r/SneerClub archives
“You’re Probably a Eugenicist” sounds like a great conference talk, where do I signup? (https://i.redd.it/xr6nzzfnn1b81.jpg)

Hereticon seems like a goldmine of material. Thiel’s Founders Fund in action.

Which are the quasi-fascist ideas that they’re trying to insert into mainstream discourse & which are the weird & wonderful padding? You decide!

“I’m super excited for the Tuesday morning programming!”

“Oh, you mean Settling Mars, and Terraforming! Yeah, I love big science ideas that really make you think about the universe and mankind’s…”

“Uh, yeah, yeah! That…” hides “How to summon UFOs” book and picture of Aella

Don't forget "How to pay for sex"

Very sane and normal conference. “How to Pay For Sex.” Christ*. Probably pertinent but a bit dire. Motters DM me, I’ll torture your cock and balls gratis.

*Just remembered this is American and there may be some material to this beyond “go to a brothel and tell no one.” This isn’t some anti-sex work bit or anything of the sort.

The name laci green rings a bell
Yeah. Youtuber from back in the olden days when Dick Dork, Hitchens, etc. were big on there. Wouldn't have struck me as one to wind up rationalist-adjacent -- nor do I assert that she did, simply can't be bothered checking -- but then a lot of them did go that way (or worse).
Last I checked she went full TERF and was circling around those same alt-right drains so I'm not very surprised.
Twitter cancelled her and she got pushed into the arms of people more comfortable with her TERF-ward leaning.
She didnt get pushed more like walked into their arms but sure.
If you don’t think Twitter flayings push people away from those doing the flaying and towards people who instead say “oh no I’m so sorry the twitter mob came for you just because you totally support real biology science that you’re totally right about”, I can’t help you. But if you want to stress that it was still her choice: it was. She coulda shaped up.
Im saying she already was on the side of the terfs/alt light before the 'flaying' even started. 'im taking the red pill' -> *people get mad* -> 'they are driving me to them'. yeah no shit. But whatever, lets not redo the year covid-5.
Oooh. Ok I think you followed this more closely than I did. Sorry for misunderstanding and thanks for explaining! What were the early warning signs or alt light opinions? I’ve been holding too kind a view of Laci for years, apparently.
Dont recall warning signs, I just recall her being the sort of friendly to the alt light/atheistskepticosphere and being their millennial variant of Christina Hoff Sommers. Forever willing to debate the 'reasonable' anti sjws. Basically the same pattern as you see with various 'leftwingers' in themotte, where they are way to nice to the various shitheads there, and slowly having their window being drawn right. I mean that period was [so sad for so many people](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2200286-laci-green) (just found this via google, reminds me of [this piece of art](https://www.reddit.com/r/GamerGhazi/comments/3lwjtp/this_cartoon_speaks_for_itself/) (the source of this latter image is apparently [vox day](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Theodore_Beale) because everything culturewar eventually has that neo-nazi try to jump in to grab a piece of attention (and ruin it in the process because he isn't as smart as he thinks he is, it is great, he is one of the idiots who made the whole 'the alt right is about white nationalism' explicit by writing down the rules of the alt right (rule 14 will not surprise you)))).
Aella, one of the two presenters for "how to pay for sex" is a sex worker - is or was an escort, and [now is pretty big on onlyFans](https://twitter.com/aella_girl/status/1335725267340251137)
> I got this data by recording what I heard girls say their % was, recording my own journey upwards (on two diff accounts), and extrapolating the gaps. lmao
A serious case of /r/dataisugly.
Who? Never heard of her.
Yeah, if a presentation with that title were somewhere else, like an LGBT or kink convention, I would be so there. Sounds potentially fascinating.


‘Triggered the future of 3d printed guns’

I have a fam member who works in that industry and well, to say it lightly he isn’t a fan of what 3d gun printing has done to the perception of the 3d print industry.

More on subject, do wonder why the evo psych people have such a bad rep. Diana ‘Prob a eugenicist’ Fleischman.

E: Very much tag yourself here.

Im a Whale of a problem.

