r/SneerClub archives
Aella with a not-so-surprising hot take on rich people being 'just better at it'. Some good ol' white Protestant work ethic mumbo jumbo. (https://i.imgur.com/41tdA24.jpg)

Have you considered that if you jack off hard enough, you will eventually get your semen to arc over your shoulder?

(This was the metaphor that a friend at MIT used for repeating a course to pass it. He once kept an instance of "The Aristocrats" going for 22 minutes. So yes, I have indeed witnessed value being created for the world.)
I love how his opinion on retaking courses is not made any more clear by this analogy
That's what makes it a great analogy, as opposed to a merely good one. If you just wanted to explain your stance on something, why would you use an analogy? That would be like using a garden gnome to try to jerk off over your shoulder.

Tell me more about how shitting only twice a week means you don’t deserve to be rich. Because I have Crohn’s

Never have I ever heard a more apt metaphor for what capitalism is.
I did a double take on that, and I'm not sure it's not some kind of memetic warfare. >I poop like twice a week, and because of this I do \*not\* produce a ton of value Like come on, nobody in their right mind writes that
Imagine handing this tweet over to Marxists and students of Freud and watching them frenzy to extract meanings from it. Like an ant colony and hornets fighting to devour a raw cut of chicken…
If I had a dollar every time I wiped my butt…
Real men dont wipe. (There is a whole collection of (prob fake) posts where people go 'is wiping your but gay/feminine' 'my family in law makes fun of me for wiping my ass till it is clean', 'I wipe my ass, AITA?')
what the actual fuck
Well, as I said, prob fake. https://melmagazine.com/en-us/story/what-its-like-to-be-a-guy-who-doesnt-clean-his-ass I mean, real, or clickbait, you decide. And normally being one of todays 10k people who learn a new thing is great, but for this im sorry.
Yeah, pretty sure the term for someone who doesnt wipe their ass or its dirty after wiping is "shitass".
If you have medical disorder then it’s different but apparently healthy people should poop multiple times a day.
I have it on good authority* that anything between 3 times a day and once every 3 days is normal as long as it's relatively consistent *a doctor friend that talks _way_ too much about poop, like what the hell
Yeah. I’ve heard that too. If you think about it though, all that shit is just sitting there inside you. Like a pound of literal shit. I don’t understand how such people work out or do anything athletic.

Researchers have found that the number 1 (by far) predictor of wealth is….wealth. Just like most things in life, you are more likely to have traits passed down from one generation to the next, and wealth is one of those things. Yes, there are people out there who “came from nothing” and are wealthy but it’s pretty rare. And i won’t go into the reasons why it’s rare for those brought up in poverty to one day make millions..but it definitely has nothing to do with intelligence or morality.

