r/SneerClub archives
Big brains motte user argues for more teenage pregnancies. He brought citations! (https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/rebmfk/we_need_more_teen_pregnancies/)

I am personally fine with having a minority of females (maybe 5%) used as breeding slaves since that would allow most females to still make their own decisions. I think it’s the best solution for raising the fertility rate.


There's no floor to the awful, is there? But at least that confirms the hypotheses "doesn't see women as people" and "desperate to get his dick wet". Another highlight from the comments: > Good thread. I've always said women should have their first kid by the age of 20. This is just another way in which I think a right wing splinter society would outcompete the present society. Gonna be hard to "outcompete" when everyone not suffering long COVID has shot their own balls off in tragicomic, but mostly comic, lapses of basic gun safety.
I know the whole Gilead/Handmaid’s tale comparison is overplayed but holy shit it is a fitting reference to that comment
> Another highlight from the comments Surprised that person didn't [bring up phrenology again](https://old.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/mke4zb/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_april_05_2021/gu4exxr/)
lmao /u/noactuallyitspoptart could you ban this guy
It would be my pleasure
log offffffff

“By becoming pregnant and having children early in life you will be able to focus on your career later, wasting your most fertile years as a female just studying things at school you will rarely/never use besides to pass tests is insanity.”

God I miss drugs.
Whenever one of these sorts says "female" I imagine them as a Ferengi ot something
[If anyone ever refers to women as ”females”](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CerkWyTNH04)
> By becoming pregnant and having children early in life you will be able to focus on your career later, If only we, as a society, didn't condemn people to a life of penury for the crime of having a year or two gap on their resume.

The motte user has a website (just text but NSFL) and is obsessed with Teen Sex and Age of consent laws. They believe girls should have sex as young as possible. They are a legit pedophile.

Democracy is a bad form of government, this is why you have to deal withinsane laws regarding sex, etc. You are just trying (and failing) tofight the symptoms.

Are they a neoreactionary as well?

EDIT: That motte user is a notorious internet laughing stock and they were associated with Swedish Neo-Nazism and have praised Anders Breivik, they apparently left Nazism as they thought it was too mild.

It always amuses how the far-right raves against supposed leftist pedophiles and normalization of pedophilia and yet the far-right without a doubt has the highest concentration of pedos I've ever seen.
*paedophile Otherwise no disagreement
I think I remember this Motter. 24 might denote the 24th iteration of their account. Very cool and normal individual indeed when 95% of other Motters think they're out of their mind. Also ah... posts on r/teenagers 🤔
With teenage girls as breeding stumps? My comment stands, You left Nazism as it was "too mild", not authoritarian enough for you. Also not commenting on the fact that you praised Breivik?
Is that a Hellstrom's Hive reference?

I find this to be a thinly-veiled ad hominem designed to get us to look at OPs history regarding transmaxxing. I hardly see how it’s relevant to discussion. Less of this, please.

That dude likely fucks kids.

He likely lacks the charisma or physical courage.


it will be more like a friendship relationship and better for everyone.

Isn’t this like, pretty much untrue? So much sources, but none about pedagogy. All just assume ‘12 year olds having kids is good for the kids’, because the kids don’t die as often or something.

Lol one of the research papers he cites for teen pregnancy has an N of 10, and is about ~18 year old teens who had a kid in the past ~year.

“This study cannot claim to be representative of all young mothers in the North West of England, or more broadly.”

(Other links of this post have a similar problem, which I found just by skimming them, the ‘early childbirth is good for your career’ one says “Thus, although early childbearers do return to school [It causes them to drop out], it takes a lot longer for them to complete a year of schooling than it does for those who did not drop out. In addition a GED may not be as advantageous as a high school diploma.” (it even mentions child pregnancies causes men to drop out). Ironic)

Nobody in the thread seem to have noticed. This isn’t well researched, it is ur-fascist propaganda (1,2, 3, ~6, 7, 10, 12, ~14).

