r/SneerClub archives

I don’t necessarily agree with the viewpoints in many of the posts, but it was interesting digging deeper into them. I appreciate the perspective and the overall theme of this club. Dark & witty.

You should leave. Some knowledge cannot be unlearned.

And this abyss certainly stares back.

Do you think we are here by choice?

>Do you think we are here by choice? I assumed this board was our simulated eternal punishment
Every time Yud misinterprets this place as exclusively about him, I die and another digital clone of me takes my place.
Every time Yud cuts a fang off the basilisk, two more fangs spring up
Basilisk should really see a dentist about that one
We're not here because we're free; we're here because we're not free. There's no escaping the club, no denying sneering, for as we both know, without sneering we would not exist. It is sneering that created us, sneering that connects us, sneering that pulls us, that guides us, that drives us; it is sneering that defines, sneering that binds us.
SneerClub's basilisk

Came upon rslashmotte and couldn’t believe there was a such a covertly racist and stupid sub on Reddit. Literally the first post I encountered was “I’m a nerd and this is why colonialism was good actually” .

Couldn’t believe wtf was going on. But there were all these complaints there about sneer club lol and rightfully so

Love their whining about this sub. It’s gleeful to watch them complain
Colonialism was both bad and good. It was bad to not let people find their own destiny. It was good that those people got rail roads out of it. If you look today, at least in Africa, the most heavily colonized countries are the ones that are most economically successful.
Bzzt wrong
What an insightful and well researched rebuttal. My mind is changed.