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The latest techbro/rationalist nonsense, "wordcels" vs "shape rotators" (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/slihjl/the_latest_techbrorationalist_nonsense_wordcels/)


This particular bit is just beyond parody: > The shape rotators have been a minor force until very recent history. Though they’ve produced a significant portion of human progress through feats of engineering excellence, they were rarely celebrated until the dawn of the Enlightenment, perhaps 500 years ago. While the long-lasting glory of the Roman aqueducts is renowned to this day, nobody knows the chief engineer behind the project (probably Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, but who’s counting). Today their stock is climbing to the moon. The world’s richest (self-made) men are almost uniformly engineers, computer scientists, or physicists. Vast portions of society that in a prior age might have been organized by government bureaucrats or private sector shot-callers have been handed over to cybernetic self-organizing systems designed and run by mathematical wizards.

I like how the ‘-cel’ suffix has to be explained as something other than celibacy.

real missed opportunity to have the opposite of "wordcel" be "animationcel"
and yet it turns out to still be accurate in all these usages
It’s entered the same illustrous ranks as “zoomer” and “westaboo”

Wait til they find out about people who can rotate four-dimensional objects with their imaginations.

That indeed is a worthy question At the very least we should presume there are other dimensions to rotate and put grains of salt into the certainty of our conclusions and values because of such?
You mean time history of mechanics?

just below the bit you quoted:

It’s clear that these big tech CEOs are verbally gifted, but by affinity and by practice they are in the rotator camp. Elon continually attributes his success to studying physics in college. Zuck programmed the original iteration of Facebook himself.

I like how Zuckerberg actually working on the thing that made him money is seen as unusual or impressive here. as opposed to Elon Musk, who became the richest man in the world by . . . studying physics in college?

but Roon’s silliness aside, I’m genuinely wondering how sneerworthy this whole concept is

like, it’s nonsense, but it seems like they aren’t taking it very seriously themselves either

star signs but for tech bros

it's pretty fucking sneerworthy
>verbally gifted Well known trait of Zuckerberg. everyone thought the metaverse announcement was super slick
the bar is in the depths of the fucking underworld
  1. ITT seething wordcels
  2. Don’t understand how the statistical orthogonality generalizes.
  3. TL;DR
  4. Shape Rotator out /s

Ow god it came from Rationalism, I have no words.

High level of 4channers start to fall for 4chan shitposts energy coming from this post btw.

It seems that every few months the Rationalists sphere discovers again that yes, some people have no imagination and they cannot visualise things, and then they forget it again. Hope this ‘from first principles’ reasoning makes it a little bit easier for them to remember.


Also, it seems kind of sketchy that they euphemized math/science/engineering ability as "shape rotation," when the only reason that the mental shape rotation task has been noteworthy in psychometrics is the putative edge men have at it over women.
My inkling is that, since the gender gap is one of the most headline-grabbing aspects of the test, not to mention one of particular interest with social conservative, “classical liberal”, or contrarian mindsets, it’s more that that’s one of several ways “but the IQ test shows [reactionary talking point], hey do you hate science libruls?” has entered this particular public conscience Which is not to downplay the significance of such an effect, but I think the people invested in this charade who are just in it for the gender wars are probably in the minority, while people who take the gender issue as just another feather in the cap are gonna be a bigger though perhaps not even majority subgroup of the culture warriors in general
I've seen tweets about how great it is to be a man who can spin cubes in his head that were clearly deliberately silly, but this seems more like they're sneaking the gendered associations under the radar than taking the piss out of them.
probably not intentional; they've internalized the gendered associations completely
are you saying it's another rationalist attempt to pathologise the skills they lack
> since the vast majority of people - including the richest engineers in the world - don’t have particularly interesting results Come on that isnt true, Musk is so smart he had to redo the iq test because they didnt believe the results. According to his mom.
> Musk is so smart he had to redo the iq test because they didnt believe the results. According to his mom. Lol, thing is this isn’t actually very uncommon: because of the statistical design they can’t properly evaluate your score if you get a perfect score on a particular iteration of the test which isn’t like John Von Neumann levels of genius. I was one point off doing it myself last time I did one (and as I’m fond of pointing out, only because I second guessed myself at the last moment)
happened to me too. I was like 12 though. I remain living evidence that a stratospheric childhood IQ in no way precludes being an adult dumbass.
>Or to put it another way: the test gives you a hint of why somebody failed at a certain task, but it doesn’t tell you why or whether they were good at another. But you could still gather relevant information by charting which tasks people tend to fail at.
I’m not saying you can’t extrapolate anything from the data, that would be silly, that sentence obviously fits into the context of my wider point

The world’s richest (self-made) men are almost uniformly engineers, computer scientists, or physicists

That’s a weird way to spell bouergeois

That's a weird way to spell bourgeois 😉 edit: I think reddit shadow banned you btw
I had a few beers give me a break :]
yeah dude /u/flat_dallas you’ve been shadowbanned dawg I can see your comments as “removed” cos mod privileges but your account is def unavailable when I’m not on this sub
They don't look removed from another IP. I post on here via Tor and I guess Reddit hates that. Also they probably hate dirty commies like myself too!
Spelling is borgoise. In any case superfluous physics degrees are (lumpen-)proletarian as fuck. Musk is anomalous.
and it’s not even near true… there’s like 10 tech guys among hundreds of dudes who started non-tech businesses and probably can’t set up their own printers
Look, they have to come up with some way to understand why society is the way it is but they can't look at it through the lens of class because that might have some uncomfortable implications. This bullshit is the result.
do you still exist? i can’t even see your account
It appears to have been eaten by the Reddit ghost

Musk & Bezos were marketers & businessmen; only Zuckerberg was a real coder.