Also, as I moved on from being a poor student to a successful middle class white collar worker, it's fucking amazing how many financial institutions flipped over from trying to fuck me over to just handing me extra money because. The credit card points I now earn would have been incredibly helpful years ago, but of course now I get them when I don't actually need them. Makes one wonder if the system is designed to be unfair or something...
Oooooorr just that if a person demonstrates an ability to earn money, he becomes a safer investment????? Just a thought
Yeah that is the problem there are a lot of brilliant, hardworking, risk takers out there who will never be rich and prob even will die very poor, and they might even have their brilliant inventions 'stolen' by their employers.
Or never have the resources to execute on them. Brilliant ideas take time and sometimes money to execute on, both of which are in short supply if you're working minimum wage jobs.
Good point forgot about that one (my own myopic privilege showing). Or just lack the resources growing up to develop themselves.
You can only be a risk taker once if your poor and you pay for that risk the rest of your life
Yeah that is one of the stupid things, if you look at current tech business culture and how they like taking risks (and the acknowledging that first you should fail a few times before you work out the various flaws) to make great things, people should be way more supportive of a big social safety net, and not care about the mega rich 0.0000001%. (Who actually also are bad for innovation as they hoard the money instead of giving it out to their risk taking employees to use as the financial incentives to take more risk (im assuming that this is what they/argue think helps, I dont personally believe it does))
Not to mention the fact that many people make themselves rich via hard work and brilliance but they do not benefit society at all. This is obvious to anyone that's not an ideologue. Is the marketing executive of Marlboro creating value for anyone except himself and marlboro investors?
[extremely Robin Hanson voice] The accumulated wealth of Sackler family is exactly equal to the net utility provided by their innovations to society at large. [/extremely Robin Hanson voice]
Yeah good point. If being rich means you're smart/successful then clearly these people should all be listening to lottery winners.
I've often said that you can get rich working hard (like being a doctor, or something). But outside of a few real game changing innovators, you only get wealthy through manipulation of the tax code. It's when the tax you pay on the money you make/collect/pay yourself drops off to near nothing.
I think the average IQ of a doctor is 132. So you have to win the genetic lottery first. And working hard is itself a behavioral trait which you inherit. It’s all luck.
I know, this is such a weirdly non-rational take on it. Yeah, of course there are some brilliant, hard-working people who make money off the back of those virtues. But there are other people who were simply born wealthy, or who got lucky. Which factors correlate more strongly with wealth? It is a scientific question, people have tried to answer it before. Sure, it's a tough question because of all of the confounding factors, but we can at least try to get some objectivity. What she is doing is just diving headfirst into the just-world fallacy with no reference to any of that science.
"Rational Internet" is a lot like religious fundamentalism. I don't mean that in a generic, pejorative sense: both are built around "laundering" their premises and insisting their conclusions are pure unblinking acceptance of reality.
He also says pretty clearly that “there are other factors” and that he isn’t talking just about wealthy people in general, but specifically about those who “launch themselves up a tier in wealth”.
No, that is true and I appreciate the caveats. Maybe I am asking too much of a tweet, but I would still prefer some evidence for what is essentially an empirical claim. I also don't like the breeziness with which earnings are equated with "creating value for the world" and "bettering most people's lives", high earners are equated with "vibrant creators", and being better in the several dimensions of intelligence, risk taking, and hard work is equated to an "just better than you". If I asserted that people who make more money are just worse than me, because they are greedy, they spend most of their time in the pursuit of wealth, they are willing to trample on other people in order to acquire it, and they leave environmental and social damage in their wake, I feel like you could justly accuse me of speaking ideologically and making claims without evidence. That is how I feel about her in this tweet.
I feel he is speaking about trends, not about ‘everyone’ who increases their wealth. And it’s possible for several things to be true at once. A person such as that can very well be using their intelligence and ability for hard work to create great value for society in general, but also be a ruthless bastard to coworkers as well as causing environmental damage. Pretty much every human alive has _some_ damaging impact on the environment and society (whether that be just throwing a single piece of wrapping on the ground, and being rude to someone in public to authorizing the illegal disposal of hazardous chemicals and ruining peoples lives by unjust firings) and on the other side doing good (maybe by just paying taxes, or by running a successful business creating job opportunities for thousands). But there definitely is a correlation between intelligence/conscientiousness and income/success.
> using their intelligence and ability for hard work to create great value for society in general I didn't know you could get rich from being a good parent. This changes everything...
What are you even implying? That I said that being intelligence and hardworking is a _guarantee_ for success? Because I never claimed that. Or are you implying that people who are not hardworking and _intelligent_ can’t be good parents?? Either way you make no sense.
> What are you even implying? That market values aren't *completely* arbitrary, but they're little indication of real value.
Nobody here is talking about pure market value either.
The data suggests that wealth doesn't transfer intergenerationally, but that earnings capabilities do. So wealth is squandered, but ability to make money gets passed on. On average.
Source? These authors say the opposite, that inheritance accounts for around half of wealth inequality: https://voxeu.org/article/intergenerational-transfers-and-wealth-inequality
I should've phrased it differently, it's that intergenerational wealth doesn't persist. That is to say if you have a family and you give them $1M, then the wealth doesn't compound or last, but diminishes over time. That is not to say that intergenerational wealth doesn't occur - it's to say it doesn't persist. What does persist, though, is money making ability which is interesting.
Also, even ignoring all the pernicious social stuff, she's saying that they're risk-takers, but for a risk to be an actual risk, it necessarily implies that some people who take the risk lose. That means that either some of the people in poverty are the same as the people she's lauding, or that people she's lauding aren't actually risking as much as she's implying.
She’s just all over the place…
Also a lot of that good ol' American Dream class mobility is based on social programs that existed for previous generations but not for us. Four generations ago my family was homeless. WWII GI benefits took us from deep poverty to middle class in two generations. Now my parents' generation are upper-middle-class, and the fucked-up economy made half of my generation slide back into middle class. idk dude, shit's weird and success is mostly down to luck.
Yep…that’s exactly right…in so many of these cases where a person’s socio-economic status skyrocketed; it was often traced back to when that person made a choice, took a risk, basically gambled, and ended up being one of the few individuals who gambled on the right factor at the right place and at the right time…this person may have researched every potential outcome, but one way or the other, a significant portion was left to chance or “luck.”
It's not wealth that transfers intergenerationally - in fact on average we squander intergenerational wealth. What transfers is earnings ability.
Gotcha..makes sense.
Of course, but that doesn’t change the fact that people who are talented and hardworking are more likely to be successful in life that those who are untalented and lazy.

