r/SneerClub archives
Whats the EA position on bringing back sexual harradment in the workplace? (https://i.redd.it/6c3nz1rj1dy71.jpg)

What does this even mean, and how on Earth does he imagine he’s in a position to know? Unless maybe he’s workshopping some fiction, this is an utterly nonsensical statement.

Has Eliezer lost faith in the sparky elites? https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/CKpByWmsZ8WmpHtYa/competent-elites
oh my god this is gold > Interesting question: If I'm not judging Brooks by the goodness o his AI theories, what is it that made him seem smart to me? I don't remember any stunning epiphanies in his presentation at the Summit. I didn't talk to him very long in person. He just came across as... formidable, somehow. gee, I wonder. I love when the rhetorical parentheses actually torpedo their own argument. > I tried—once—going to an interesting-sounding mainstream AI conference that happened to be in my area. I met ordinary research scholars and looked at their posterboards and read some of their papers. I watched their presentations and talked to them at lunch. And they were way below the level of the big names. I mean, they weren't visibly incompetent, they had their various research interests and I'm sure they were doing passable work on them. And I gave up and left before the conference was over, because I kept thinking "What am I even doing here?" > An intermediate stratum, above the ordinary scientist but below the ordinary CEO, is that of, say, partners at a non-big-name venture capital firm. The way their aura feels to me, is that they can hold up one end of an interesting conversation, but they don't sound very original, and they don't sparkle with extra life force. > ... > Hedge-fund people sparkle with extra life force. At least the ones I've talked to. Large amounts of money seem to attract smart people. No, really. fucking cackling that Yud reinvented charisma in 2008 Incidentally, I have found it very hard to see such "auras" in the WFH era, when you are on a video call with cameras off. These people are just SMEs who, unlike AI researchers, have to talk for their job. In person, it probably helps that they are often white men with the type of confident, upper-class mannerisms appropriate for their field.
"Only a game designed by nerds would have 'charisma' as a fantasy power." ---Grunkle Stan
> Hedge-fund people sparkle with extra life force yud hasn’t heard of cocaine and Botox
There's intelligence and charisma, numerical and verbal intelligence, book smarts and people skills, etc Then there's specialists and glib snollgosters. No, really.
>Now, admittedly, this was a closed conference run by people clueful enough to think "Let's invite Eliezer Yudkowsky"  So they were quite dumb, okay
Fun fact about Steve Jurvetson the guy he opens the article praising- he got MeTooed and forced out of his VC firm in 2017. Funny Yud didn't get a sketchy vibe from him.
“Sparkly Elites: A Class-based Examination of *Twilight”* was the title of my Masters thesis.
Is every single EY post some combination of (1) axe-grinding to support cherished beliefs, (2) a rant against the hated outgroup, and (3) an exercise in cherrypicking data to support the beloved hypothesis? It just gets tiring.
Dear lord -- how many ribs did he have to have surgically removed to be able to suck his own dick like that?!?
God had to remove one in order to make the Basilisk.
> He gave off a visible aura of competence. (Though not a thousand-year vampire aura of terrifying swift perfection like E.T. Jaynes's carefully crafted book.) Thanks for reminding me that according to Yud, [the best parts of "A logic of science" are the rants against frequentists](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/kXSETKZ3X9oidMozA/the-level-above-mine).
I love how many people you lucky [ten thousands with this](https://xkcd.com/1053/). To everybody reading this for the first time: [Welcome, to sneerclub.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ep_blZhvI2A)

He knows Mad Men isn’t real, right?

… right?

This further cements my view that rationalists believe fiction is, in fact, nonfiction. This is why they focus so much on AGI: to avoid Skynet, a fictional villain!
Furthermore they believe all nonfiction is fiction.

And how will we calculate tables of numbers without hiring large quantities of people to perform mathematical operations and check each others’ tabulations for arithmetic errors?!

How are we supposed to transmit knowledge from one generation of worker to another without bards singing campfire songs?!

