The best thing is, you know that it wasn’t just a wrong sub
situation, since only a LessWrong-er would use that particular
vocabulary. “Look how smart I am! This is a legitimate scientific
question”, while also just…clearly making up words that no one has ever
I wouldn’t read that much into it, like at all
Besides, it is an interesting question, I know guys who fall on both sides of it
There’s even guys who’ll say you’re not a “real bottom” if you don’t get hard from taking it in the ass
Might be showing my inexperience here, but I can't imagine a situation where >!I'd be having sex and not be hard already? I don't know, maybe I'm just super vanilla but I don't really know why there wouldn't be foreplay?!< Not to get TMI on fucking sneerclub lmao, but hey probably not the worst place for queer sex ed
Gonna put out a general recommendation that flagging NSFW chat is probably a smart idea, although I’m not gonna ban it unless it becomes a problem:
>!As with all things sex the answer is: I dunno what or why but there’s a ton of different ways to do it. Even if you get it up during foreplay you might lose your concentration [if you need it, some people do] when your attention is elsewhere. Or, some people get different things out of a fuck, some guys don’t even really notice what’s going on with their dick when they’re bottoming. Other guys are gonna be there the whole time no matter what’s going on. And then there’s stuff like certain fantasies where the aim is to keep from getting hard.!<
the replies are so strangely wholesome. this is great.
The best thing is, you know that it wasn’t just a wrong sub situation, since only a LessWrong-er would use that particular vocabulary. “Look how smart I am! This is a legitimate scientific question”, while also just…clearly making up words that no one has ever used.
Different type of star mate.
It is good to see that the replies are pretty wholesome at least. Wonder what the reaction would have been if it had been misposted in themotte.