r/SneerClub archives
"holding chronic tension in the body produces nerd voice, nerd face, makes posture bad, and makes physical activity subtly painful and unpleasant, hence avoiding sports" (https://twitter.com/QiaochuYuan/status/1486856070886682625)

Nerdness involves contraction of the body, granted, but it involves expansion elsewhere

hold on, I need to take a hit

Releasing chronic tension lets you go from Steve Urkel to Stefan Urquelle

i uncritically think that everything i’ve seen in movies growing up is a true representation of reality. i am very smart. 1/

Well this expands the lore a bit, I thought being a nerd was about having certain interests and focusing to much about it, but nope it is calipers related. A new subspecies of human.

Love how he confuses the casual link with allergies. Yes allergies are caused by being indoors, not the other way around were allergies cause a preference for being indoors.

Also funny that people bring up a counter argument ‘jocks are tense’ but that just gets deflected and rolled into the theory. https://mobile.twitter.com/QiaochuYuan/status/1487000733597638660

E: inspired by this post, reminder to check your posture.

Next thing you tell me is to clean my room.
I'm not your supervisor!
Make your bed!
> check your posture What, and turn into a JOCK?????? Never on your goddamn life.

why do nerds have that voice? why don’t nerds like sports? why do nerds have bad posture? why do nerds look younger?

feels like he’s coming into this one with some assumptions, huh

"Why do nerds have that voice? Why don't nerds like sports? When did I fall through the temporal barrier and become trapped in a raunchy 1980s comedy movie?"
> why do nerds look younger Less exposure to sunlight, obviously.

This guy used to be a legend on mathoverflow, what the fuck happened?

