r/SneerClub archives
As a computer scientist myself, every year I start hating the prevalent STEM culture of underestimating and denigrating the humanities more and more.


He forgot the two other women times, the ones who just want sex, and the ones who don't want sex nor drink. And the rare fifth type, who only wants to see people like Roko thrown out by bouncers (wait, this is the no sex nor drink one my bad). Anyway, congrats to the woman who didn't go home with him this weekend. You dodged a bullet! This is all just a bunch of redpill manosphere bullshit. Your only takeaway of this should be, Roko thinks hair colouring and piercings are permanent.
or the one where whether the woman wants sex or drinks depends on the personality of the man offering!! crazy right?
Nah all women clearly like men with the [biggest fuzziest hat](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/YFoRPC27ezithPHbnjGaa8-1200-80.jpg), to which they are irresistibly attracted, that the man here has the biggest hat is just assumed. ;) (You are right of course (E: also applies to men, where after a drink you go 'nah'))
That's why the queens guard can't interact with people, their raw sexual energy could level whole city blocks
I thought the terms of art are "madonna" and "whore".
a mathematician, if he says "game theory" he's in his area of expertise now
I genuinely do not understand how these peoples brains work.
genes something something genes

Are there any deep moral lessons to be drawn from this?


> Are there any ~~deep moral~~ lessons to be drawn from this? If a Twitter thread starts by classifying women into sl\*ts and prudes, run as far away as you can because it won't end well.

Imagine being smart enough to understand this thread but gullible enough to think this guy is worth listening to

What if I was not smart enough and just stopped halfway through?
The smart thing is to avert your eyes from people having hard copes on Twitter

A signalling game is an interaction between a timeless acausal being from the future and a person who should be working ceaselessly to bring it into existence.


I think the lesson is that you should make an interim judgement of a book by its cover.

it’s incredible how these people will just twist their brains into pretzels trying to justify the dumbest, most reactionary positions possible because it makes them feel clever and contrarian

>I think the lesson is that you can conclude pretty much anything you want, so long as those conclusions follow logically from a soup of putatively hypothetical, completely unexamined assumptions.


Yeah I wound up on his profile idly scrolling after I posted and realised afterwards that the linked thread is just fallout from some other bullshit he got shitcanned for earlier
Even then I’d say he *does* stop talking about it when he gets onto signalling, at least explicitly. The signalling stuff after the intro to chauvinist game theory bit is vague enough to apply to any scenario where any kind of social signal is in play. There’s no new matrix introduced and no attempt even to speculate on how a scenario which favours pooling and which favours splitting would differ for his original “PRUDE” and “SLUT” matrices.
Still waiting for his "explanation" as to why all women with dyed hair are crazy.
Easy: it's his prior, and then he uses bayesianism to confirm it.
It is also signalling, by complaining loudly about more explicit hair colors, he is signalling he is a predator.
Of both PRUDES and SLUTS …that’s the real rub. He wont buy either a drink, too.
statistical measurement plotting hair colour vs how hard they kick him in the nuts, n=1000
oh do tell
Just some manosphere shit about how girls with tattoos and dyed hair are ‘empirically’ shown to be easy to lay and have mental illness, and girls who run around in corn fields wearing summer dresses make great wives because they’re uptight and submissive
why not girls with tattoos and dyed hair wearing summer dresses, works in Australia

big words for a man who rose to prominence as part of a harry potter fanfiction cult

yet more proof, following the basilisk incident, that this fucko literally does not understand anything

I think we should take wojaks and emoji away from Roko until such a time we can figure out what the hell is going on here.

jfc, Roko goes full Roko by the second tweet

so was it a woman with blue hair who kicked him in the nuts this time

has this man ever spoken to a human

Are sundresses supposed to be slutty here?

Edit: Ok after finding this I see that sundresses were supposed to be a contrast in that statement, but that is not really less confusing. And the woman on the left is supposed to look like she’s trying to fuck? WTF is this choice of stock photos.

Edit 2: Hoooly fuck the replies on the tweet he’s quoting

The woman in the sundress looks like she is striking a flirty pose for a stock photo. The woman with black hair and tattoos looks like a man just told her that he's really into cryptocurrency.
Roko has apparently never heard of the straight edge movement or the "cool kid" Christians. Believe it or not the world is more complicated than some made up binary.
Also like... people with tattoos wear sundresses in meadows sometimes.
I like that his example photo of someone with "colored hair" is just...someone with dark black hair? Like, he's aware that black hair exists naturally, right?

Local rationalist tries to imitate Sen and his Lewd and Prude story, just with very basic game theory and a lot of prejudices instead than a Nobel-worthy idea to back it up. Somehow he fails miserably. More at 11.

Not just economics. Also at biology, psychology, social studies and plain human decency.

aren’t you the guy that’s scared of the imaginary magical computer from the future

This guy has a strangely antagonistic view on heterosexual sex.

woman is of subtype SLUT