For this reason we must funnel resources to solve the AI getting angry problem

You know Eliezer, it’s too bad that there’s no way for these talented executives and ops people of the past to have passed down their ideas - obviously blogs didn’t exist yet, but maybe they could have tried making indelible marks on some kind of long-lasting material such as paper? Just spitballing here, but maybe they could have written a whole series of these proto-“blog posts”, and bound them all together with some kind of outer protective covering. Or maybe they could have given interviews that themselves were written down or recorded somehow. Truly a shame that such things were never developed so there’s no way for us to know what people in the past did or thought was important until the creation of the blog in the late 90s.

It is fun to imagine Yudkowsky cracking a vintage Peter Drucker management book to look for the ruthless counsels of post-war American genius and instead getting >...I have serious reservations about capitalism as a system because it idolizes economics as the be-all and end-all of life. It is one-dimensional. For example, I have often advised managers that a 20–1 salary ratio between senior executives and rank-and-file white-collar workers is the limit beyond which they cannot go if they don’t want resentment and falling morale to hit their companies.
It is impressive how often people who are methaphorically very deep into capitalism are actually not that pro capitalism and are worried about it. What is scary is that even they are powerless to stop it or change course. The robotgod is already here people and it will not stop till everything is profitorium.
Which is one of the reasons he won't ever do it - if you never actually do any research on the things you want to opine about, you never have to confront the possibility that you might be wrong.
That wouldn’t work as well as whatever was in their precious DNA fluids apparently. (Channeling Dr. Strangelove here..)


Yeah it’s not hard to see how he might struggle to write a blog post. It’s a good thing there are experts on leadership and organisational growth that can help you improve your orgs culture and that it’s not reliant on some numpty with a glory days fantasy and a Twitter account.
Management consulting?
Leadership and management are different things with some overlap.
This is some high level Duning-Kruger effect.

Reactionaries always want back to an imagined past, a lost glory which should be regained from the degenerate current times. So congrats on going mask off there. Also that sprinkling of genetics is destiny added in for taste.

It’s not a cake without the genetics-is-destiny icing. But I really even wonder if that’s true. Surely people were cranking out babies in the 50s. What the hell is he even talking about!
He is doing some weird wordplay with 'of their heritage' so you could sort of imagine he wasn't actually talking about eugenics or breeding, but just people not following in their parents footsteps and actually going into art, or just doing LSD as a 70s commie hippie!
Also, I think you’re being too generous! Wether or not he would admit it, he’s totally talking about genes 😂
Fair, he prob is. He prob would be more explicit if he wasn't. More 'words words words'
It’s a fb post after all, he need not whittle his words down lol
So genes aren’t as predictive of outcomes as they would have us think! Oy the double think is soooo strong. But wrt LSD, per the whole recent LW discussion about Ziz in the comments section of that person who was semi-awakening from the cult brainwash of CFAR etc, I have gleaned that Yud is not into people doing psychedelics
I just used LSD as a reference to the 70s and how the kids of 50s people would prob be into that tbh. Nothing deeper than that.
You’re in too far. You’re now an EY-opinion maximizer. You know too much!! Get out now! Lol
Oh yea I know. It just jived with something else I had recently learned about his wonderful and all important opinions.
I read that as "Surly people" and you weren't wrong at all
Lol! That too!
I just wanna be [a gong farmer, or a nightman](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gong_farmer). And not totally sure if that is a valid link to make (witch hunts to reactionary (esp as you can be reactionary for a few more time periods, see the tankies)) but it is a funny coincidence. And tbh I think they more want to be rabbis, at least scott ar wanted this, because it would give him beter access to quality women via arranged marriages.
**[Gong farmer](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gong_farmer)** >Gong farmer (also gongfermor, gongfermour, gong-fayer, gong-fower or gong scourer) was a term that entered use in Tudor England to describe someone who dug out and removed human excrement from privies and cesspits. The word "gong" was used for both a privy and its contents. As the work was considered unclean and off-putting to the public, gong farmers were only allowed to work at night, hence they were sometimes known as nightmen. The waste they collected, known as night soil, had to be taken outside the city or town boundary or to official dumps for disposal. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)
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For real, this nerd has all his self-esteem tied up in being an “intellectual” and it’s sad.