Roon is a loon.

That's part of the grift though, telling engineers/STEM types that their training/predisposition is an advantage in business and will make them megarich.
Err, musk has a physics degree. I guess wordcels wouldn’t know that every engineering discipline is foundationally based on physics tho
Musk cultist? Is "wordcel" just a new way to call someone an NPC/bot/sheeple etc
It's clear from his tweets that he's not very bright. And physics is easy if you can do maths. CompSci is more about math than physics, unlike EE.

What the fuck does this even mean? You’re a ‘wordcel’ if you believe facts are real? Seems to be the same kind of seething cope by uneducated rationalists as accusing everyone better educated than them of ‘credentialism’.

Wordle incels use subtext, and shape rotorvators know they're all cowards
seriously, I think that's the difference here. the Good Cool Smart Guys fear and despise subtext, and those who don't are Dumb Bad Evil Guys.
The claim is that a wordcel believes facts are true if there is an aside saying the facts were fact checked or approved by experts.
Okay, I take that a true chad shape rotator believes every pseudonymous tweet or Facebook meme instead.
My time with wordcels suggests that they don't actually ascribe more value to fact checking, generally. It's irritating when one has to double check every claim made, facebook meme or not. But maybe things have been that way forever.
Regardless of the source? All of science depends on any given scientist having some degree of trust in widely-accepted results they don't have time to investigate in detail themselves, but that doesn't mean a scientist will accept some claim is in fact widely accepted in a given field just because any random source (say, a wikipedia article) claims so.
Typically, they like sources like 'factcheck.org' or CNN, MSNBC, and The New York Times.
A fan and he had a moment of clarity. Wonder when he goes 'fuckit im going back to WoW'.

The correct terms are “shape rotorvators” and “Wordle incels”. The difference is (apparently) that the first try to sell you NFTs, and the second make memes about how shit NFTs are. Please use these terms henceforth. Thank you.

The “rotator” game roon linked in the post is legitimately addictive.

Please dont post memetic tought ending weaponry here. ;)

virgin wordle vs. chad klocki

The jargon in this post is like a fucking DDoS attack on my brain.



Hahahahahaha 🤣

“probably Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa”

No. Certainly not Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa.

I follow him on Twitter and dude is a shit poaster.

Marc Andreessen and a bunch of other rich fuckers are using the rubric unironically, so i don't fucking care about dude's *intent*.
Satire requires a clarity of purpose etc etc etc
You're right https://twitter.com/tszzl/status/1490502716589633537?t=16HSb3-bk14fJCgM5R1-YQ&s=19
I don't disagree with how awful the people that are co-opting are. I'm simply trying to provide more context into how ridiculous this all is.
His post here just goes to show that jokes are never jokes. He eventually believes in his own shitpost. And remember, things are always just jokes untill they arent.
Was this a bad idea? Probably and he kinda realizes it. https://twitter.com/tszzl/status/1489116241298014208?t=sDI1nDm5UK7QT2ixPZg0eA&s=19
Yes, that kind of stuff is why I'm anti jokes nowadays. Jokes not allowed.
Just stumbled down this rabbit hole and yeah. His persona seems to be tech libertarian outsider-but-not-actually intellectual jester, self-effacing but secure in his true superiority because he's an ML programmer. His politics are definitely garden variety rancid among that group, with a troll's detachment and aversion to earnestly stating principles. https://twitter.com/search?q=tszzl%20moldbug&f=live

The irony of wordcels seething in this thread, fckn lol

I think you misspelled "sneering"


"Death by a Thousand Compromises A message to "revolutionaries" " "The Revenge of the Real Building on Salted Earth" "Friend/Enemy and "Hypocrisy" They aren't hypocrites. They just think you're evil." By glancing at the titles alone he seems to hit a lot of the notes, yes. Especially the focus on tech and Carl Schmitt gives a big rationalist vibe.
I don't know if they are, though, haven't read their work. Decline of civ. because they're reactionary of course. f.e. Thiel loves and quotes Spengler. Thiel's and the rationalists main idea there is that too many low-IQ people are in charge and that technological progress has halted. We need a new tech-boom etc etc. The spiritual crisis is a part of the same degeneracy concept but it has puzzled me too. Especially the Christianity in early rationalism. My guess atm is that they're from a WASP background and they just rationalize everything post-hoc so no contradictions bother them anyway.

fyi most of you dont have enough verbal OR visuospatial aptitude to qualify as either wordcels or rotators
butthurt 97 iq will downvote this comment