'Im good at math, that means im good at all other fields'. Stem brain disease, sadly it cannot be cured, the symptoms can only be treated. But it is very hard to treat Stem brainers as they think they know better. (Like not examining if all the bullshit media portrayals of nerds vs jocks are actually true. Iirc there was a bit of a wave of interest in hacker/programmer culture for martial arts. And I certainly know a lot of nerdy people who are into that, or just HEMA).
there's an entire world of propaganda (a small subset of which this sub is dedicated to making fun of) that exists to push this type of person further and further right. it's no accident.
And some types of propaganda work esp well on the 'im smart, independent, touch computers, rational, and not easily fooled' group.
Minus the “touch computers” part, you’ve just described a colleague of mine who lost their apartment and dropped out of a full-ride scholarship to a pretty amazing medical school program and eventually went broke investing in crypto. This person is *constantly* a narcissistic pest, beating their chest about their intellect, independence and ability to “pay attention to things no one else notices”. Just like that, one day they’re talking about bored apes and “flips” and “anyone who doesn’t get in on this now is an idiot”. Much wow. Very intellect. Get off the crypto sites and pay your fucking rent.
> This person is constantly a narcissistic pest, beating their chest about their intellect, independence and ability to “pay attention to things no one else notices”. These people are pretty good marks (as in targets for a confidence trick) I would think. Esp if they are also a bit greedy. So no big surprise they got into crypto. And lol for investing in crypto during the NFT era. That is a bit like going 'hey I heard about this new cool thing, called the internet' and then fully investing in [pets.com](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pets.com) in October of 2000.
> These people are pretty good marks (as in targets for a confidence trick) I would think. I don't know if you saw that Folding Ideas documentary about NFTs that made the rounds (probably still is, [here it is](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQ_xWvX1n9g) if you haven't), but there's an entire section where the documentary creator talks about the psychopathy of people who get pulled into the world of NFTs, and the people who pull others into it and... ...tldr: yeah you're more or less right.
I have seen the vid, it is very good. I even learned somethings I didn't even know. Good to see (for folding ideas) that the video is doing so well, apparently he had a pretty bad time making and finishing it. And well there is also just a subset of people who get drawn into NFTs and cryptocurrencies for other reasons (fear of missing out, taking a chance to get out of their poverty, etc etc). And we should be very careful to go 'well they bought in they deserve to be scammed'. Esp as this is a part of confidence tricks as well, they do extra well because most victims are also afraid to admit they got scammed. The narcissists will not admit being tricked of course, but for non-narcissists or people with lesser narcissistic tendencies not condemning that they got tricked helps them to spread the word and hopefully this prevents others from being scammed. (It gets more complicated of course, because in MLM schemes the victim is also the victimizer of others).
Well stated. I certainly will not be the type of person to cast aspersions on someone aspiring for a way out of poverty or even a way to just general financial independence from whatever shackles they seek refuge from. *Raises glass* Damn the man, save the empire. But son of a bitch the schadenfreude will be very hard to contain when the kinds of people who see themselves as digital 'financial lords' and walk around with their noses up in the air, insulting people who choose to sit out on the NFT craze as being 'idiots' who are 'just going to get left behind' end up losing it all when the inevitable hack comes along or the inevitable data leak gets published or inevitable vulnerability gets exploited. Just like Folding Ideas said, none of this shit is doing anything to equalize financial power, it's merely a digital manifestation of the same ladders of greed and avarice as the legacy finance systems. (edit: offtopic, your username is cracking me tf up) Have a good weekend bud, enjoyed having an actually agreeable discussion on reddit for a change. If you'll excuse me, I got about a foot of snow to get shoveled.
> username It is a reference to Shadowrun. I actually picked it as a nickname before I even knew the soylent green and budweiser references. So in a way it is a reference to my own ignorance, my own mistakes, and that I shouldn't be taking myself too seriously. The past few years have been annoying however, when the fucking word 'soy' became a culture war thing (and I became more militantly political left wing online I guess). Good luck murdering the snow.
**[Pets.com](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pets.com)** >Pets.com was a dot-com enterprise headquartered in San Francisco that sold pet supplies to retail customers. It began operations in November 1998 and liquidated in November 2000. A high-profile marketing campaign gave it a widely recognized public presence, including an appearance in the 1999 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and an advertisement in the 2000 Super Bowl. Its popular sock puppet advertising mascot was interviewed by People magazine and appeared on Good Morning America. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)
Also, nerd culture has effectively won out, and it’s now the dominant culture. Maybe you got picked on in the 1980s if you read comic books at school, I’m too young to know first hand, but now Marvel is topping the box office damn near every month. A cyberpunk game was the most anticipated release of last year, and video games are roughly equal to music in sales. Nerd culture won out.
Nerds are the new jocks 😳🤯🤯
Fair enough, no idea about this person. Thanks for the info. Hope they get their shit in order then.
He got posted here before and I found myself doing a short dive to work out who he is, but yeah this basically it, except that /u/seadjinn skips over that yeah he’s got some biggish online rationalist connects
Yea he was posted about here before with a big long TMI twitter thread about how he kept living off his parents money and felt really bad about it for not supporting himself, then he ate some L and decided to keep taking their money or something along those lines. Tbh i felt kinda bad about how twisted up his mind was
Stem brain people are some of the most annoying people I've ever had to interact with.
To be fair, that might be about relative exposure. Law twitter can be pretty bad too, if you’re into that.
At one point I was getting a degree in physics, is where my general dislike comes from, haha. I don't really know Twitter very much, I was on it for a while a little over a year ago, but that's it.
I think it’s a general problem that experts suffer from, especially ones that have continually been told that they’re smart. I think engineers get the worst of it because they couple years of being told they’re smart with a general lower level of social skills. (Note: I’m an engineer). This makes those interactions worse.
Also we're the side of STEM that's less about finding out how or why things are the way they are, and more about making them the way we want them to be. The mindset doesn't always handle uncertainty well.
Yeah, I was straying towards that mindset in my late teens and early twenties. The only thing that saved me was being around people who were a lot more knowledgeable than me, especially in subjects I wasn't too familiar with. Ended up humbling me a lot. Getting trounced over and over hurts to begin with, but it hurts a lot less when you don't have to support a massive ego.
Except that engineering students form social groups and cliques and relationships and adult engineers form professional networks so as an autisticperson I believe I need connections
You are just mad we know more things than you. Wait sorry, I had a flareup.
Most of the men in my lab working towards computing. PhDs and Masters are anywhere from fit to ripped. I also know a lot of tech people who slut around a bit in alt scenes like goth. That has not been my experience everywhere I’ve been in computing, but yeah the classic nerd archetype just isn’t that pervasive past high school in my experience.
Turns out his parents are rich as fuck and he has an enormous trust fund or something.

Haha this reply:

Yes, this is why depictions of Chad are the way that they are. He’s just sprawling out like the ape that he is, he is absolutely ready to gracefully handle a fall

Honestly, this actually makes me kind of sad. I hope this guy is able to get himself some therapy and find a way to be happy with himself and realize that stereotypes from bad 80s movies are not immutable truths of the universe.

Wrong. Nerd voice and nerd face are caused by mouth breathing, which is caused by the nerd’s inability to countenance taking antihistamines (calcification of the IQ gland). Plus the nerd’s nerdy parents keeping an excessively clean house (total nerd move, Chads live in filth) which causes allergies.

This was all revealed to me in a dream. The hereditary nature of nerdery squares with such documentaries as Back to the Future 2.

After reinventing eschatology and idealism, now Rationalists reinvent also radical asceticism, where mortifying the body is the only way to cultivate the soul brain and vice versa. Their fantasy knows no limit, except the ones of the pop culture they grew up with and that fits their victim complex.

Are they self-loathing?

What a dork

Correlation/causation adds another body to the pile, which of these ideas is more likely?

  • “My predisposition to forward head posture + tight hips is a postural manifestation of my intrinsic capabilities at computer tasks, which is why I’m so good at programming.”
  • “My body hurts because I’m always on the computer”

I prescribe mandatory exposure to non-computer nerds. Partner dancers are just as annoying but I’m told they need to move in order to do their hobby. Perhaps we can save one?

Shit maybe not.

That sounds very proFap

what's that?