r/SneerClub archives


i would assume he means that he’s grateful for making a lot of money but i wouldn’t put it past Yud to feel gratitude towards the abstract concept of money existing

it’s telling, re: his general target audience, that Miller feels the need to start with a caveat of “don’t commit basic conversational sins”

Except "virtue signaling" isn't a basic conversational sin so much as a slur that rightists hurl at leftists.
Eh, it's probably just that he's on Twitter. I hear bad things about that place.

This has to be sarcasm. There’s no way this isn’t sarcasm. I’m serious, can someone please confirm that EY is being sarcastic?

Yeah, that looks like a joke to me. [Money money money!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3r5byXcQMGg) He could have also gone for [a different joke.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWMPVn1kgIQ)

Thanks, Yud. Thud.

… and all the fools parted from it!