r/SneerClub archives
Since they're making Berkeley yard signs now... (https://i.imgur.com/LuLBJfh.png)

In This Group House, We Have The Following Priors

Bayesianism Is Best

No I Don’t Do The Math

Except not the actual Harry Potter

The 'fuck poor people' one? Or the 'some people are genetically slaves and that is fine' one?
> Or the ‘some people are genetically slaves and that is fine’ one? that’s the normal one. it says “believe in science.” i did the science to confirm my hypothesis to that certain people (i won’t say who tehehe) are inferior to ~~me.~~ i mean some other certain unspecified group of people (don’t want to be cancelled by the woke mob - can i say ashkenazi jews?). i used the scientific method, using scientific tools (google, calipers, etc.), and therefore, it is objective and true.
science is when you create jargon for your unfounded beliefs and the more jargon you use the more sciencer it is

comedy gold

What does HBD stand for, for the uninitiated?

"human bio-diversity" It's a strawman these people cling to where progressives who reject genetic explanations for social inequality are then derided as denying the very existence of genes or genetic differences between different groups of people. Basically they're saying anyone who doesn't think different races are genetically smarter or dumber than others must not believe in genes.
Rebrand of scientific racism, version n++

Just putting out the whitecome mat, dont mind me, just Ring (LLC) anytime!