r/SneerClub archives

Is it the kiwi farms but for intellectuals?

Surely you’re joking, Mr. Siskind!

I was not trying to cause alarm. I more or less trying to interpret what was going on.
Well the short of it is that this is a left leaning subreddit and the people sneered at are various rightwing, misogynistic, pseudoscience promoting, weird cult guru-ing prominent online personalities who claim themselves and the above to be very rational. Yudkowsky is a wanna be Ron Hubbard complete with a sex cult, Siskind is an extreme misogynist, shtetl scott named his blog after a fantasy of how back in the day he’d get arranged married to the prettiest girl in a shtetl (and on said blog he periodically complains about feminism, totes not because of its impact on such rapey “women get no choice” scenarios) , Robin Hanson keeps comparing things to rape and had the idea of snorting “small doses” of covid, etc you get the idea. You don’t accidentally end up featured here, you have to work on it. But not like “MAGA, Trump 2024!” either, you need something like “hey fellow liberals, Trump isn’t so bad” angle, you need to have a connection to the cult in question, and you need to think you are super duper clever at this “hey fellow liberals” thing and let this smugness permeate said writing. edit: and for a bonus point, add some creepy incel crap.
They also often claim that people who ~~disagree~~ sneer, are the worst of the worst. The evil which knows itself to be evil. A word of warning for people wanting to know more, just know this, most flat earthers start out as people mocking flat earth (and then via internalizing more and more conspiracy theories they convert themselves). So best to not too deep into this abyss, or the acausalrobotgod will find a place to nest in your mind and before you know it you are arguing that caring for nonwhite people isnt as important as taking care of infinite dustspecks in peoples eyes.
What is an example of the extreme misogyny of Siskind?


Also, I kindly ask people to not go harass people we talk about. Only the prophet Marxbro (Marx praise his name) is allowed to talk to them.

It’s for people whose eternal torture by the basilisk has started prematurely. Siskind and Yudkowski live rent free in our head, not allowing even a single moment of rest.

Tbh, I'm still trying to figure out how to charge rent from people I think about in general.
landlord scum

Do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and savior Eliezer Yudkowsky?

What research did you do yourself?

(E: Also, here is a tip, we think it is funny when people cant read subtext. So please go and answer rethorical questions)

And y’all really need to stop letting random algorithms take you to places.

(E: sorry im a bit cranky today due to sleeping badly due to migraine headaches).

Not sure if you're on meds for it, or meds that would prevent you from taking it, but CBD has helped a little with my migraines. You can get it without THC, which is what I do. Prefer it over Tylenol usually, since it won't hurt my liver.
Nah, not on meds, not even 100% sure it is migraines, it is just the location of the pain and the type of pain which is described as migraine. Would also help if I was less stubborn and just took a small painkiller when it starts, and not wait for hours before I do that.
Well, if you get the chance, get CBD-only gummies. Might be better than painkillers for you.
Yeah, get after that hateful bastard early. Earlier the better! Your PCP can prescribe you things that basically head the thing off before it even gets rolling if you can spot the prodromal symptoms (aura/blind spots, sense of dread, weird pains in neck/jaw/teeth, etc), though they might leave you feeing a bit wrung out and tired. Home remedies seem to vary per person, but I've had good luck with energy drinks, chocolate, and mary jane. If they happen frequently, you can learn to avoid your triggers. Could be an alergy like dust/mold, could be food, could be stress. Mine are mostly triggered by emotional episodes and anxiety



I should have put quotes

Mostly combat robotics and sealion husbandry.

