r/SneerClub archives
[META] : hmmmmm... “similar to r/SneerClub”... (https://i.redd.it/5by16plier081.jpg)

Oof algorithms deal a deeper cut to sc than any troll ever could.

(Assuming it is a pro ben, and not anti ben sub (E: it is disgustingly pro ben)).

Too late, we have been owned. Close.It.Down.
I’m British and trained in academic philosophy: nobody can own me without my owning them back far more indisputably and viciously, except autocorrect
I’m from the land of haggis, Buckfast, and deep fried mars bars, I have far greater depths of depravity than that
Yorkshire pudding bows down to haggis, well-known fact.
I love both, but yes.
> British > owning them back. Just as the germans are always planning the next world war, the brits are planning for slavery again. Guess brexit isn't going well.
You’re Dutch my man, you ain’t getting away with “owning people” jokes
Hey, owning people and blackface!
I always think the funniest thing about zwarte piet is you could have picked a lighter shade and (a) it’d be a closer representation of your traditional colonial holdings and (b) the Americans would probably be too confused for it to be a massive drama cycle every year
It is all fucking weird, this year they tried 'gray petes' in some places as some sort of half concession and people are still mad about it. (not incorrectly btw, sure on some pictures it looks actually grey, but on the street it looks just like normal blackface). What is the most crazy about this, a few years ago, before this all reached culture war levels of crazy (which is not to say it wasn't a problem at the time, we have been talking about this being a bit racist for 40 years at least), we had a year where the boat of Sinterklaas went through a rainbow before he arrived here, so all the petes had different colors (at least iirc, I tbh do not pay any attention to the childrens event) on the television show. Always thought that idea was a good alternative. (E: looked it up, it was in 2006 they did the rainbow event. (while sinterklaas is mostly decentralized, our national tv has a kids show with a plotline each year, so that is fun (it also changes a bit each year, so it is another one of those things where the 'black pete should stay black because of our traditions' people are simply wrong about the nature of the whole event (we also no longer threaten kids with abductions and beatings), in 2019 the horse (normally a white horse with spots) was replaced by a black horse who one of the petes was secretly painting behind sinterklaas his back for example)). I'm going to tell my kids this was [sinterklaas with his helpers](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/roalddahl/images/0/0a/51sXp25L0iL._SX466_.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20180305234635).
I told Sandifer to invent a fictional superintelligence that is sufficiently intellgent to realise that it too is a dumbass, and 500 IQ just lets it be a dumbass faster don't see many of those in fiction
Does not help that trolls here are pretty disappointing. Maybe rationalists are so scared of computers taking over because the average AI is already wittier than them?
To be fair to the Rationalists, they don't send their best here.
Their best leave the cult and don't look back.

Honestly it kind of makes sense. I’d be shocked if there wasn’t significant overlap between the people who browse this subreddit and the people who browse subreddits about people like Ben Shapiro. I’m not saying that people who sub here are fans of him or anything, but chances are people who pay attention to rationalists probbaly also pay attention to pretty much everyone who is part of that same general ecosystem (including IDW types).

Really weird way to spell Jazz there Ben.
If you like socialism so much why don't you go to Venezuela? ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: feminism, climate, healthcare, sex, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)
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user reports:

1: It’s promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability

Like I get it if you’re deliberately taking the piss and trying to get a rise out of the mods: that’s a laudable and time-honoured way to have fun. But if you actually think this - and I know there’s people out there who do, especially with regard to this subreddit - you’re incredibly full of shit.

i need like a history write up of this sub since i’m kinda new - i get the feeling that this place has been brigaded or mistaken for something else many times before lol
My elevator pitch for SneerClub is in the second sticky at the top, but I can give it here anyway Many years ago, a guy who later became my IRL friend started a sub called /r/badphilosophy - devoted primarily to philosophy grad students who wanted to blow off steam about bad takes on philosophy both on and offline - which at one point became overwhelmed with posts about a guy called Eliezer Yudkowsky. /r/SneerClub was spun off from /r/badphilosophy to handle that and Yudkowsky content was banned from the original sub. Yud is a Silicon Valley quote unquote “influencer” who started a website called “LessWrong” - as well as contributing to a blog called “OvercomingBias” with GMU economist Robin Hanson, also a designated target of this sub. Anyway all this adds up to Yud writing something he calls “The Sequences”, which is a sort of massive encyclopaedia of his dumb and astonishingly arrogant ruminations on philosophy and science, and this sub is based on the premise that those ruminations are dumb. However, over time that so to speak “mission statement” got broader, and came to include dunking on people like Steven Pinker and Peter Thiel and Elon Musk for that same - arguably dangerous - hubris, even if they’re not totally aligned on all issues. Finally, a subset of the things that happen here - bearing in mind the preferred tone of the sub is humorous and casual - a bunch of people here are so to speak “refugees”, including victims of some pretty serious abuse, of the broader Yud circle.
i appreciate this, thanks!

Kyle did nothing wrong I don’t get y’all defending a pedo and a rapist. Strange times

doin ur mom