r/SneerClub archives

All it takes for me to sacrifice my most closely held principles is if the resulting actions align with what lefties are doing.


Nooo I’m not red tribe I’m grey tribe nooo

Reminds me of Aella in utter seriousness saying she would support police abolition if it wasn't for black police abolitionists
Come on they are worse than red tribe, or grey tribe. This is a Neoliberal Gamer. (I'm only joking here, some of my best friends are Gamers) E: and remember how in r/ssc culture war is not allowed and how you should bring evidence. Guess that doesnt apply for claims that leftists make bad laws.
My grandparents came over from the Mushroom Kingdom with nothing but the clothes on their backs and dream of a world where they could 100% Mario Sunshine in peace, and I will not have you belittle the struggles of gamers.
There is a special circle in hell for Gamers. The combined underwater and sewer circle. And the whole level, one big escort quest.
You do not have permission to write "gam\*r" with a hard r. Only people who have been blocked by Anita Sarkeesian are members of that culture.

reminds me of when jordan peterson was like ‘well in principle im not against gay marriage but all the lefties pushing it make me suspicious’ or something like that

That’s honestly what I hate most about them. They never take responsibility for anything by, even their own opinions and beliefs. All of their biases or preferences are always someone else’s fault.

Some intensely dumb people in the comments:

Serious question – is this a recent Twitter era distinction or has this always been the case among socialists etc that they considered themselves “leftists” and the typical democrat a “liberal”. I see this constantly and it’s still a bit odd to me


I don’t totally understand what you mean by “philosophically opposed.” Seems like there’s obvious overlap. Most socialists I saw on Twitter voted for Biden.

People who live in a two-party system and can't wrap their heads around strategic voting just confuse me. Like it's somehow a mysterious concept you've never heard about? And you are an adult living in America? How?
They understand it perfectly when they need to explain why the white nationalists vote for their guy.
Yeah, it's all disingenuous bad faith bullshit, all the time.

I just love when they spell out exactly what we’ve been accusing them of for decades and are proud about it.

What do you even do as a critic at the point where your ideological rivals are seeing the criticisms and just go like “haha actually, yes”? When your opponents just flatly strive to destroy the implicit assumption that they can be reasoned with, and they brag about the fact?

> What do you even do as a critic You create a place where you point and laugh a them, and you dont engage. Could even make it into a club, bonus points if you manage to name it after some ridiculous accusations they made, and this causes them to overreact even more. Welcome to MostEvilistBulliesClub. Or you go full marxbro/darwin9000 and keep explaining basic concepts to people who pretend to not get them. (E: I mean you can both succeed at culture war turing tests and fail to understand the concepts)

Should I be buying “leftism offsets” when I donate to an organization like that, then? After all, I like to counteract the negative externalities of my actions when I can’t simply avoid them.


Sometimes I think no one on earth knows what “leftist” actually means.

The rest of the earth is comprised of the people that get to decide what it means, not your political subculture
So you use this new account to just troll through old sneerclub threads? Cool. Have fun with that.

It seems like important work, but it’s hard not to feel a sense of futility when the best thing they can say about their top recommendation is they proposed a program that was ultimately cut from a bill that’s not going to pass.