r/SneerClub archives
This bloody brainfart is doing the current right wing Djokovic schtick of 'getting the rona', believing it will be the booster shot they need, instead of 'big pharma bully' vaccine. Big brain motte time! (https://i.redd.it/353ib6y5e6b81.jpg)

Overcoming Survivorship Bias

Quality sneer.

Nothing says “rational” like knowingly collecting anecdotes to confirm your currently held assumptions.

That’s her go-to methodology. She has multiple Medium posts with “supporting data” based on Twitter polls of her followers. Obviously the sampling is heavily skewed based on the demographics of who would follow a “rationalist” sex worker. The she does basic stats and plots it on a graph, making it look more legit.
Take the sampling bias of the audience and multiply that by the sampling bias of asking directly for anecdotes that fit your hypothesis. Thas a lotta bias
Dont worry, if you hace read the sequences you are vaccinated against bias. You cannot catch it.
It's a joke. She's play-asking for the anecdotes "to calm herself down", not compiling it for analysis.

Its a good thing she plans on catching only the mild rona. I would have been worried otherwise.

Neat that she's found a way to have total control over that!
Well, one way to have control over that is vaccination...
Funny, in a horrible way, that medical people now have to explain that they mean 'mild hospital visit' when they talk about mild infections. Im reminded of the 'dark ages'. (Not dark as in evil, but dark as in, we dont have much written history about it)

“how many layers of evolutionary psychology are you on”
“like maybe 5 or 6 right now, my dude”
“you are like a little baby. watch this”

It takes a special kind of rationality to “plan” on getting a disease that the rest of the world has caught effortlessly.

i thought she never left the house

Belittling the suffering of millions. I’m impressed. Well, mostly repulsed, but a smidgen impressed.

new sexual archetype in the marketplace: fastest Omicron-spreader

Clue me in. Who is this woman? How does she connect to the sneerosphere?

avid rationalist and friend of the rationalists
Where'd she come from? SSC, LessWrong?
[A vat of LSD.](https://knowingless.com/2016/08/21/421/)
On the other hand, you have to do a *shit ton* of acid to go so far out you think you’re the only one in the room who got a chemical mainline to the other side doing it
> I chose life, as you can see [She chose life, she chose a job, she chose a career, she chose a family (of Extremely Online Rationalists)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Naf_WiEb9Qs)....
`"Date Me?"`
from the Bay Area rationalist subculture itself
[This is also her…](https://knowingless.com/2018/01/17/permanent-mental-effects-from-lsd/) This is not a person anyone should be listening to.
[And party thrower and matchmaker for wannabe nudists](https://astralcodexten.substack.com/p/theres-a-time-for-everyone), if I read that right
Former sex worker who ran in tech-adjacent social circles. Current OnlyFans content creator. Popular among the so-called rationalists. LSD enthusiast. Thinks very highly of herself.
The tag was completely unnecessary here
Fair enough, removed. Doesn’t seem to be active anyway.

who would win: aella deliberately getting covid vs webdevmason eating horse paste

Be honest, it is kinda great that the contrarian streak in - sigh…”some quarters’ of - These Bloody People is so strong that there’s a pipeline from “The CDC can’t tell ME what not to take” to “I refuse to take this because the CDC approved it”