r/SneerClub archives
The debate was over: behavioral genetics was right, and the critics were wrong. Gould, Lewontin, Shalizi, the whole sorry pack—annihilated. (https://www.gwern.net/newsletter/2019/13#what-progress)


but his web design is top notch
Well, when you have that much time on your hands….
His website was created by Said Achmiz btw. Tbh I think Gwern is the least insane of all the rationalists.
I once described him as a Christ-child figure, almost perfectly innocent in a lot of respects, but I wouldn’t say that speaks to his sanity

Jesus, if you’re gonna be an idiot at least be quick about it

Or at the very least, if you’re going to be that verbose, state your fucking premises at the beginning

Per evopsychgoogle I feel it’d be nice to remind people of behavioral “genetics” achievements as a field:

-Parental environment isn’t real

-You can make a shitton of money grifting rich people promising the best IQ PGSes

-“Milk type used” is genetic

-Breeder’s equation works for humans too

It’s cool. I’m a multidisciplinary designer and I really love it when my field just hands me free opportunities for work.
second link wasn't working for me, so I tracked it down: https://twitter.com/SbotGwa/status/1463492947614261253

as R.A. Fisher pointed out, siblings inherit randomized genes from their parents and also grow up in shared environments, excluding all possibilities of confounding or reverse causation or population structure: if a PGS works between-siblings, it must be tapping into causal genes.

When you don’t know the formula for the variance of the sum of two random variables but still feel entitled to make sweeping claims about causality

I’m not given to shitting my pants, so it was quite a surprise to find that not a single pair of my underwear survived the year unsoiled.

Anyone with a tl;dr? Don’t want to give my clicks to a racist.