I had this same question… but was too afraid to ask :)

Maybe I just had the balls to do so. I love the idea of this sub. Too much intellectuals don't get questioned. And their supporters appeal to authority. Or give you ultimatum but rarely that does happen.
This sub isn't about intellectuals. It is about this basically: https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/LessWrong (E: quite a few people here would consider themselves or would be considered by others to be intellectuals. It is more some hot nerd on nerd action than anti intellectualism.)
This sub is a mixed bag. They rightly criticize the wacky statements of some people but there’s plenty of idiocy here like “logic is only useful for a few kinds of situations” or the constant oversimplification of utilitarianism as only being about happiness.
Quatsch, utilitarianism is about dustspecks! (E: looks like they got suspended, after a day of posting. GG).
How predictable that what I assume is a dumb in-joke is upvoted on this sub while my comment is downvoted with no one bothering to state their disagreement.
Dumb injoke? Predictable that detractors of the sub don't even get [the reference.](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/3wYTFWY3LKQCnAptN/torture-vs-dust-specks) (E: and to make the unwritten things a bit more written here, I'm countering your strawman with an actual example of Yud being pretty simple about utilitarianism. It also doesn't help that you made an account just to post this here).
Since when does Yud decide what utilitarianism is? He has his own ideas on it, but that doesn’t negate the centuries of philosophers who added their own ideas on utilitarianism. And sorry that I don’t religiously read someone’s blog posts so I can stroke a hate boner. Yes, it is predictable that your in-joke is dumb and unknown outside of your circlejerk. I didn’t make an account just to trawl this garbage heap of a sub either, it came up in my suggested feed, but keep a hold of that overinflated sense of importance.
So you have no idea what is going on but still commented. And you are mad you are getting downvotes. Perhaps this sub isnt complaining about utilitarianism, but about yud style utilitarianism. The fault is on the side of your assumptions. But whatever, if you dont like it here just dont go here. > it came up in my suggested feed And this sounds a bit dubious on a new account. Anyway, here is how [you can turn it off](https://www.reddit.com/r/help/comments/m6xxvq/how_do_i_stop_getting_recommended_content_from/) > this garbage heap of a sub This place is not a place of honor... no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here... nothing valued is here. What is here was dangerous and repulsive to us. This message is a warning about danger.
Except from the comments I’ve read, they don’t specify whatever type of utilitarianism you think they are talking about and they’re in posts which don’t even mention Yud.
Yeah, because this is Sneerclub, it is a sub about Lesswrong. It is implied. Just as in the star wars sub they talk about the sound spaceships make without complaining that there is no sound in space. [Piew piew, whooosh](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDDDgpLW2Ms) (E: Erugh, better comparison here might be assuming r/rational is about Rationalists, and not just about some people writing fanfiction under some stricter rules, a mistake im sorry for).
Just because this sub is about LessWrong doesn’t mean every conversation about utilitarianism revolves around it’s specific conception of it.
You are right, sorry, clearly you are the r/sc expert.
No, you’re right, all conversations are about Yud. Mentions of politics or genetics or philosophy in general? It all circles back to him.
Aw come on, that is a straw hat! (E: did I say that wrong? A straw something at least)
Don’t strain yourself trying to remember it.
Sorry lost the thread here, wat were we talking about?
>Don’t strain yourself trying to remember it.
I don't like the argument you are weaving here
Yeah, well I don’t like your face! (That’s the right level of maturity here, right?)
No, you should follow up with a straw related joke. threads, weaving, you know stuff you can do with straw. But neigh, guess you didn't notice it. But I also was a bit stook finding good puns about straw. But hay, not much I can do about it.
Meh, shitty joke is a shitty joke.
Well, by workshopping jokes you remove the wheat from the chaff. Can't all be winners
I see you’re down to clumsily applying idioms. How many more do you have?
Clumsily applying idioms? Why are you threshing me? >How many more do you have? A bushel.
Boo. Weakest ones yet.
I never said I was funny.
[I'm actually Hilarious.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m46Ylle_z_Y)
Amazing, just like a 10 year old.
