r/SneerClub archives
Oh god they're throwing a party (https://vibecamp.xyz/schedule/)

With such wonderful planned events as:

Live Polls (3:30pm-4pm) Host: Aella (@Aella_girl)

Twitter polls, except it’s Vibecamp and it’s live! Come participate in some spicy polls where you, the audience, are the physical votes.

From the how to contribute page: > Do you brew beer? Bring ‘Many Such Cases’. > More of a coffee enthusiast? Think of a Java pun and open a cafe. > **Prefer your fluids viscous? Erect ‘Horny Jail’.** Planned events: > Why Russia invading Ukraine is a good thing and other European perspectives > We Don’t Know if Cryptography Exists ... > Shape Rotators and Wordcels: Trending Towards a Minima Getting a bit of freshmen college introduction vibes from the rest of this. (Late edit: Which is fine and can be fun btw, even if there is the risk of sexual abusive shit, but if they have fun good for them. As a nightowl, stuff closing at 10 would annoy the shit out of me however)
Yeah, it reminds me of the time I went to a burner party near San Francisco and had the pleasure of listening to some "lightning talks" about how IQ and reproductive success were correlated, because you could watch the surnames of poorer people dying out as you went through genealogical records. Just repulsive shit all around.
Postrationalists can be really obsessive about beauty and hotness and sex and stuff just like college students if you read their feeds. As an unattractive person, this discourse seems ... ugh. Like normies often form couples and have kids and the drill, and they're generally satisfied with life regardless of whether they're with kids or not unlike these nerds who obsess over reproductive success and crap. I know that postrationalists can and do have families
What the hell does this have to do with anything? I'm sneering at how these assholes are into eugenics. This is not the same as whatever PUA/incel BS the rationalists are into, and I do not understand why you're bringing the postrationalists into it.
they're the same picture
> We Don’t Know if Cryptography Exists Breaking news: whether P is NP is still an unsolved problem.
Yeah that is what it is about probably. Still sad for the Caesar cipher to be disrespected like this.
Don’t you wish your cipher was ROT13?
Orfg plcure rire
> Don’t you wish your cipher was ROT13? Don't you wish your cipher was ROT, like mine? Don't you wish your cipher was weak like mine? Don't cha? Don't cha? Don't you wish your cipher was poor like mine? Don't you wish your cipher was fun like mine? Don't cha? Don't cha?
OMG selling all my crypto now.
P=NP if N=1 or P=0, where's my fields medal
Stress maturity instead - terminally online people
> the physical votes. Imagine taking an online poll and, like, making it real. Like a real poll. With people and votes.
Yeah I picked that excerpt because I imagined Aella asking the audience, are men better at math than women? and the entire room of neckbeards moving in assent.
Considering Aella filled a room with potential clients, followers, fans etc, I would say yes women are.
And iClickers?
I just want to know why she is hosting a dance party at the exact same timeslot as someone elses, whats going on there
What I'd like to know is why every single dance event stops at 10pm. That's really tame.
Yeah, even Boston looks at that and laughs
Yup. I've been to a ton of lindy hop events where they end at midnight, and festivals like Camp Hollywood might go till 3 or 4 am. I guess if you anticipate a lot of your crowd's going to fear dancing, which they seem to, judging by some of the workshops on offer, there's no need to go late though.
They invented the Iowa caucus but for aella polls?

Uhh, is this even a party/festival? I don’t see the mention of any stages or sound systems. This seems incredibly boring for a scene that “cool signals” its appreciation of psychedelic substances.

EDIT: Haha what the fuck:

Dance Party (7-10PM) (Town Hall)

No Loud Music (10pm-6am)

See also saturday, where there are dance parties with identical timeslots, twice.

Mother of god. Hey to each their own and all that but this sounds like my version of hell. Also what the fuck is going on with these people - they are starting to go down some serious woo rabbit holes, which whatever, I guess that’s fine, but holy shit does this sound miserable.

I don't think the people diving headlong into the rationalist rabbit hole are any different from those going down other rabbit holes -- they are hungry and searching for identity, making them extremely vulnerable to magical thinking and all kinds of manipulation, even if their particular rabbit hole is theoretically dedicated to *never* thinking magically.
Postrationalist, not rationalist - focused on wooey stuff like 'astrology, magick and mysticism but too smart to believe in organized religion' and also leans more 'trad'
i.e. the rationalists but they admit they never read the Sequences

No, per Camp Champion policy, no pets including service animals.

can just anyone file a complaint about this blatant illegality right there in writing?

I have no idea what this vibecamp festival is, but I'd like to know more about the service animals law. I know that AirBnB hosts here can deny service dogs under some circumstances, for example, if the home owner has allergies, but there's no need for them to prove it, which makes me think it's not a rule that's enforced. I saw that this festival is hosted in Australia - is there a much more stringent rule there about service animals?
It will be hosted in Austin, TX
The rule is the same to my knowledge. They come with the person, and refusing them is slam-dunk illegal discrimination on the basis of disability.

“Who do I look to for help during Vibecamp? The people in Top Hats”

Say no more. Sounds like the worst party ever

not as funny as hereticon tbh

  • Shape Rotators and Wordcels: Trending Towards a Minima
  • Why Russia invading Ukraine is a good thing and other European perspectives


Was pretty fun, all in all. Glad we won’t be seeing y’all at the next one.

Yup. And can you imagine a "SneerCamp"? No, because everyone knows sneerers are socially repulsive.
I can imagine several versions of Hell, including that one.