> I have a fam member who works in that industry and well, to say it lightly he isn't a fan of what 3d gun printing has done to the perception of the 3d print industry. People definitely get antsy about legislation on an irregular basis, particularly the guys making proprietary slicing software. [Money has a number of known and unknown watermarks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EURion_constellation) which 2d printer manufacturers have to identify and blacklist. It's a remote but not an *entirely* unreasonable fear that CA/NY/MA might pass a state law about refusing to print weapons. I doubt it'll ever happen. It would be a serious pain in the ass if it did, though. It's a thoroughly unwinnable war (*humans* would have a lot of difficulty getting 90% accuracy identifying lower receivers vs. random mechanical-looking shapes) but one that you could easily sink a ton of money into. 3d printed guns are getting, uh, [pretty popular](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8mKTv2srfE). There are [lots of kits aimed at people printing all their legally-controlled parts](https://maf-arms.com/product/m11-wind-chime-kit/); you can buy all the uncontrolled components and [make something like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ej5d949BysY). If something like that is used in a mass shooting, it'll be the first thing people associate with your job. If most of what you do is make dentures, that kinda sucks
Printed guns now are so much better than the first generation of Liberator type derringers. I've thought about making an FGC-9 myself. For a range toy it's much cheaper than a "real" rifle, but in my opinion you wouldn't want to use it for self-defense because of the inevitable legal mess. IMO, the real turning point in public opinion will be when there is a successful mass shooting committed solely with 3d printed weapons. The Halle shooter [used 3d-printed accessories](https://3dprintingindustry.com/news/interview-with-the-icsr-a-3d-printed-gun-was-not-used-in-the-halle-terror-attack-163643/) (widely reported as using a fully 3d printed weapon that jammed), so it's only a matter of time. But since bans aren't technically feasible, who knows what will happen.
I think a bigger question is what it would mean for gun manufacturers if 3D printed guns can feasibly replace their product.
As I understand it consumer gun markets are largely downstream of the military, which doesn't need 3d printed guns. Besides that, I don't know if 3d printing will ever supplant mass market guns. If they take off they won't be competitive cost-wise since companies will use the same tech for the budget market. I think consumers will only bother if the process is easier. Quite possible it'll be faster for printer owners to DIY than to order a gun online, wait for shipping and cooldown periods, and then go get it in person from an FFL. Currently, the cost of a printer plus plastic is approximately the same as a low-end handgun, but you end up with the equivalent of a dodgy polymer gun and have to spend time manufacturing. So it's only appealing to (a) people already interested in both guns and 3d printing and (b) people who can't get guns otherwise.
3d printing can only make firearms parts that will function if they're made out of plastic or, if you're really rich, sintered metal. Those parts will always be cheaper to make at scale with injection molding and similar technologies. Any parts that can be cast can be made cheaper by casting. Any parts that need machining can't be 3d printed.
> Any parts that need machining can't be 3d printed. I don't know what's the end quality of this, but I've seen metal printing machines that have an integrated milling cutter.
Probably correct. I don't know much about traditional manufacturing, so hedged my bets by noting that manufacturers can always do 3d printing cheaper than the consumer if it does end up being better in some way. You can print stuff that's difficult to mold (e.g. print-in-place nested parts need substantial adaptation) but I don't know that any of it is useful for firearms.
> print-in-place nested parts need substantial adaptation I'm sure you could use them for firearms, but you'd basically be doing it for your own amusement. If you want to make a machine gun in your garage you can do that with metalworking tools and about twenty hours of milling. The hardest part is finishing all the pieces so they fit correctly and finding magazines that feed properly. Guns are really, really simple mechanisms. But you need very tough, strong steel for the most important parts and that's beyond the ability of current 3d printing techniques.
