r/SneerClub archives
Moldbug’s fans turn on him for advocating government action that curtail freedoms. (https://twitter.com/moldbugman/status/1467622187670593538?s=21)

Oh no! In a private agreement, unmolested by government interference, I offered to ferry this scorpion across the river… and then he fucking stings me!!!

Or “that is my nature”
[lol, lmao](https://img.ifunny.co/images/8751f503b6bc11e563421ceeec923eabfbf45f63ab2e8296f1b0cab1adeb4fa2_1.jpg)
Yeah that is what google image search came up with. It is interesting to note btw, the ifunny comment section is/was apparently a big alt right radicalization factor. [Source](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/ryanhatesthis/the-meme-app-ifunny-is-a-huge-hub-for-white-nationalists) no idea if they cranked down on it since but worrying.
The scorpion is also a badly drawn Goofy
“Let me tread on you”

This guy has been perusing Moldbug for like two decades and has still not understood that he wants an omnipotent state? Like, have we been reading the same author? And why is Yarvin experiencing a figurative death of the author when the only appropriate and very literal death of this particular author should be [redacted, it involves trains to Siberia]?

He’s a literal monarchist. You have to have shit tier reading comprehension to be surprised by this.
I think its just plain stupidity i.e. he couldn’t figure it out that a monarch could order him to do something he don’t want to do. He needed a specific example and before COVID he didn’t have one. The kind of monarchs that anyone has a hard on for (Peter the Great for example) would likely try and convict antivaxxers for treason, make them serfs, and forcibly vaccinate, if they faced the same issue. These guys and gals taxed and prohibited beards, for fuck’s sake. (Of course, also a plenty of monarchs were inefficient and stupid and would maybe be pro-covid; luck of the draw)
And as a fun add on, good monarchs go bad as they age and get crazy. There are plenty of documented examples of monarchs getting stiff and reactionary in their old age, or coming down with a fever and coming out ... different.
Yeah. Applies to dictators in general; e.g. Putin is getting more and more into annexations. I think a lot of Moldbug's crowd these days have in mind some Donald, Ivanka/Eric, etc kind of monarchy. They also take it for granted that Trump (or a Trump, anyway) is trying to please them. *Trump got booed for mentioning vaccines in positive light*. Like, what do you think an emperor would do if booed, especially if booed for what the emperor thinks is good governance? A royal imbecile that wouldn't get themselves vaccinated probably would be bad at survival in general and wouldn't be able to survive for very long; plenty of emperors and kings got coup'd in a matter of months. edit: bottom line is, while monarchy is an awful form of government, what ever Moldbug fans have in their imagination is somehow even worse. Monarchy, but only those they do not like get to suffer the effects, and the monarch can not have an average level of competence but has to be an idiot.
Yeah that's some dumb shit too. Those monarchs 1 didn't last long and 2 still meddled a lot more in day to day life and had large surveillance apparatus (even when it failed to avert a revolution). Unless they're talking of "monarchs" like today who are entirely superfluous and aren't what Moldbug is talking about.
Right? Moldbug is so straightforward in what he wants it's almost insulting. I sort of wondered when the anti-vaxx crowd was going to catch up to him, he's been saying this since like day 1 of the pandemic.

you come from a tribal affiliation known for its hypochondriac neuroticism

TIL the happy merchant has alt-text

Shows how easy it is for the fascists to turn on them.

I find Moldbug interesting the same way I find wasps that lay eggs inside other insects interesting.

Besides, subscribers were promised a proper book of essays for their money. 2 years and 00 later all I’ve got is pro-vaxx blog posts and bad poetry.


> BOOK OF ESSAYS > NO BAD POETRY "Ah, they got this all screwed up." > BOOK OF ESSAYS **?** > NO**,** BAD POETRY
Dude same hahahahaha. What the hell. Where’s my book!?

He’s right though Moldbug’s poetry is really shitty

im reading through that article that they’re all upset by

In a true lockdown—not a lockdown theater—no one leaves their house. Supplies are delivered.


dat passive voice
good thing Amazon's investing in drones, then /s

As someone else pointed out on twitter, these self described monarchists and fascists are just role playing liberals that want the government to be more racist. A king would not let hundreds of thousands of his people die because he’s worried about their bodily autonomy.

Yarvin is functionally an SF liberal. You won't see him moving to a red county/state.
As an SF liberal I must take offense to this. … … Ok done.
The fascists are actually liberals? You think people who want to get rid of rule of law and establish an ethnostate ran by a dictator, capable of controlling all aspect of the lives of people they dislike, are actually liberal? As a liberal I must take offense. I would say that the people claiming to be monarchists, and calling for the end of democracy, are in fact monarchists. The fact that they sound so stupid and contradictory while justifying their beliefs is just because they are not that smart of people. No, the reason why there are fascists making weak points about bodily autonomy, even though that's not traditionally considered part of fascism, is because of the link between right-wing libertarianism and fascism, and the link between those two isn't about liberal ideology, and is everything to do with how the followers of both these ideologies just pick whatever beliefs tell them they can screw over whoever they want and don't need to give a shit about other people.
> The fact that they sound so stupid and contradictory while justifying their beliefs is just because they are not that smart of people. Just because someone is an idiot doesn't mean that they aren't smart. That's why it's so hard to make anything idiot-proof.
>freedom for me, but not for thee That's been a foundational belief of many rightwingers for many decades.
Eh, the current of "We should have an enlightened despot to ensure liberal principles rather than mob rule" has a long and storied history in liberalism. It usually ends badly for people (quite often including the would-be despot) but it's a thing.
nah, "liberalism for me" has long rested upon "slavery for thee, it's structural u kno, we're working toward fixing it in an orderly and considered manner,"
> As a liberal Well, there was your first mistake

Because the thing that’s wrong with Moldbug’s beliefs is his PRO-VACCINE STANCE

Wait. Shouldn’t a properly ordered set of priors by the bug man have avoided this apostasy? Or maybe he didn’t plug the values into the truth formula properly?

remember how Yarvin scammed his fans previously with the Antiversity

and to think it could have been The University of Palo Alto

Moldbug is a fascist and urbit is just a digital gauleiter plan.

So…what did the deleted tweet say?

It’s not deleted for me. I bet you’re blocked. “Yarvin's latest Grey Mirror post on the virus was so wildly wrongheaded and bad that I am cancelling my paid subscription. Besides, subscribers were promised a proper book of essays for their money. 2 years and $200 later all I've got is pro-vaxx blog posts and bad poetry.”
Weird, I can see it too when I click through, it was just the preview picture in Reddit that showed it as deleted.
That's happened to me too, sometimes. Maybe Reddit's glob of servers intermittently has trouble fetching data from Twitter's glob of servers.
For some reason Twitter rate limits people coming from reddit Copying the URL and pasting it in a new tab (or refreshing) seems to work