r/SneerClub archives
Rat-adjacent's Account Got Locked on Twitter for Awful Remark; Was Legitimately Caught off Guards (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/szy1l3/ratadjacents_account_got_locked_on_twitter_for/)


He once called someone who revealed Scott’s real name a “commie bitch” so I have no sympathy for him

that’s the same guy who was arguing the other day, in full earnest, that inheritance taxes are rich people genoc*ide. i’m surprised that wasn’t posted here

He's just a libertarian edgelord. I remember him arguing that the Raj was repayment for the Indo-Aryan colonization of Dravidian India, and that globalization was imperialism by another name, ergo nationalism is true anti-imperialism

I’m still not sure what the point of that person is or is even supposed to be, but some fan or friend of them mocked me on twitter for not getting the transcendent meaning of their in-joke, so I guess that’s me told

tbh I don't get most of the stuff this person writes either, but it seems to be written that way on purpose. The ambient of the account and community in general seems very insular to me
He inexplicably followed (and regularly interacted with) an old handle of mine for reasons I still don’t fully understand. He definitely got more overtly right wing over time, not that he was particularly left to begin with given the set he runs in, but if you knew how to spoof that tone, you could get him nodding along with some wild shit
He has me blocked on Twitter. Never having interacted with him in any way whatsoever, I'm only aware of this because Jesse Singal retweets him ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯
>He has me blocked on Twitter. Never having interacted with him in any way whatsoever, I'm only aware of this because Jesse Singal retweets him ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Signal retweets Eigenrobot? My goodness how does this guy get any clout anywhere when he's scraping the barrel?
I'm pretty sure he's right wing
ya think
Post-rationalists are generally right wing
> the transcendent meaning of their in-joke So... another Schrödinger's Douchebag, pretty much?
Yeah and proud of it, they were really pleased with Sneerclub not getting their account in the past. (I just have them blocked and forget they exist).
As always when it is about eigenrobot, I have no idea what is going on there. Destiny 2 lore is less convoluted than this.
The subreddit is tweets from him and his buddies
Ahh right thanks.
Note the psychological “internal family system “ woo
The funny thing is, if I remember correctly, when they started showing up on /r/SneerClub in the first place it mostly wound up with me shouting at the users for just putting them up on here assuming people knew who they were at all
He occasionally goes mask off and talks about his eugenic opinions
Mask off? Do they even wear masks anymore?
I think they're the sort who personally want to wear masks and get vaccinated but strongly urge that lesser folks be allowed and even encouraged to stand up for their rights.

He also positions himself as “a good person” and “good family man” in general

i love you guys

It's reciprocated! 😉😘

In context, that tweet was mocking the ‘solutions’ some people had for the Canadian tuckers.

So you mean, he was using the alleged existence of some people who wanted to send the army to advocate for not doing anything at all toward a blockade, not to mention a display of force used to menace the majority into giving in to the demands of a loud and violent minority? A "weak man" and a "motte and bailey" all in one! Oh, if only the ratonalists did what they preached, they would be less unsufferable (albeit only slightly)
>So you mean, he was using the alleged existence Not alleged. >not to mention a display of force used to menace the majority into giving in to the demands of a loud and violent minority? Perhaps like deploying the army to quell BLM protestors.
The irony of it all is that he has kid/s of his own, still can put up this type of comment.
Because he views the urge to shoot children with disdain.
I don't know if I'm late to the party but these rationalists have psychopathic tendencies. They come off as 'friendly' but have this dark side to them, and then rationalize it as "normal".
I don't think I am making this clear enough. He was seeing other people on twitter saying things like 'send in the tanks to crush the truckers' and intending to mock them.
Still a dark way to 'mock' if that's the case.