> 3D printed guns can feasibly replace their product. No one is 3d printing the working mechanisms of firearms any time soon. The "3d printed" in 3d printed guns is the furniture, ie the optional parts that aren't necessary to make gun go bang. There is no such thing as a 3d printed gun, at least not yet. You can't 3d print a firing pin, a breech, or a barrel.
They'll just say "criminals are printing guns, buy our rifle to protect your family from the bad guy"
> People definitely get antsy about legislation on an irregular basis Recall that the VCR tape was nearly banned because the movie industry was concerned about piracy and loss of theater revenues and they had the money to buy politicians. tape cassetes almost suffered the same fate, and we're all still living with the consequences of DMCA and similar censorship regimes resulting from CD era political agitation. You wouldn't download information?!
Yeah for him it just sucks, of all the potential usages of ways to talk about the 3d printers, some people picked a culture war one, which even they, as not consciously aware of these things saw as bad. So yes, the most famous 3d printer person being a gun nut pedophile allround shitty person sucks. And that is all 3d printing is about now. (And it is pretty funny that Hereticon is just joining in on this. 'We are against the sensational mass media who cancels things at a whim, here are our sensational talks'. Next year I want to give the last talk of hereticon. Which is just 'this is why all the previous talks here were full of shit, and you all wasted your time coming here, at least the "normies" dont make their media consumption part of their identity'.
As someone who is into Warhams, I am pretty sure 3D printing is all about pirating little plastic soldiers.
I have several 3d printed lovecraftian monsters here on a shelve so that is the best thing indeed. But that isn't what the media talks about sadly, that is all 'violent terrorist are grinding up your babies to 3d print guns! In a region near you! Yes you, specifically' ;). It is also fun to see that people are just creatively making all kinds of new types of plastic soldiers for various things. And it is fun to see what people can make when they move past 'im copying warhams'
In 2020 there was a lot of attention given to teenagers and college kids printing things and making covid face shields and "ear savers", for hospital workers.
I’m UFO summoning
*Psychedelic Tea Party* sounds fun, but I'm still trying to calculate the likelihood of being cursed with a brain demon.
You shouldn't do psychedelics while hanging out with people that have strong opinions about age of consent laws.
Eh, I'd do shrooms with Foucault, Deleuze, Derrida, Althusser, de Beauvoir, and whoever else signed the 1977 French petition.
I'm Case Closed: ESP is Real
Am: Starting Over Hope to be: Baby Factory
I’m the forgotten corridors of British intelligence.
I'm vanilla ice cream break (a safe space)
i'm beyond incompetence
actually I'm the really disappointed posadist
I’m the disappointed podiatrist.
Looking at this mess I can only conclude that Posada was right and nuclear war would be a mercy.
Aren't 3D guns also incredibly shitty?
Compared to any mass produced guns, even the trash tier of saturday night specials? Yes. Compared to literally a length of pipe, a nail, and a hammer... Debatable. You can only 3d print the optional parts of a gun. You can't 3d print a barrel, breech, or firing pin. Sure, it sounds cool to say you're making furniture and your trigger mechanism with science fiction methods instead of doing it with a woodworking shop and some metal working tools, but the net effect is the same - you still can't print the parts of the gun that make it a gun.
> You can't 3d print a barrel, breech, or firing pin Kind of irrelevant. Many 3D printed items involve metal hardware, springs, electronics, and motors. "Make it all out of plastic" is a spurious requirement. Besides, people are building CNC routers that can take care of fabricating the metal parts. They might not be able to rifle a barrel, but rifling often isn't a necessity.
I wouldnt know, I live in a country where most people dont shoot guns.

