r/SneerClub archives
This thread from a few months ago where a bunch of people came out against seatbelts so they could be consistent anti-COVID restrictionists (https://old.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/ra1d2d/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_december_06/hnoakfy/)

Covid hysteria drove me from ‘release the vax, I’ll get it when it’s my turn’ to ‘release the vax but I will not be first in line’ to ‘I don’t want that vaccine’ to ‘I don’t want any vaccine, ever’ to ‘doctors don’t know what they’re talking about, I’ll rely on leeches thank you very much’ just from the shear heavy handed overreaction and callous disregard for truth. I do not, particularly, care whether this is a reasonable position or not


its not enough to be a contrarian, its become a contest to see who can be the most contrarian of all
I've said this before, but the motte has turned into a contest to see who can find the worst take. This thread has some strong contenders.
so much for “reverse stupidity is not inteligence”
Oh god, that's an actual comment.

Got bad news. I specifically took myself off the organ donor registry after the UK entered a third lockdown.

What the fuck

I did it too and given that most people were in support of lockdowns, then I think it’s reasonable to conclude that it’s likely the average needer of fresh organs also did. This makes them an enemy, there is no equivocating to be had here. Preventing my death from benefiting my enemies is a perfectly reasonable course of action. They might be allies or innocent, but they probably are not.

This is from a different person.

Nice to see the “effective altruists” take the mask off.
Gotta stick it to those ... people in renal failure. Good god, every time I see a new take from these people they sink to a level I didn't realize was available for sinking to.
Atrocious. This might be one of the worst comments I’ve ever read. It’s difficult for me to fathom how somebody could even arrive at this position. Kids, remember: reactionary contrarianism — not even once!

It isn’t that they’ve become stupid, its that they were always stupid, but society was sane enough that they could channel their energies into good works without having a cause to bring out their innate stupidity. This isn’t something outrageous and offensive, this is society. Human society is built on stupidly decent people. I suspect that pro-lockdown intellects do not quite understand the consequences of their policies, being as smart as they are.

god i love this comment

it’s not anti-lockdown people’s fault that they’re being stupid, it’s the fault of the people who put the lockdown policies into place, not realising the effect this would have on a bunch of stupid people

I think [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/ra1d2d/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_december_06/hnovt3u/) is my favorite: >Let’s cut through the noise of the conversation - do you think a free person should be taken at gunpoint to a small room they are physically unable to leave - because they don’t want to wear a seatbelt?
In my house we just called it the naughty step

Incidentally, on the opt out thing in the UK, the way you opt out of organ donation is you fill out one form online with some basic info, it’s not like anyone’s making it hard for you. The old way was you ticked one box on another form when you were doing other basic admin. About 80% of people were fine to be registered as donors so what the change was at least designed to do (and in practice does, if anything) was pick up some slack on people who hadn’t ticked a box in a while.

You can make hay out of some metaphysical details about bodily autonomy if you must and still be wrong, but politically what the change did wasn’t to transfer ownership of a corpse from the deceased citizen to the state - where previously this was supposedly a solemn voluntary transfer - but reinforce people’s existing commitment that their organs in death voluntarily belong to the commons, with the state as intermediary to facilitate that.

To put it another way, the old system was that while the state (well, the medical system) was looking after your body in transit to the grave they had to check if you’d ticked a box that said “I don’t need my heart anymore, cheers”, whereas now they assume you’re cool with it unless you clicked two (2) links and filled out a form with your address saying “nah imma keep it” - and they still have to check first. At no point is the state in the way saying “nah this shit is mine now, daddy’s gotta eat”.

Remember when sneerers got blamed for making covid worse?

(And remember when ssc wore a full respirator long before it was clear it was needed or mandated (every day themotte drifts further and further from Scotts light)

Reactions to covid have been so weird.

it particularly shits me when lesswrongers claim they were genuises for worrying about covid in feb 2020 FUCKING EVERYONE WAS WORRYING ABOUT IT IN FEB 2020, I WAS WORKING MY ARSE OFF TO MAKE SURE OUR WORK-FROM-HOME WAS FULLY IN ORDER jfc these fucking people