The more you poop the more value you create.

Seems like shitposting is back on the menu boys.

🎶 the wealth you make / is equal to / the shits you take 🎶
that one stings
I think of it more as the value I steal from my boss.
Lmao what the fuck is she talking about. Man I’d be freaking out if I were her. Shitting twice a week is alarm bell city

I’ve had a decent amount of exposure to various parts of the British class system, so here are my actual reports from the trenches, to counter this weird story-telling.

Observed qualities of people who have rich parents:

  • Universally show strong class signals. Never saw them display any shame or self-awareness about their unearned advantages (although that kind of thing is supposedly pretty common in Oxford and Cambridge?)

  • More likely to be very good at socialising, especially playing games like “professional networking” or “becoming an influencer”. I’d estimate one part enculturated confidence, one part class-signalling (especially those signals which make you “conventionally attractive”), and one part outright bias (I’d pretty frequently witness people who were smiles-and-sunshine towards those with the right class signals, and much more cold towards everyone else).

  • Overrepresented in my highly-competitive degree course, but it’s embarrassingly obvious that the British education system is not meritocratic.

  • A bit more likely to be low-key sociopathic, but some of them grew out of it. I’m inclined to call it “immaturity” instead. Lots of unearned self-confidence, lots of jockeying for social status; usually tolerable, but did tire me out sometimes.

  • Unusually socially conventional, I think? More likely to end up as house-and-kids-by-30, climbing-the-career-ladder types. Less likely to be overtly depressed.

  • Definitely not unusually hard-working, genuine, kind, conscientious, intelligent, etc.

Observed qualities of self-made millionaires:

  • Much more rare than the former category.

  • Seem to be evenly-distributed across the class system (if you’re looking at small-business owners, rather than people who draw a six-figure salary from their employer). Plenty of building contractors (or doctors!) out there who are working-class from head to toe.

  • Sometimes shockingly bad at networking, dealing with corporate hierarchies, etc.

  • Pretty good at working hard, but usually don’t need to do the ninety-hour-week grindset nonsense beyond the first few years of establishing their business.

  • In general, again, just… normal-person vibes? Sometimes had a ruthless streak, but not evil cutthroat capitalists. Usually a bit pants at managing people. Definitely not Übermenschen.

Someone who draws a six figure salary wouldn’t be counted as a millionaire
I agree! But somebody who reaches £1m net worth by drawing a salary is very likely to have exceeded six figures.
Fair point

Woman famous for gnome porn and low-grade fascism has self-worth issues. More at 10.

