r/SneerClub archives
Scott Alexander reviews 'Sadly, Porn' by The Last Psychiatrist (https://archive.is/9Nhrc)

The Last Psychiatrist? Now that’s a name I haven’t heard for a long, long time…

These aren't the therapists you're looking for

god this guy is unreadable

(I mean SSC, not TLP, TLP’s easy and the fact SSC can’t figure him out is wild)

((TLP is only confusing because his style relies on baiting the reader into doing his work, and SSC is not capable of doing that))

(((Also, come see the psychiatrist-blogger fail to understand psychoanalytic theory applied to art)))

EDIT: Okay, I started TLP’s book and I now realize that I was completely wrong; Siskind doesn’t not understand it, he just really fucking hates women

EDIT 2: a sneer from the introduction! “I’ve tried to make this book as simple as possible, so if there’s a part that you can’t understand– not agree with, understand– then you should ask whether the problem is your own resistance.”

Who hates women, TLP or Siskind? (I'd argue both lol)
I meant Siskind, the book he professes not to understand is a screed against, among other things, men who use porn literally every single question he asks (why is there a sex story? why are the footnotes so long? what is he really saying about the oedipus complex? dae know psychoanalysis?) is answered in the introduction and first chapter
I see I see, I couldn't get past the first few paragraphs once it reached the first long excerpt. In general I do think that TLP rarely has anything of substance to say so cobbles together a bunch of oh so slightly related things and switches from one to the other too fast for you to tell that's what he's doing. That and a collection of boring rhetorical tricks that try so hard to make you believe he's seeing into your brain when really it's the equivalent of "Think of a pink elephant, ha! you thought of a pink elephant ergo my thesis on narcissism and the tendency to be submissive to authority of modern people is validated"
TLP, from what I remember, was always a soft anti-feminist.

Previous thread sort of on this (bad post name however).