I’m sure he loves the new name for the facebook umbrella

Lmao imagine Socrates non ironically posting on Facebook

Facebook: for when your cult recruitment growth strategy froze in 2008

Don't insult Socrates, this is pure Aristotle.
Don't insult Aristotle, this is pure Alain de Botton (who does actually post shit like this on Facebook)
idk his facebook posts, but judging by his school of life videos, this is too desexualized for Botton.

Eliezer sits alone in his room, trying to think of a blog post he could compose that will turn anyone who reads it into a perfect management adept.

He reads the Wikipedia page about mad men, and pauses. “No, this is no good. Nothing here will literally reprogram a human brain for me.”

Solemnly he silently offers an acausal trade to a future friendly AI, just in case.

The trade must have been rejected, though, as he is left to stare at the blank file titled “how to making more people being good executives?”

*I bet I could write a fanfiction on this...*

I like how his metric for how hard a problem is is just like, “can I imagine writing a blog post that solves it?”

Yudkowsky: we need more executives like they had in the 1950s

Executives in December 1953: sorry, we’re busy meeting at the Plaza to plan our campaign of sowing doubt about smoking causing cancer

Probably why they died too
Yeah, I can't even imagine what power he feels they have lost.

“Almost all of the talented executives and ops people were in 1950”, huh? Major boomer energy from someone born in the disco era.

>from someone born in the disco era I like that. The disco generation. Gives me heavy Disco Elysium vibes.

i came across this sub on accident and i absolutely fuckin love it.

I still to this day have no fucking clue what the sub description is trying to say, or why it's called sneerclub, it's almost as if it's been engineered to not make any sense or have a clear defined identity, and yet the sub is great solely because it's populated by the right kind of people, seemingly mainly leftists, all instinctually united together by their distaste for these "rationalist" blokes.
That is actually just a quote from Yud himself (it is about [his fanfiction](https://www.reddit.com/r/HPMOR/comments/2n3yh5/what_is_it_with_dark_lord_potter_and_hpmor/cmad6x3/?context=3) ). He got so mad at people who criticize him he wrote that post. And thus, Sneerclub was born. He has also declared sneerclub the most evil. [Clearly, we do hit people with glasses](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfvKvTlQHuw), or wait... perhaps we are the people with glasses.
Oh my god. This makes me so happy.
Lol, the first few pages of the megathread he is mad about are pretty positive even. 3/5 stars. So no idea what happend there. People seemed pretty annoyed with Yud in the end however. > I read through it - it is, at the very least, a long, technically good (spelling, grammar) somewhat original story. > Even if the author is so far up his own ass that he probably resembles a Klein bottle... Personally I liked it (hpmor I mean), even if it isn't a good guide to rationality nor STEM. (Prob a good guide to Rationalist Ideology as imagined by Yud however, with the whole anti death thing). e: lol wow: > I think calling the author an arrogant prick is unfair though, after reading more about him. I now believe that the only reason the universe is in constant expansion is to try to fit this man ego, and the black hole that will destroy everything will be created by how far he stuck his head into his ass.
Tis a wonderful place.

I think this dude needs to focus on using correct language and grammar before he worries about making new executives 😅

does this mean he is waiting for the return of jfk jr?

Nah more like Eisenhower
Yud read the first paragraph of Robert McNamara's wiki article and thought "we need to emulate this!"

jesus christ


With his being in the bay area, it seems a safe assumption that if he had been talking about something concrete and if he knew something about the fifties, this post would have been about the beginning of the semiconductor industry.

I imagine that if he was around in the 50s he wouldn’t even recognize the importance of transistors, and in the impossible event that he did he would laud Shockley (who was a very non politically correct big brain and also an asshole) and lament his cancellation by overly sjw (for the time) employees that left him en masse due to his asshole behavior and his claiming credit for the work of others.

Of course realistically he knows fuck all about management in the 1950s he’s just sucking up to some wannabes today.

Saving the world, one blog post at a time

Hoe can I make a blog post to teach people how to exploit their workers harder. It is beyond even his power

Thought that EA in your title stood for Electronic Arts for a moment.

Oh no, it’s much worse than that!


Does he think leadership abilities are hereditary or something