Low grade fascism you say?
By her own admission she doesnt really create high value products ;)
Honestly it's bizarre she is highly regarded in the rationalist sphere considering how she uh. Doesn't seem to do rationalism.
Do any of them?
Genuinely curious about the low-grade fascism part. I’ve seen the gnome porn (obviously), but wasn’t aware the same woman did opinion pieces before this post
Search this sub for "aella" if you want. It's rarely interesting.
Damn, i saw the nsfw first and it turns out she"s got some uh... Not. Good. Parts.

CEOs were paid 351 times as much as a typical worker in 2020. It takes a Herculean feat of naivety to think that tracks with skill, as if person could be 351 times more skilled than another at any task, rather than the outsized power that executives have to set their own pay.

So Bezos didn't work five million times harder than minimum wage workers last year? You're just being a cynic: I heard he's up by 6am every day and sometimes takes work calls after dinner.
He must have figured out the fortify alchemy/enchanting loop exploit in Skyrim but for real life, by which I mean having wealth to make more wealth to make more wealth, etc.
You can basically dupe money by getting a line of credit leveraged on money you have, repeat ad infinitum. The admin have known about it for ages, but there's been no move to patch it out, so you should be good to go... I mean, if you picked "vastly wealthy" as a starting class, otherwise good luck with those loan officers.

‘have you considered . . .’ Yes. Shut the fuck up.

Aella should maybe drink more water and eat foods high in fiber, like green leafy vegetables. Then they will be able to void their body in the bathroom as frequently and as thoroughly as they void their mind on Twitter.


I… I’m a little worried about her heath? I abhor her politics and all, but it sounds like she might have some actual health issues that need to be addressed?

Also, obligatory eye-rolling at how hard everyone in the Rationalist sphere idolizes rich people.

> I'm a little worried about her heath? I bet my ass she lives on a red meat rich diet, cuz you know... Eating too much red meat will fuck up your bowel movement to the point you'll have painful bloody (irregular)shits.
I guess you eat some form of fibers at least, like some veggies with a steak. Grifters like Rogan, Peterson who promoted red meat only diet(to own the libs) have talked about having painful irregular shits.
The greens are doing their job alright
Wouldn't surprise me.

i mean im guessing her followers already have

“have you considered”

yes, I’ve considered it and discarded it because the evidence absolutely does not support it

I think Aella Girl produces more value than Paris Hilton.

But, to be fair, I don’t know how often Paris poops.

This person is a moron.

So Aella agrees that human labour creates value?

I recently found out about Aella. She’s ridiculous. Plenty of dudes worship her, which makes it even more strange. I mean… she’s not ugly but she’s certainly not 200/hr* hot and I don’t think “talk nerdy to me” justifies the upcharge.

*her self-reported rate

Also, earning 6figure amounts of $$$ monthly on onlyfans definitely makes her rich. IDK what she's moaning about.
I wouldn’t be surprised if she has a mid-tier tech/VC bro or crypto entrepreneur as a sugar daddy as well
She's gotta pay the gnome subcontractors.

At least she admits she’s full of it.

Rationalists: Our society is basically broken! We are basically communist now! People are so stupid that would not even implement Big Yud’s AGI-led market liberalization or Hanson’s air privatization proposals! Don’t they understand that without those we will never have a real free market and proper incentives that actually reward value creation?

Also rationalists: Rent seeking? What is rent seeking? Value capture? No silly, our socieety is totally meritocratic and rich people are just better!

Objection–straw man. No one’s demanding that they get to be ultra rich

I poop like twice a week

please see a doctor that can’t be good for you what the fuck

Ok, so let’s call it “ultra-productive” instead of ultra-rich. It takes many things to become an ultra-productive member of society, things like good education, health, security, access to a skilled workforce, infrastructure, trade deals, a monetary system, courts that settle disputes, and so on and so forth.

