r/SneerClub archives
Hereticon! Crank Magnetism, the conference. Everything about this is awesome. Funded by Peter Thiel's Founders Fund. Features several rationalist and IDW favourites. (https://i.redd.it/z75827w9jxc81.jpg)

Aella and Laci Green collaborating, good lord Laci has fallen farther than I thought (last checked in with her in like, 2017).

/u/dgerard getting slow and reposting old sneers. he’ll be thinking bitcoin is good in a few months.

a store of inflation *and* a hedge against value

Someone please tell me “you’re probably a eugenicist” isn’t what I think it is.

Yes, it is using the reverse [noncentral fallacy](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/yCWPkLi8wJvewPbEp/the-noncentral-fallacy-the-worst-argument-in-the-world) to go 'well if you think about it 'edge case about genes' is actually eugenics, therefore we are judging the word eugenics too harshly. Probably at least, I am a bit biased here, and without being there an listening to the talk I can't make a proper judgment of course. I would think this has a high chance of being true on the betting market however. ;). We will have to see, I assume they will post it all on youtube. E: via her twitter: https://twitter.com/sentientist/status/1440776042080202771
'wrongthoughts' let me guess you come from themotte.
haha you got nailed
wrongthoughts like - wow these questions are stupid and Twitter polls have got to be one of the worst ways to try to make any kind of point?
> A country offers $5000 to any woman who reproduces, if she scores in the top 10% of a set of (carefully designed, reliable) tests meant to judge general intelligence. This is: poll was missing options for "bizarre assumption of facts not in evidence, i.e., that 'general intelligence' is quantifiable" and "some fuckin' bullshit"
I mean, og eugenics was also based on bullshit pseudoscience so I don't think that objection disqualifies that policy from falling under the "eugenics I don't support" option
Wrong thoughts. - dumb.

previous thread on this here

the past is a foreign country; they sneer differently there
"How far my efforts agree with those of other sneerers I will not decide. Indeed what I have here written makes no claim to novelty in points of detail; and therefore I give no sources, because it is indifferent to me whether what I have sneered has already been sneered before me by another."

Man what a loser you have to be to go to this.

are you serious? I wish I could go to this lmao
Yeah this sounds hilarious, especially the UFO stuff.

Thanks for reminding me of the term crank magnetism, I was trying to search for it recently but only found bullshit about magnets. On the plus side my Qi is in perfect balance right now.

Being reminded of the term *crank magnetism* suddenly makes me wonder about the possibility of a *crank magnetic monopole,* which I guess would be a person or topic that has not yet been observed in the wild, but which hypothetically embodies a kind of crackpottery that would fit nicely into a general scheme.

TRYST: Burlesque & Cirque Show?

Must a human be an ape

Why wouldn’t humans be apes? Or is it because it makes those people feel bad for some reason. Are rationalists creationist now?

I'm guessing it's some upload your mind trans-humanism thing.
Steve Fuller is apparently an intelligent design proponent, and testified for it in the Kitzmiller trial. He seems to be a real creationist deal.
I haven't read anything by Fuller in ~10 years, but my recollection is that he *is* what STEM-bros think "postmodernists" are. The caricature made flesh. "What if it's, you know, all *relative,* man?" (but with more syllables). So, being willing to trash any possibility of a distinction between science and nonscience, of course he's willing to grant creationism legitimacy.
To be fair humans have to be apes only if we want taxonomy to make sense. It is all relative, even. Whoa.
That's two intelligent design proponents, then. They also had a guy with Questions about whale evolution

COVID Vaccines…Bret Weinstein

Yikes. Where’s the seminar on making your own death cult?

Jesus Christ, Intelligent Design? ESP?

What is this, an issue of OMNI Magazine?