r/SneerClub archives
Did Steve Sailer spread false pedophilia accusations? (https://marxbro1917.substack.com/p/did-steve-sailer-spread-false-pedophilia?s=w)

I don’t write long things very often. Hope people find it interesting!

It was great! (Sorry, late to the thread). Did you ever confront Sailer about Grinker's assertion that the "boy" was not underage?
No, maybe I should email him? I'm banned from Scott's blog again so I can't do it there.
Maybe! He's also very active on twitter. He once said Nikole Hannah-Jones and him both deserve tenure for writing about race. I told him to submit a tenure application to Howard University like her and he "liked" my tweet. He reads it all!
I don't use twitter.
Fair. Still, you have to meet the man where he is. Maybe his own blogs?

Do you really think a rational person would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?

Then, when questioned, double down, blame someone else, or otherwise act like a school-aged child?

Obviously. If we assume negative things about any author (and especially a rational one) we're clearly just getting emotional and not steelmanning hard enough.
I guess my priors about Sailer are that he's a flaming sack of shit. But I should really check my biases here.
> steelmanning the ol stalin' gamibit

Nice. I have to admit I didn’t know who Turnbull and Sailer were before reading this, but I found it pretty funny how you went as far as contacting the author of the biography in question.

Good job doing the actual research.

"MarxBro the rationalist" is my favorite genre

I only studied anth for a year but I do know a little about Turnbull. The reason alt right scum hate Turnbull so much is because they don’t like that his research showed things like that Mbuti men are very involved in raising children, which contradicts their own stupid just-so evpsych nonsense. That said, anthropology of that era had A LOT of problems, especially with racism.

Yes I don't mean this as a general defense of Turnbull or anything like that (I'm barely aware of his work), I just wanted to document the unsupported allegation Steve Sailer made about him.

Marxbro proving that you can be anti-capitalist and still bring the receipts.

On a related note, I’d like to petition the mods to restore the tradition of repeatedly banning marxbro so that he has to keep inventing new usernames