course, if I had actually used my thinkmeat, I would have realized that he would have never worked on a show which says 'It is never lupus'.
What does Scotland have to do with this?
Two weeks of driving around Scotland saw me gain 5kg. Breakfast ain’t breakfast without black AND white pudding…
Did you try the deep fried pizza? I don’t live in Scotland anymore, but one night after 24 years of stalling I finally gave it a shot when I was drunk and the only place still open had it: a shitty frozen pizza from the supermarket dipped in the deep fat fryer. I paid my money, got the box, took it home, ate a bite, and immediately rushed to the shared toilet in my grad student flat to violently throw up.
Can’t believe I missed out! My wife is from Bondi, the home of the deep fried Mars Bar, if that counts
The Australians are claiming the deep-fried Mars Bar now? Lad, those are fighting fuckin’ words.
The Scots would fit right in the American South!
There’s a possibly urban (or in this case rural) legend story that modern fried chicken originates with Scottish immigrants who moved to the Southern Appalachias, so that it spread from there. I have no idea how true that is but at the thin end of the wedge it has at least a ring of truth. These days most of the deep frying - besides KFC or whatever - goes on in fish and chips shops (chippies), which probably originate in England, but the difference in a Scottish chippy is that they’ll deep fry fucking anything: the English ones do mainly fried fish, sausage, and maybe black pudding, whereas my local when I lived in Edinburgh did everything from pakora to pizza, and also had a BYOB style policy where they’d fry any old shit you brought in so long as it was (by their standards) fit for human consumption. Incidentally I’d love to make a trip to the American South again: I still have friends in Tennessee I keep in touch with from when I worked there. Great food, great booze, great music (especially in Memphis and/or when I’m on stage). Incidentally, I just got back a few weeks ago from Kosovo, and they go mad for KFC over there: McDonald’s doesn’t even operate in the country besides like one or two restaurants, Burger King seems to have secured a sort of exclusivity agreement, and KFC jumped in; doesn’t matter though, the homegrown Doner and Burger chains are all way better anyway.
I'm thinking the purpose of the statement was to try to minimize the risk that *someone* (like say Yudkowsky) who was exercising before would take that medicine instead of exercising. And then lo and behold, a few years later there is a study finding a correlation between using that medicine and death, even controlling for the usual confounding factors. Because physical inactivity is quite bad for you, and as far as modern drugs for old conditions go, most are just barely effective enough for statistical significance in a large large study. edit: And of course, any clinical trials had the treatment group and the control group, control group receiving a placebo, both groups being told to diet and exercise. I wonder how he proposes his trial gets run, tell both groups not to exercise? Talk to their doctors so they also won't tell trial participants to exercise? You can't just withdraw standard of care from people who are getting the placebo, or for that matter from the half who are getting a drug that may not even work.
Because rationalists tend to view formal policy as the only way they can resolve personal problems - they tend to view actual social networks (outside of rationalist ones to practice rationalism) as irrational. Hey why no rationalist exercise club
policy issue? or personal issue?
I think I was pretty clear I’m juxtaposing the two?

Iirc it was primalpoly who dismisses people who worry about climate change if they cant explain one specific scientific climate effect. Good to see Yud continues this tradition and expands it to the entirety of science. (E: yes: https://twitter.com/primalpoly/status/1257044394470895616 sorry no link to the relevant time we discussed it here).

(Why not use some of the spare EA money to setup a research grant for just this? Sure, might not be effective nor altrustic, but neither is wanting to make physical copies of HPMOR (Yes, im using this one minor budget suggestion which didnt go past the planning stage to dismiss EA, as a Sneertionalist, I am aware of my Hypocrisies)).

Oh you worry about climate change? Name every climate
Sky wets or no sky wets?
>Yes, im using this one minor budget suggestion which didnt go past the planning stage to dismiss EA, as a Sneertionalist, I am aware of my Hypocrisies You sir/ma'am have lost all your intellectual credibility on this fine sub! You fiend! You are a liar and a scumbag!
>Iirc it was primalpoly who dismisses people who worry about climate change if they cant explain one specific scientific climate effect lol Doesn’t he work out of New Mexico?
I dont know, ~~tried looking for the sneerclub post btw, but could not find it so far. So might have been somebody else.~~ It was him, for some reason I was worried it might have been the conceptual sword guy (And for the record, im not jealous of a guy having cool swords, not one bit).
That or he's been a ghost all along...

As usual, a Rationalist thought leader complains about other people not doing the right kind of work, while also not doing any of that work themselves.

Remember when scott proposed the lash in place of jailtime? Rationalists tend to look at real world problems and propose the most outlandish solutions

Damn, sounds like a fan thing for self-test if semaglutide wasn’t as expensive for my budget.

I don’t think this tweet was intended to be sarcastic, but it is a nice sneer if you read it as sarcastic

and on the same day as “drug prices should be higher, actually” [discourse](https://twitter.com/dylanmatt/status/1455594485073727490?s=21)!
It is funny that 15 years ago already, people giving innovation management courses were slightly skeptical about how the word was becoming more and more a buzzword (one of the professors collected bullshit products with minor changes (like a new shape of a shampoo bottle, or a new smell) which loudly proclaimed 'INNOVATION!' on the product). And with ... damn what was that 'law' called, where any metric used for measuring social/economic issues eventually gets useless for that purpose due to people gaming the rule ... I wonder how much worse it has gotten. E: The disgraced Nathan has a point here: https://twitter.com/NathanJRobinson/status/1455619535625654282
[Goodhart's law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goodhart%27s_law), maybe?
That one yes. Thanks