r/SneerClub archives
Scoot to his deep-libertarian readers on charter cities. Including Praxis, the iron-pill neoreactionary planned community that totally isn't getting Thiel money. (http://web.archive.org/web/20211208012816/https://astralcodexten.substack.com/p/model-city-monday-12621)

This was what everyone was afraid of.


And from my time reading up on bitcoin bullshit, Scotts comments on Bukele seem a bit badly researched there are at least some rumors that the drop in homicides are due to Bukele making weird deals with criminals. Also the past months homicides rates have spiked and he is using the army to combat it. It is back up to 40 per day. (Weird Scott uses an article from may and not a more recent one).

And for why the buttcoin stuff is bad read dgerards blog. (E: Or his actual news articles)

Slightly related to charter cities. Behind the Bastards recently did a two parter on the history of libertarian sea nations. Which was fun. Part 1, Part 2. They are also doing one on Cryptocurrencies. (Which I have not listened to yet).

Anybody who, in the future, reads this after wasting a lot of their life on on of the bullshit projects Scott is promoting here. Hi, ypu should have paid better attention and noticed Scotts total lack of skepticism.

Via the comments:

Even if they are completely Not A Cult, it certainly sounds like a cult and their completely Not A Cult city will be full of people who fall for cults

The Rationalism cult incubator club does it again.

the cryptocurrencies episode is a fan piece about meeeeeeeeeeeeee so i highly recommend it
Cult city’s internal police?

“Describing your group as members of a spiritually-evolved elect that will outlive a decadent and fallen world on the verge of an imminent eschatological event is not the sort of language associated with, say, a rural small town where everyone knows each other and pitches in. It is the language associated with groups that live in arrangements usually described as”compounds” and are open-minded about social techniques like love bombing and psychological torture. I suspect you know this and this objection is mostly performative.”-a stopped clock

The problem is, Israel worked because it had Judaism.

Man, is there anything more Rational than condensing 100+ years of highly contentious international politics and history into a single 9 word sentence that treats the whole situation as being primarily about culture?

Worked, past tense, it's a solved problem, no current issues, no foreseeable issues, write that one up in the 'W' column, nothing but chalk baby!
>being primarily about culture? If that. At worst a dogwhistle about IQ
I think his point is just that Israel formed because a brutalized minority felt a need to band together for defense. The centuries of pogroms and massive, world-historical genocide provided a push factor to potential citizens that Cryptobro Island will likely lack.

I don’t…

Why does anyone fucking care about Siskind’s opinions? I don’t know much about Honduras, but I know enough to know he’s bullshitting on a country he’s never even been to to keep up his subscriber base.

This is actually of interest to the world because it's written directly to the cashed-up libertarian base who really want this shit to happen - that's the bit of his base he's talking to here - and he's speaking their buzzwords fluently. I also had to do a dive into this BS to write my last FP piece - this came out the same day - so I can see the buzzwords and a lot of the same names, and goodness me. This piece is, Gnon help me, useful for keeping up with what's concerning colonialist libertarians lately. It's a Central American pastime to lure in colonialist US libertarians and take them for everything they've got, and Honduras' special economic zones are more of that. Pretty sure Bukele's running a version of the same pastime.
Point taken: structural reasons why Siskind has a certain audience etc. The inference about Bukele is apposite, but I still struggle sometimes with *why* the Americans keep getting into this stuff Unfortunately the answer is almost certainly just “money” …Allah, nje dite do te jem i lire
Right, that was my number one takeaway here. Why does anyone think that a former psychologist from the Bay Area has any real insight in the political situation in Honduras, especially since he doesn't seem to have done any research beyond skimming a couple of news stories and some reddit threads?
I think the entire ethos that animates the rational-sphere both imitates and courts the mindset of VCs. Scott has humblebragged about top VCs being fans of the blog, Yudkowsky wrote that starry-eyed essay about how the VCs he's met are just smarter, better people...if you asked them to name their human ideal, they would probably say John von Neumann, but in their hearts they'd be picturing Jurvetson or Thiel. So it seems to me that most of the rationalist types don't put much stock in deep, targeted expertise (with the attendant time, effort and tradeoffs required) except as a resource in others. They admire a very broad, shallow knowledge base and the ability (or the appearance of the ability) to assimilate in a week or two enough information about an area of interest to profitably gamble on it. Scott has to write deep takes on random topics with the appearance of ease, because that makes him seem most like the Peter Gregory sesame seed scene from *Silicon Valley*, which is what impresses the fans.

The use of “atrophied bodies submerged in gel, fed synthetic bug paste” as a warning reads very slightly right-wing to me

Gosh; the sea-steading libertarian crypto-nerds backed by Peter Thiel, who justify their settler fantasies with rants about how degenerate modern life is… might be very slightly right-wing?

I’m so glad we have Scott to pick up on this stuff for us, it went way over my head.

MarxBro does his best in the comments

Honestly MarxBro needs one of those Maoist songs dedicated to him describing his struggle against ignorance.
“MarxBro, MarxBro, Burning with revolutionary zeal, Tested by the storm of struggle, Tempered by battle, Their heart is red. Standing firm, Direction clear, Their revolutionary spirit strong, They will dive into any forum thread, no matter how ignorant, They are, MarxBro” Inspired by the song “Battle Song of Chairman Mao’s Red Guards”
My brain automatically tried to put the lyrics to the tune of Jolene.
As is right and proper.
For me it was like a power metal song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orjkwL5_vcg Marxbro everywhere, raise you hand into the air He is a warrior, warrior of the word Like thunder from the sky - sworn to post and die He is a warrior, warrior of the word
Ooooh nice hard to go wrong with a solid power metal ballad!
good lord, it almost fits
That's what... No. No, I'm stronger than the joke, I'm not going to make it.
I appreciate your commitment to accurately representing Maoist songs as translated into English with appalling scansion
damn poptart, making me google words again
I studied Shakespeare fairly intensely over a number of years, and I write poetry, it’s a word we throw around a lot
It probably won't surprise you at all to learn that I had to look up what scansion means.
Here I am, brain the size of a planet…
never read the comments >marxbro is in the comments never read the comments but maybe skim them just this once
the only good bit of acx is when marxbro is in the comments

References to postmodern/Marxist case is making my brain bleed


There’s only two words for that: “fucking asshole”

What is Praxis? The use of “atrophied bodies submerged in gel, fed synthetic bug paste” as a warning reads very slightly right-wing to me - there’s a right-wing meme about how the media keeps trying to get people to eat bugs, and how this is the shape our future dystopia will take. But whether I’m right or wrong, the fact that it’s hard to tell is a problem.

Substack scooter delivering the incisive political commentary as always


Nazi Viking wizards who never cum.
and aspire to look like a cartoon twink in a hoodie, but *manly*
I thought they wanted to be the golden one but also with arcane puissance cos of all the evola
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Tyler Cowen is of course also funding the project.

And it appeared on Justin Murphy’s podcast.

And media failed to see the clear reactionary tone about “decay of civilization”, lack of spirituality and vitality, the need for struggle, and the need for a cultural homogeneity. Instead they’re calling it an “apolitical private city run by private residents”.
Is this written by Scott himself?

Mission statement that reads like a bit out of Paradigm Shift 2070. Very on-brand.

How will Praxis city pan out

It will be *glorious* in direct proportion to how far they push this one. It's the Galt's Gulch scam with added VC cash.