r/SneerClub archives



okay, uh. why? why would you torture this random person?

like, really, what is this poll supposed to reveal besides how many people are okay with torture?

I believe this is an answer to another convoluted point, where people think that freezing your corpse is a bad idea because someone might revive you to torture you. No idea why.
>freezing your corpse is a bad idea because someone might revive you I agree. Now, do these people sleep with one eye open or what? I guess my priors about people working in ~~cryogenics~~ cryonics are all wrong. Arguably they are more likely to be rationalists and therefore more likely to (thaw and) torture random people.
It’s probably somehow Roko’s basilisk adjacent, so an AI would thaw you out and torture for not having put all your effort towards creating it.
Those that buy bitcoin and memorize the key before freezing themselves really got to watch out... they're hoping to get tortured for the keys, not for crimes against humanity in form of needlessly contributing to climate change.
It cant even tell us that since we can’t say 0. You’re forced into saying there’s a small chance lol Exit: ok technically I guess 0 is <0.001% but I mean I can definitively say 0
1 and 0 aren't real read the sequences
I don't know I probably won't torture them but I'd pick the second option because maybe I might want to u never know
> why would you torture this random person? Maybe it's Hitler?
why would i want to torture hitler
Why would somebody 'randomly' revive Hitler.
I mean if the person being revived is selected at random out of all the people to die ever then there's technically a chance it would be Hitler.
Sure and the people who secretly hide eugenicists randomly managed to pick hitler, twice. Sure. Dunno if I would trust that. ;)
He's probably one of the people they wouldn't torture.
*translated from German* "I dont get it, they keep torturing me and shouting 'why didnt you go around stalingrad'"
He's making a point about brain scans. A lot of people are uncomfortable with the idea of "uploading" their brains to a computer because they worry that some psychopath 13yo who will have complete power over them will torture them.

It all comes back to the basilisk lmao

I love how farcical and dumb these little polls people like Aella and RH etc put up on twitter. First off they’d probably die of disease inside 2 weeks, if we are being truly rational, but let’s just ignore that for the fun of thinking about torturing them for unspecified reasons! Go!

I’m still not clear. Which Hanson brother is this? The drummer?

I would torture them, they did not do enough to bring about the super AI and I need to torture them in order to ensure that I do not get tortured by the super AI

He's not talking about roko's basilisk, completely different point
Yes but it’s important to do the work of the ai so it doesn’t torture me

He was asking it to see if an argument against cryonics “we shouldn’t try to persevere people for future revival because people in the future might want to punish or torture them” would hold true for how people today would want to treat people of the past. It’s eccentric but there’s nothing psychotic about thinking about these things or asking the question.

"psycho" is short for psychopath, not psychotic. "The term "psychopath" is used to describe someone who is callous, unemotional, and morally depraved." [https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-a-psychopath-5025217](https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-a-psychopath-5025217) Hanson probably isn't really a psychopath either, this is SneerClub, not a mental health clinic. But the obsession with torture and the casual speculation about it he engages in sure seems like something ain't right. [https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Aovercomingbias.com+torture](https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Aovercomingbias.com+torture) Here's an example where he lays out the case for torture: [https://www.overcomingbias.com/2007/08/bias-against-to.html](https://www.overcomingbias.com/2007/08/bias-against-to.html) . Very rational, it would save money and be more reliable than imprisonment. He's just an idea man raising ideas! Stupid ideas, and evaluated based on zero historical knowledge and insight (see my 14-year-old comments on that page)
Wow that’s fascinating, I’ve used literally this exact argument but as one against the idea of imprisonments as an acceptable response to crime. Which comment was yours? I don’t know about Hanson’s other posts but I would argue that in the specific case of this poll it’s not any more callous than normal philosophy classes where you try to probe assumptions but maybe that’s just me splitting hairs.

Does the random person have priors, I’m guessing is the True Bayesian’s approach to answering the question.

I feel like it’s almost punching down to make fun of someone who is so obviously socially inept but can’t tell that he is.

Hanson isn't some rando, he's a tenured professor at a major university, and a public intellectual and author. He's definitely a legit target.
Part of me agrees, but another part of me feels like it's low-hanging fruit since tweets like this feel like his autism acting up.
"so like would you torture someone if you could, I mean would it be a 1% chance or a 10% chance or really really unlikely, how likely are you to torture some random person if you could get away with it, you have their life history so you can find a reason, go on just ballpark it for me" is that from the dsmv or something, I only vaguely followed the changes to the whole "autism spectrum" deal as a lot of it wasn't going to affect me much, I wasn't dealing with mental health services at the time, not for that at least. so do I just contact the new jack and tell them I'm fine to post this shit?
wait can I get out of hr meetings now, will they be ok with terrible shitposting on company time as long as I say it's my autism flaring, or do I have to post absolute monstrous shit to get away with it
is the torture that they have to read my posts
Amazing, you've managed to write something that's worse than Hanson's bullshit.

Weird way to ask how many people you think are masochistic. And are we just assuming there would be mutual attraction and consent for this? Guess around 10% of his audience is sadists, and half of those dont care about mutal attraction and consent.

Agnes Callard’s (whose twitter presence I kind of adore) friendship with this bozo really makes me question her taste. I hope we don’t have to start posting about her here.

I don't think she's appropriate sneerclub material. Some of her stuff has ended up on r/badphilosophy, I think deservedly so. You should have started questioning her taste when she wrote an op-ed saying philosophers shouldn't sign petitions against transphobic policies. She's a pleasant enough person to be around but every now and then she says things that are truly incredible, in a bad way.

You’re calling him a psychopath because you’re an idiot and the remark flew over your head; he’s just making a point about some peoples’ stated aversions to having their mind stored on computer. He wrote a book called Age of Em, about speculative full brain emulation. A lot of people make the argument that they’d never let doctors scan their brain, even before death, lest some psychopath 13yo who will have complete power over them will torture them. Robin Hanson thinks that’s unlikely to happen and you have demonstrated his point by being flabbergasted.

I mean ig it depends on what I know about em/what they’ve done. If it’s like Vlad the Impaler or some shit sure maybe, if it’s just some random peasant I’ll teach em how to play video games.

Don't torture people.


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about