r/SneerClub archives
mr 'kill neuston and ineffectively collect garbage' is big into EA? (https://twitter.com/BoyanSlat/status/1469063939417907204)

game theory

They really overvalue this one (if you are really interested iirc you can follow a course on this yourself right now one one of those free online universities things, it isnt that interesting imho, and way less useful than people pretend it is), bit does make you wonder if there is an alternative universe where they picked game theory over bayes as the theory to focus on.

Instead of bayesians they call themselves… gamers.

Also quite a few university level shit in there.

Dude must have slept through stats class because I swear I learned a bunch of these in high school
I can't recall getting statistics in high school here. (might have changed nowadays, or I forgot, it has been a while).

Love these sorts of posts. They inevitably contain multiple items that are in fact are taught in schools. There’s only 3 things on here that don’t get taught in the school I work at and since one of them is the steaming pile of shit that goes by the name ‘effective altruism’ there’s really only two things.

the whole thing is just classical_liberals.txt
I'll bite. What are the other two topics you're thinking of?
'Moral frameworks', mainly because it gets called ethics in the school system I work in and 'morality' takes on connotations of religious principles, which is not something public education assumes. And 'the power of incentives' mainly because the largest school system in the southern hemisphere doesn't take its economics theory from prager u.

So this person went to a cult school that was actively trying to stop the students from learning anything not on the official curriculum, and even as an adult they haven’t figured out that their schooling wasn’t normal, right? That’s the only way I can make sense of “Allowing nonfiction books in school” on this list.

Could be that he went to a Montessori school we have a few of those. But did he really?
Restricting students' reading material is sorta the opposite of the Montessori idea.
Yeah figured it was something like that, so guess he didnt go to Montessori.

Boyan Slat sounds like one of those joke items they ask you to fetch on the first day of an apprenticeship

I just said this on /r/bookscirclejerk the other day, but people really need to stop assuming that their school experience was the same as everyone else’s school experience. The difference just between two teachers at the same school can be enormous, to say nothing of two different school districts, states, countries, etc.

Also, any tech dope saying “this is how we need to reform education” should have to first spend 2+ years teaching 9th grade. Show us that you’re aware of the actual current issues in education rather than what you think based on your half-remembered experiences of half-paying attention in class 25 years ago.

The why behind historical events

What a dipshit.

Who is this strangely-named person and why is he worthy of Sneer?

Dutch guy who had the idea to build huge nets in the deep oceans to clean them up (didnt work actually creates more pollution (kills marine life), better to clean up at the source, aka river mouths). Funny thing, even to me his name sounds weird. (Turns out it is a Croatian name si, i fucked up here). Oddly enough some of the more social interpretation things were iirc (it has been a while) thought in maatschappijleer (e: just checked this course should give you the basics of ethics). But that was a bit of a joke class in the interpretation of most kids at the time, so could be he just didnt pay attention. (Or courses changed) > My biology class did cover evolution but I don’t think I *truly* grasped the idea until I read The Selfish Gene He def didnt pay attention then. Also imho that book isnt that great. Fucking priviledge... (e: higher edu privileged even, as he clearly doesnt seem to spend any time talking about our 'we decided you are stupid so we will teach you less' systems which teach you a few more practical things (in the 'highschool is a tool of capitalism sense) but also just less stuff. [Epipenstatus: I assumed he is talking about high school here btw]
Forgot to mention, apparently the 'just fish plastic out of rivermouths'idea long existed before this techbro idea guy jumped into the scene with the fresh hot new idea. So no suprise he is a fan of EA, having no idea what was already done and being bad at research (but getting a lot of money) fits nicely with the Rationalist crowd.
The point about The Selfish Gene is just an addendum to his attempted flex about non fiction. Because what intellectual would waste their time with made up stories.
Which is all a bit odd btw, as I and others I spoke to, actually had their enjoyment of reading fiction wrecked for a few years due to being forced to read fiction in highschool. So he should create the incentive to read more fiction, so people finally flock to the truth as explained in the curve belle.
School did nothing either way for my interest in reading, I was quite advanced for my age and just got on with the assigned books alongside my personal reading. I was a bit of a shit as a kid and also a bit of a nerd so resorted to reading when grounded which was where I got the reading bug. As a teacher in training I can't wait to try to encourage the kids frequently isolated as punishment to use their time outs constructively. I imagine the results will be disappointing but you never know.
"I might have liked this book if I had found it on my own, but school sucked the joy out of it" is a fairly common reaction I've heard from people reminiscing over high-school lit.
On a more trivial note I would very much like to meet this curved belle you speak of...
Sorry to report but this curved belle is racist.

I don’t really see why that’s surprising