The daily community meetings and social activities at the psychiatric hospital I was in last year had more normal people and more normal conversation topics.

Also who the fuck is the target audience here? I can’t imagine a person who’s simultaneously interested in tattooing, drag and.. eugenics? family-values polyamory? whale evolution? alien encounters? homemade vaccines?

>Also who the fuck is the target audience here? I can't imagine a person who's simultaneously interested in tattooing, drag and.. eugenics? family-values polyamory? whale evolution? alien encounters? homemade vaccines? Oh, it's just rationalists, and their dogged pursuit of ideas most likely to be true. The good news is that knee-jerk contrarians convention is right across the street, and the keystone is talk is Choosing Your Priors: why starting with what 99% of people accept may not be such a bad idea.
that mix you just listed pretty clearly illustrates the point of the agenda. tattooing and drag, two perfectly fine modes of expression that are unfairly and arbitrarily demonized ("Tattooed And Employed" is like saying Black Lives Matter for people this milquetoast, and drag is a form of broken gender norms that feels safe and non-threatening to respectable middle-class sensibilities). family-values polyamory follows the usual theme of dressing up base urges with a surface-level understanding of ethics and a veneer of the aforementioned bourg sensibilities (nobody @ me; I'm virulently anti-monogamist, I just dislike these poseurs). this approach, where philosophy jargon is used to *justify* human urges rather than *question* them, puts the audience in the right mode of thought to map that approach onto their other inclinations/biases. then, you launch into the speculative evolution, UFO, and alt-medicine stuff to drive home the theme that ^(THE ESTABLISHMENT)'s supposed monopoly on truth is not only flawed, but counterproductive. these are also classic examples of misdirection from valid issues toward sensationalist interpretations. is science a difficult and imperfect process? no! (((they))) are clearly trying to hide something from us! does the state waste its time and resources having aerospace contractors design and test machines that common people will never see, use, or understand? no! it's aliens and (((they))) are clearly trying to hide something from us! do you live in a for-profit hellscape where you're not only unable to access healthcare but also are routinely exposed to hazardous materials? no! (((they))) are poisoning you with microchips or radio waves or fluoride, and then selling you expensive pills that don't work (we know you can't afford the pills--trust us that they don't work, much like how those grapes you can't reach are definitely sour) when you could be buying *cheap pills from me* that definitely do work! it's the same pipeline that broke trashy people have been funneled into for decades: alienation -> aesthetic of oppression -> woo-woo pseudoscience/new-age spiritualism -> still alienated, but with a new vocabulary and a power structure that they can take cues from. the pipeline has been retrofitted multiple times so as to rope in people of greater means (Scientology is the poster child for it these days, although their approach has been outmoded for years now), and as we see here there's plenty of money in the business of courting the declining lower-middle class and the ornery upper echelons of the lower classes. historically speaking, this is the demographic from which you draw the paramilitary marchers, heterodox """intellectuals,""" and spiritual visionaries of a nascent fascist movement. here we arrive at "you're probably a eugenicist" and "the case for natalism." it's not the domineering theme of the conference, but that's how fascism works: it disguises itself before moving, it sneaks in around the edges, it asks nicely before coming in, and it tries to blend in with the nice respectable centre-right milieu (there are some genuinely decent items on the agenda; Megan Phelps-Roper has been doing important work vis a vis her family's church etc) until they have the numbers and influence necessary to Make It Happen Here. in the meantime, all there is to do is obfuscate as much as possible, discredit anything and everything until folks are ready to believe whatever they want, and sharpen the knives. luckily for us, we live at the end of history, and gracious overlords like dear old Thiel will always keep us safe from the dangers of fascism, with innovative social incubation projects like this.
When you program your rampaging killbots according to their horoscopes
When you set out to destroy Cancer once and for all.
The target audience is John McAfee, obviously.
> whale evolution? whale non-evolution


It’s a conference of “Heretics” sponsered by Peter Thiel. The point is to get you to doubt the ”offical/normal” way of doing things so that you’re open to be convinced by ideas that are conducive to Thiel’s interests. The specific set of invited “heretics” is irrelevant. So long as they make for good copy, they’re perfect fodder for Thiel to use to smuggle in his own personal agenda.
IS this all Thiel or are there other backers as well? Also sounds like something Balaji Srinivansan would cook up.
The original announcement is from the Founders Fund medium page, so I think it’s just Thiel & his FF buddies.
I was wondering about that project the other day. Not enough to check up on what they're up to, because they're probably on ivermectin and t-blockers by now.
In addition to Weinstein, they've got Robert Malone, [who is a kook](https://respectfulinsolence.com/2021/12/17/dr-robert-malone-goes-full-antivaccine-conspiracist/); and Pierre Kory, [likewise](https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/ivermectin-is-the-new-hydroxychloroquine-take-6-incompetence-and-fraud-everywhere/); and Matthew Crawford, [also likewise](https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/substack-where-the-covid-19-cranks-all-go-now/). Stellar line-up.

“If you think there should be some sort of standardized test for parenting, yeeeeewwwwww might be a eugenicist”

Would love to see Jeff Foxworthy do five minutes on eugenics.
then I wanna see Bill Engvall rehash the same routine for ten minutes. then I wanna see Larry do the joke better in one, then keep it going for an excessive fifteen.
You will probably get your wish once he's elected.

What’s the film, Terminator 2?

Would pay to see channel 5 cover this

I wonder if the Steve Fuller presenting “Must a Human be an Ape?” is the Steve Fuller who testified on behalf of the creationists in Kitzmiller v Dover.

"Trad: The Family Values Guide to Polyamory" by Geoffrey "Primalpoly" Miller sounds impressive, but the version by [Evo Psych Googling](https://twitter.com/evopsychgoogle) would be a classic for the ages.
My guess is yes given the whale guy is a creationist. Weird bedfellows for rationalists

Sounds like a convenient set of coordinates for future time travelers to visit.

What the fuck is this, “UFO summoning”?? “How to pay for sex”?? “The bright side of nicotine”??

Surprised there’s no mention of pronouns.

Christian Angermayer is part of the more “normal” business sphere too. I hope this makes the rounds, there.

This is the perfect marriage of Wooks and Karens. And while it’s strange to see, conspiracy theories are where their Venn diagrams overlap, so it actually makes perfect sense.

Peter Thiel conducting the “Apocalypse” talk sounds positively Hurry

What’s the source of this image?

The organiser's Twitter account.

This is the most accursed thing I have ever seen.