If those who have already reached that tier share their resources with society, then society can keep producing those conditions as well as give more people the chance to become ultra-productive themselves.

That’s what we all want, isn’t it?

This is the kind of self-loathing you end up with when you idolize rich people. Fuck “creating value”. Such a smooth-brained buzz phrase. All these “better-than-you” hustle nutsacks are just constantly shilling for their idols who will never resemble them.


Man, Jeff Epstein was sure a good and nice fellow.

^(My own personal hell would be being forced to spend a day with “rationalists.”)

Why did my text come out all small?

Scientists have proven success is actually down to uck more then anything else.

Aella does about as much work as an average billionaire but also isn’t actively hurting anyone.

And you can only become a billionaire by hurting people.

She can’t poop every day or the OnlyFans patrons will get bored of those videos

Come on there is nothing wrong with sex workers, her posts contain a lot to shit on, but shitting on her for being a sex worker isnt it. (Not specifically about this post btw, but quite a bit of hate on sws here).
I agree about sex workers but Ok what about the gnome fantasy one? That’s a little funny at least

Wow this is awful. The problem is there is (unfortunately) a sliver of truth in that mess. “Success”, regardless of how you define it, does require effort

Not even remotely. The children of billionaires will live lives more fabulous than you or I will ever imagine entirely due to the accident of their birth.
If your definition of success is simply being rich then yes

I mean, there’s a grain of truth in there.

Of course there’s a bunch of rich people who don’t “earn” their wealth.

But looking at talented and hardworking people they are of course more likely to be in the group who become more wealthy.

Edit: (for transparency: White Protestant here)

Woah, what’s with the insults? I haven’t claimed anything else either. Of course _most_ people are hardworking. But being hardworking isn’t a binary thing, “either hardworking or not”, it sits on a scale. The more hardworking, the more _likely_ to be successful, and so on. But likelihood is _not_ a guarantee. We also wearent talking about absolute wealth, we were talking about people _increase_ their wealth. When you look at just “rich people” of course all sorts of shit factors in (inheritance being the most obvious). The hardest job is neither if you ask me (and well, you did), or both, at the top or the bottom. It depends on how hard you work it. The stresses might be different, but you can work yourself to death in both places. I don’t disagree with a single thing you said. But your comment also didn’t disagree with anything I said above. I think you just misunderstood what I said. And again, what’s with the sudden insults dude?

It’s actually true. How can you assign race to hard working and create value? I won’t go with brilliant, I ain’t so smart and I do pretty well. I’d go with smart enough to know their weaknesses and how to work through those (practice or surround yourself with people who are) so maybe not brilliant. Based on my taxes alone I produce some value. Based on my profession I produce some value. Not saying I am something g special but very few people back into this, it only took hard work. Are you racist? The definition it’s basing something solely on someone’s race, so you kinda fit the description. Unless you’re just a hypocrite. Either way, I beg or differ on your point.

Whenever I hear someone subscribe to the theory that wealth is just moral reward I think "it would be racist to ascribe this to the culture that promoted this view as the force of god marking his most holy"
God has nothing to do with anything. It doesn’t matter your religion , atheist or satanist. Get the right mix of work sometimes luck and you’ll be fine. So if God is rewarding people randomly for things then I’d say give that crap back and tackle real crap like suffering people or climate change. Little help with the real concerns.
yeah im sure Protestantism has nothing to do with the values of an ex-Protestant

Good ol fashion non-white aetheist victimization. No still sounds shitty

I like her and consider her pretty smart. And taking into consideration her extremely fucked upbringing, I tend to cut her a little slack.

>I like her and consider her pretty smart i'm so sorry
Insightful? Interesting? Educated? And this "rich people deserve it" bullshit is pretty common among middle class white folks. Also, post pandemic, that bar has gotten pretty low.

Have you considered that sociopaths don’t care if they exploit everyone and everything around themselves and ruin the environment to profit obscenely… Yeah they really ‘deserve’ it.