r/SneerClub archives

The experts on military and geopolitical strategy at SSC are chiming in on Ukraine, but this guy is in a category of his own:


From https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/t2ov2d/is_anyone_else_worried_were_headed_for_the_worst/hyowyg0/

To be fair, other commenters called him on it.

“high decoupling” indeed.

There’s nothing more edgy than using your finance lingo to put a spin on a really bad situation.

And this is coming from someone who does know and do a lot of finance blah blah, BUT at least I have a heart!

I challenge that this guy is a finance expert. Quite probable he started trading not so long ago and is now repeating the mantra of "Buy the dip" under any circumstances. What he doesnt understand is that his "dip" would keep on dipping. I dont think this is the place to go further on this, but I assure you that this guy is on the path of blowing his account if he maintains this mentality.

takes off epidemiologist hat

puts on military strategy hat

I’m so ready for this! Clausewitz! Friction! Contrarian opinions on what is happening!

(E: I joke here but jesus christ this is all so horrible for the normal people in both countries (the entire thread on ssc also doesn’t really seem to care about that). Eurgh, more erugh).

Contrarianism for its own sake What a dumb motherfucker

John Hershey’s original Hiroshima piece is in front of the pay wall over at The New Yorker.

Everyone born after 1989 should read it.


Also… just….

“…they are big bombs but still bombs, meaning bomb devices.”

Big brainz

If we keep making the bombs bigger, eventually they’ll become so artificially intelligent that they refuse to let us wipe ourselves from the planet.
There is a star trek episode about that!
An idea supported by popular culture! I’m sure we could found a combination arms manufacturer/AI ethics non-profit and get tons of investment/donation money

The low-decouplers cower in their bunkers. I stand on the roof buying kopeks on my phone.