[To be fair you lack the IQ to have seen that r&m episode.](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/to-be-fair-you-have-to-have-a-very-high-iq-to-understand-rick-and-morty) (e: for a troll you are really joyless, add some mirth in your trolling (The joke here is that these crab spiders don't actually laugh they just make that sound, in the same way that people will upvote me here just because im reacting to you, and downvote you because well *gestures vaguely at this thread*).
They’ll downvote me because this sub is an echo chamber of repeated unfunny jokes and shitty reasoning. If you think I’m a troll, then you haven’t spent the least amount of time addressing my initial points about why this sub is a shithole with maybe some valid criticisms of some figures mixed in the crap. Go ahead, deflect again with shitty joke #50. Bless me with another of your totally funny trolling comments.
> then you haven’t spent the least amount of time addressing my initial points [Euh](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epq7lh3HP0w).
What, don’t have another dumb straw pun? Aren’t you going to repeat another worn out “You need high IQ to understand Rick and Morty” joke? All you’ve done is assume that everything I’ve read here is about Yud and make pathetic jokes.
Yes that was an argument, you might not accept it. But it was. In fact, it was an argument supported by something of substance, a blog post by Yud. So far you got nothing but assertions without anything backing them up. So not only do you suck at discussions, you are way to verbose, not funny. A stupid centrist (you prob didnt even figure out why you were called that). (I will not mention your IQ, I think that was a low blow, and I'm reactionary about IQ so I dont want to make assumptions about your lower education schooling anyway. But regarding your education, not joining in on a bit of funny wordplay is a bad mark in that, usually people with higher education cant resist being a bit punny). But, and Im amused you have not figured that out, I also see no reason to go into a serious discussion with you. (And well, my opinions on adversarial discussions are also not that positive). I do feel sad for you that your 'debate religious people' bait gets deleted constantly. But otoh, that must make you feel smart. E: ahahah, suspended. Well, see you next time you come round to troll sneerclub again.
these threads always manage to attract the sneer club reply guy sockpuppet and are a great study in how you can spread the gospel of radical centrism with an IQ of 70
Wow, someone assuming I’m advocating centrism based on one comment. Sneerclub stupidity rearing it’s head again.
You seem to know a lot about this place for having stumbled on it a day ago, but you're also not very bright, so you're lying about at least one of those. (I used logic to determine this.) I have sent a prayer to the acausal robot god to put lye in your anus in one of your torture sims.
Hey, do you know it’s possible to read multiple posts in a day? And do you know it’s possible to read posts from the past too? Even from months ago? Maybe if you actually used logic, you’d realize it’s possible to form a general sense of what this sub is like in that time. But no, logic and reason are what those silly rationalists use, and that’s not allowed here.
He is right you know. This expert here had the time to read all this in 6 hours. (And read in 6 hours also all the posts we sneer about, which is pretty impressive) and in the meantime they also have enough time to debate religious people (with arguments, which I must add, are certainly not entry level atheist edgelord arguments, no sirs, madams and enbies. Quality stuff). Watch out ~~Yud~~Scott, there is a new Caliph coming for the title.
Did I say I read *all* your posts? No, but I’ve read through what I think is enough to make a general assessment of this sub. Nice attempt at a straw man, and btw I made this account yesterday, not 6 hours ago. Maybe if you spared a second more when obsessing over my post history, you would have seen the 1d mark on my profile. You people are laughable.
A straw what? Come on, don't make up terms.
It's the thing the rationalists burn at "burning man" but I'm not sure what it has to do with sneer club
Ow drugs!
I suppose this is what counts for humor for people who repeat the same tired jokes about Roko’s basilisk.
I thought Roko's basilisk was his rationalist-adjacent buddy sent to the hoosegow for teaching North Korea how to evade sanctions with buttcoin https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virgil_Griffith
Buttcoin: the epitome of humor.
Careful, now, humor is for those of us above 70 IQ. Don't want you to get hurt.
Lol, looks like Ayyo doesn't know about the comedy godl which is r/buttcoin.
You’re overestimating yourself buddy. Go on and make more intelligent humor like “buttcoin”.
perinethereum? I hear it's a gas.
> and that’s not allowed here. I have an advanced degree from a very highly accredited institution: yes