r/SneerClub archives
In which a motter who thinks fascist racism is the most sensible ideology engages in highly reasonable debate about the natural propensities of the Asiatics (https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/ruvu1k/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_january_03/hrg4r1l?context=3)

The entire point of Marxism is in proposing an allegedly scientific explanation of human history - dialectical materialism. The conundrum I cannot reconcile, however, is why racial science is left out of the picture

“From each according to his ability, to each according to his calipers.”
"Why is it that all the people who like science don't like the science that I made up to explain why I'm better than them? Clearly, the explanation most be the most uncharitable thing I can imagine."
> The entire point of Marxism is in proposing an allegedly scientific explanation of human history - dialectical materialism. The conundrum I cannot reconcile, however, is why parapsychology is left out of the picture
Communist nations experienced famines because they didn't understand Pyramid Power and thus had nowhere to store their grain.
The entire point of The Beatles was their mastery over musical instruments and studio production techniques. The conundrum I cannot reconcile, however, is why armpit farts are left out of their albums.

This is just regular stupidity with higher syllable-per-word counts.

That should just be that sub's sidebar description, really.

Thiel and Moldbug won’t, because they are on the side of right wing capital and politics. Zuckerburg and Bezos may end up holding power, because they are on the left. It doesn’t make sense for the right to support a programmer president

This is your brain on online neoreaction. Lmfao imagine thinking zuck and daddy beez are left wing. It’s beyond the pale, I literally cannot comprehend this guy’s thought process.

The Facebook papers don’t real, apparently. some weird ass arr slash motte pundit thinks zuck is a lefty despite the mountains of evidence that Facebook systemically promotes and protects rightwing dross peddlers like the daily caller and Breitbart.

Oh yeah, and bezos is a Lefty despite being the richest or second richest man on earth at any given moment. Pay no attention to his tax dodging, capitalism loving, worker exploiting egomania. He made orange man mad and owns the washington post

Leftism is when you bust unions and let your works die rather than allow extra time off.
What do you think actual leftists do once they're in power?
Zuck isn't actually a robot but a terminally-online catgirl with neon pink hair who pilots the robot remotely as part of a scheme to take capitalism down from the inside.
that's the whole chicken
"Facebook is leftist" is a commonplace with these fucking idiots
in this person's mind the DSA is so leftist that it overflows to alt-right
> Oh yeah, and bezos is a Lefty despite being the richest or second richest man on earth at any given moment. It's a very old scam. "Just let us centralize the government, and we give you healthcare."

Not everyone gets exactly what they want under any system, because scarcity is a thing, but markets seem to do a better job of satisfying preferences than planning does. Everyone in NYC has a a reasonable choice among safe, healthy, affordable, and tasty food options at each meal, including the very destitute, unless they refuse food stamps and other assistance.

As the meme goes, tell me you’ve never been on food stamps without telling me you’ve never been on food stamps.

(also, even if we concede that this is true for NYC, how about everyone in Jackson, MS? Or Flint, MI? And why are we pretending that welfare programs are an inherent part of markets rather than a system put in place to assist those that the market is failing?)

I forgive you for being poor
Sad Cockshott noises.

Do you remember when in those quarters, Asians were represented as the uber nerd, maximally oppressed by evil feminism and affirmative actions, who had nothing to lose but their virginity in the pursuit of an IQ paradise?

Well, last hired first shot, as usual with fascists.

(ca va sans dire, the representation was never accurate, it was always terminally online white people projecting their insecurities on census categories. But still, funny to see how they can’t even keep up consistent projections for long)

The entire premise of Marxism is that capitalism fails to give people what they want. If “getting people what they want” is not the point of economic activity, what is?

I like little misunderstandings of Marx like this. I think they reveal a lot about how people tend to think about and see Marx and Marxism. The “entire premise” of Marx is of course not that capitalism is evil (although I have no doubt that Marx believed it was), but rather that class conflict constitutes a barrier to continued capitalist advancement which requires systematic changes to overcome. The important thing to really get with Marx isn’t a moral point, it’s a way to frame economics. And by missing this, you can reduce the entire problem of class conflict to moralizing — Either it’s bad that capitalists exploit their workers because fairness or vulgar producerism, or it isn’t because [grumbling about productivity]. Which is convenient for arguing online even if it’s infuriating because it closes off people’s minds entirely.

Marx complains capitalism fails to give the worker the true value of their labor.

Even stuff like this, where someone’s getting really close to understanding surplus value, but not really what’s interesting about surplus value. The joke about capitalists being vampires would be lost on this person. What’s interesting about surplus value is its role in setting up the dialectical relationship between capitalists and the proletariat, not as an appeal to some notion of fairness.

I want to know more from you
Marx didn't pay his maid then kicked her out on the street after he knocked her up. He also didn't bathe. I wouldn't take any moral arguments from him too seriously, he was a piece of shit.
I also heard Hitler was an atheist and that’s why I’m a proud Christian fundamentalist.
> Even stuff like this, where someone's getting really close to understanding surplus value, but not really what's interesting about surplus value. The joke about capitalists being vampires would be lost on this person. What's interesting about surplus value is its role in setting up the dialectical relationship between capitalists and the proletariat, not as an appeal to some notion of fairness. The capitalist as a vampire rests on an idea of ownership that would be alien to him, or indeed the proletariat should they happen to seize the capital through force of arms.

1938 germany = liberalism?

Guess themotte doesnt comply with mask mandates.

(Yeah bad sneer I know, just the timeperiod of the art this motter picked was weird, at least Grosz wasnt a nazi (assuming this is about georg grosz and not a different artist)).

E: lol wow the drama bullshit about iq in that thread. IQ 100 means you are mentally handicapped haha.

Lot of high school level ‘this is why communism was bad’ takes as well.

> Its kinda irrelevant to libertarians what races are how many standard deviations below which, when the population average is still 1-2 standard deviations below the average libertarian. In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any false “government’s” blessing, but because I am enlightened by my own libertarianism.
Quality Sneer. And it's free!
is it open source?
> Its kinda irrelevant to libertarians what races are how many standard deviations below which, when the population average is still 1-2 standard deviations below the average libertarian. [The only possible response](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_n5E7feJHw0)
There was also [this guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sq37RClh4bY)

these words were too fancy for my poor brain

Ow, how I envy you, if only I could be so grossly illiterate and escape the suffering of understanding the words. (E: lol wait I think this guy was trying to dunk on us (and themotte I guess), but failing. Haha. I mean look at this 14 year olds post history).
suck ur mum u pussyo
doesn't hurt to add one more now does it Edit: hell na I ain't goin near that shit i take my words back holyy