(This imho shows a fundamental problem with places like themotte, they don’t ban people like this (I mean look at this persons post history, clearly somebody who just is pushing an agenda and is just gathering bullshit to push that agenda, just add some links to science articles (which you didn’t even read properly) and it will look like your comments have weight). Academia has peer review, which has some problems sure, but themotte can’t even do SneerReview).

With an apology to Bruce

‘If you ask bloggers to do research you you shouldn’t be surprised when you get blogger quality research’

I like how ferengi-beards are becoming a meme. Men on the internet referring to women as "females" has long been a bit of a red flag, lol.

I thank allah that despite my weirdness that I am only obsessed with someone being wrong on the internet instead of making a case for teenagers getting pregnant and sequestering 5% of ‘females’ as ‘breeding slaves’.

Allah, një ditë do të jemi të lirë

Damn lol. Hoped for a slight amount of editorialization but his title is literally “We need more teen pregnancies”.

Aren’t you that transmaxxing guy? Kind of an, uh, big jump, ideologically speaking.

I find this to be a thinly-veiled ad hominem designed to get us to look at OPs history regarding transmaxxing. I hardly see how it’s relevant to discussion. Less of this, please.

I am not looking that up.

I decided to check out their history, they apparently run a HBD blog called Bronson's daily brap where they write [utterly bizzare fiction](https://juliusbranson.substack.com/p/buck-breaking) and of course [agree with a book](https://juliusbranson.substack.com/p/artificial-youth-and-the-unlimited) that argues that "teen brain is myth" and the brain is fully developed by puberty, so another pedo. On reddit they [defend fascist japan](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/rbao4p/japan_wasnt_the_bad_guy/) and seem to [LARP that they are 14](https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/ntc6od/i_got_expelled_from_school_last_week/) (they might be actually 14 but I doubt it). how many Nazi pedophiles are Motte posters?
>A dozen men sat in a dark and smoky room. The chairman spoke: “shall we greenlight operation Buck Breaking?”
> how many Nazi pedophiles are Motte posters? If you create a place where witchhunts are now allowed, turns out you end up with a lot of fascist pedos.
I lied and it's exactly what I thought it would be. I can only hope it's a land of eggs who eventually heal as they crack. I'm still not reading their history.

There’s no excuse for holding these kind of views but I can’t help but feel a little sorry for that the op of that thread. Not to armchair psychoanalyze too much but I don’t think people come to these ideas without something else going on in their lives.

Hope they can find some empathy and understanding of other people and stop being a shit.

As someone who recognizes the OP from somewhere else, let's just say that you're not wrong...

The mods are very upset at commenters who are so rude as to call out the ephebo-reactionary.

I would like, given the sensitive nature of this horrendous essay, for everyone to keep it light

Yeah, wait till it’s this moron’s 15 year old daughter that gets knocked up, then he’ll sing a different tune altogether.

log off

Think of the headspace of the dude who sat down to write this shit. He really spent effort. What a creepy fucker.

Are the deleted comments on this thread from the guy who wrote that shit?

Removed, specifically by me
Haha great. Thanks. Was just thinking it’s pretty funny he came in here to shitpost
It is funny, and I often leave stuff up by the interlopers for a laugh, but this was particularly beyond the pale
It’s also funny because I have literally, physically, been “beyond the pale”, but that’s an Irish story for another time

He’ll have her get an abortion without a hint of irony.

log off!!

🤔 the only thing I agree with is that if you plan to have kids it is better for the body and baby to have them younger, but! That’s assuming everything else is taken care of, resources are plentiful and the (late)teen mother wanted the kid and had planned to have kids anyway. It really only works in multigenerational families that can pitch in a lot of help and baby relief

If you want to have them at a younger age have them in your 20s lol
Maybe, but older people often have better access to care. In terms of child raising it’s hands down: older is better.