r/SneerClub archives


Making fun of tragedy and getting pushback for it doesn’t mean you lack sociall skills, it just means that everyone is too dumb to appreciate your genius.

I have no idea what the significance is of this, what did Yud say before, how is the Yglesias tweet related?

Bad text comprehension signals weak sperm, invites aggression. To stand against Putin, we must all be forced to read SSC four hours a day.

As our brothers sisters and enbies on the spectrum have noticed, social situations with their unwritten rules and people speaking in codes without explaining them properly isnt that great. But wouldnt go as far as calling it a liability to intelligent discourse.

I would think that assuming people can (or cannot) do this is a liability to intelligent discourse.

‘Read the room Yud, this is a room filled with physics experts you cant act like you are the smartest person in the room here, they have phds about the subject, not just blogs which assume one version of many worlds is correct’.

(That is my dose of contrarianism for today).

tbh I would prefer if he didn't read that particular room, far more amusement value
Eric Weinstein presenting gauge theory comes to mind lmao
> I would think that assuming people can (or cannot) do this is a liability to intelligent discourse. Nerd version of sour grapes. “Me not having social skills is a feature, not a bug”.

A twitter cliche, I know, but “Sir, this is an Arby’s” is just the best possible response to Yud.

Does Yud know that Yglesias is mocking the crazy R’s saying that the US’s army is weak because of pronouns and DEI stuff?

I get the general joke (there's a tendency to respond to every event with "my favorite policy would have prevented this"), but a country getting invaded is maybe not the time to try to dunk on your domestic political rivals for shit completely unrelated to the invasion.
But isn't this joke made in reaction to the people going 'this is caused by trans people', 'this is caused by pronouns' or even 'this is caused by reddit'
I think the appropriate reaction to someone making a tasteless joke is usually to call them out for being an asshole, not to make the same joke for your side. Certainly Yglesias is the less-shitty person in this case, but that doesn't make his behavior good or correct.
Ah yes you are correct in that one. (I personally went with ignoring people like this and going 'look at these assholes' to some of my friends).
I don’t really care, I just want to know where the pivot is in the joke
Eh I find him pretty funny but to each their own.
I like a deep cut as much as the next guy, hell, I even subscribe to this subreddit. However, that Yglesias tweet doesn't make sense without severe twitter discourse poisoning, and even then it's not funny.
I think this is a case of him going 'the war is caused by my pet frustration!' The sneerclub variant would be something like, clearly Putin is invading the west because he read HPMOR and now considers us [whatever].
It's definitely a joke. MY doesn't think anything that stupid
Well, I didn't know. I am not an American keeping track of all American politicians. For me the context was other Western rationalists arguing that they ought to ignore the struggles of people like myself (well, I'm not Ukrainian, but I live close and sympathise) because [this is not going to affect them personally](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/LCfaLXcWnk8pujnX4/russia-has-invaded-ukraine?commentId=BcegTwdzQjbrzyXgd). So I checked to see if Eliezer shared the sentiment and saw this. I don't know, maybe I *am* being dumb here. I'm just so tired of American rationalists constantly talking like Americans are the only people who matter or exist. See also "[We live in a postscarcity society](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/W9rm2xkFxpYCxm5PS/we-live-in-a-post-scarcity-society)" or [We do live in a world where we have the ideology of Democracy](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/hygKXCKDhqnGsBj8w/ideology-narrative-stabilizes-path-dependent-equilibria) and therefore "Dictator's Handbook" is an infohazard, never mind that it might help people in authoritarian countries overthrow their dictators.
I don't think you're being dumb. I have no idea what Yud is thinking here. I do know what Yglesias is thinking, but I agree that his sense of humor is especially obscure. I think Yglesias is at best rationalist adjacent. If he is a rationalist, he's quite literally the only one I think who has anything interesting to say.
> I'm just so tired of American rationalists constantly talking like Americans are the only people who matter or exist. That's true of all Americans, including American leftists.

Any room that potentially is not interested in what I have to say is a liability to intelligent discourse.

These two with Andrew Sullivan would be the perfect trifecta of dumb “genius” Bad takes a specialty

a liability to intelligent discourse

new flair just dropped