r/SneerClub archives
Pro masking caused by genetic inferiority:- "People appreciate the ability to hide bad genes and neurosis which are both visible in the face, many feel ugly even when they're not" (https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/tj525b/comment/i1ls5ol/)

So that’s why dentists wear masks while cleaning the gunk out of our mouths, and surgeons during operations, so we won’t see how hideous and neurotic they are.

I bet surgeons take them off as soon as the anesthesia knocks us out.
Tossing away the masks, shrugging off their scrubs, dragging their hands through a nice healthy pile of manure, because what's most important at all times is comfort.
This is the truth that the left doesn't want you to know about.

I’m not usually a fan of accusing people of projecting, but like . . . come on

It’s all projection
I think the mod removed a comment pointing out exactly that. Was TheMotte always this reactionary?

Oh boy, this guy is a TREAT. Do yourself a favor and look through his recent comments. I think my favorite is this one:

I’m suspicious of vegetarians, refusal to sacrifice others can be an easy way to justify avoiding self-sacrifice and that’s the impression I get from them. They also project this into animals making things look worse than they are, death isn’t fun but the kind of neurotic sensations of injustice that vegetarians experience are alien to animals.

The kind of breathtaking circuitousness you only get from someone who is very rational™. By extension, he’s relatively less suspicious of psychopaths and bullies because their readiness to sacrifice others will… make it harder for them to avoid self-sacrifice?

It is also funny as a small subset of vegetarians etc is so incensed by the injustice towards animals that they are easily radicalized. 'No Hope, I in fact don't think it is ethical to bomb bbq events, I think that is a pretty shitty and counterproductive thing to do. Now eat your soyburger you get angry when you are hungry'. E: For more on ecofascism see [this twitter thread](https://twitter.com/syntropian/status/1106598502539382784)
I think it's probably worth mentioning here that the number of people killed or injured by "animal rights extremists" to date is zero.
That [is technically incorrect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Pim_Fortuyn). And yes, animal rights extremists usually just target infrastructure (but im sure they have injured people), the problem is that is can easily switch to eco-fascism and that turns bad quickly. And sadly, the ideas of various eco-fascists are sometimes repeated in eco/animal rights groups. (I have the unfortunate experience of going 'wait that guy was quoting a fascist' a few months after I had listened to some person do a talk about some ecological thing, a few times). E: but yeah you are not wrong, animal rights extremists as a danger are quite overblown, it is usually far right people who eventually seem to turn eco-fascist, and very few animal rights extremists who turn murderous (even if they do pretty stupid and destructive property damage (like releasing thousands of animals intended to be harvested for their fur into the ecosystem).
Right, I've definitely heard some suspicious shit from white vegans before about a sort of Malthusian eugenics so I do know what you mean. I didn't know of that case though, thanks for sharing. And yeah, the really extreme animal rights activists tend to go for actions which make more noise rather than progressing towards their stated goal, but the period where the US made them public enemy number one in the middle of a number of far right terrorist attacks was just bananas.
Yeah the murder of Pim is pretty dubious however, he said he did it for some fur thing, but nobody cared about that at all, he was way more controversial for other reasons, and most people (me included) think that is why he got murdered. (Doesn't change the fact that his murderer is a animal rights extremist however). I heard it was called the ['green scare'](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Scare) and for a while (in the US at least) the green left was the top terror threat or something (despite you know, the lack of murders and real terror etc (lot of property damage however, but never heard of people actually being afraid of ELF/ALF(*))). But, in the US at least (but also in .NL) the left wing groups always get more negative attention from cops. There is the story of socialistdogmom who went to the 6 jan rally and who was surprised the cops didn't aggressively put down the whole protest, like they do with more leftwing things. \*: this is not to say that there weren't people afraid of them of course, as I don't think they are nice people, but it doesn't rise to the level of 'population in fear' which we nowadays associate with terrorism.
It reads like a strained attempt to re-deploy criticism of antisocial right-libertarians toward vegetarians - the "do what you want just leave me alone" types that, incidentally, love /r/TheMotte, etc.

Nobody ask the person about hoodies.

Place is just overrun with "not that I support Nazis, but I'm entirely opposed to everything they don't like" sorts.
Yep so I expect a pretty racist+classist rant about genetics when you ask about hoodies.
I'm behind on my dog whistles; I only recently learned that pit bulls are code for poor Black people. Now hoodies too?
It isn't a dogwhistle per se, it is just that among some groups (not just black people, also just lower class people, or metalheads/alternative people, or working class people) hoodies were more popular than you know, [people who golf](https://www.golfdigest.com/story/country-club-no-hoodies-tyrrell-hatton-golf-dress-code). So it isn't a dogwhistle per se, at least not in the same way that 'I bend the front of my baseball cap' is. (Which also has a class based element, but considering there are really really expensive caps and those are collectors items etc it is way more a code for just Black people), see also sneakers. Hoodies also have the whole 'people wear it to hide their face to do crimes' bs, which also can have racist undertones (see police going after black people wearing hoodies, or just stuff like [this image](https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2011/aug/09/power-of-the-hoodie) GG guardian (when there is a riot, it is images of a darkerskinned person in a hoodie wearing a mask, if it is cops shooting their family (sorry if there is an 'officer involved family murder') it is an image of the cop riding a waterski, or just neutral images of cop cars)). So it doesn't have to be racist, or a dog whistle. But if you would ask the motte, there is a high risk of it turning racist pretty fast. E: and if somebody uses the term 'the hoodies' like a it is a group or something then it certainly is a dogwhistle. But with dogwhistles context always matters.
Thanks for the informative reply!

The subthread (started by someone with a pronoun joke as their flair) is still fresh and there are other charming responses. After more than three hours, not one has suggested “maybe they just don’t feel comfortable exposing other human beings to a notorious risk even if it’s not a risk they’re worried about themselves”. They’ve guessed it might be a signal of politeness but they haven’t quite reached that it might just be actual politeness.

themotte: People I don't like are p-zombies. They do not feel, they only signal feeling.
The thread down the line about how evil it is that leftists are all-powerful in the sphere of higher education is something else. Between the true-believing dupes and the slimy "I'm just saying" coaxers, hardly a speck of rationality to be seen. Though the post where one of them decries leftist violence (as exemplified by the time a guy punched Richard Spencer in his Nazi head) is a triumph too. Not a peep about the repeated, exclusive and visible right-wing murderers in the years since then.
"leftist violence" meanwhile: >Meanwhile I seek out precisely those hostile interactions for the pleasure of telling officious busybodies to fuck off. >Gotta get one's kicks from somewhere. least sociopathic motteposter

Here for the Emotion dampening. Going to mask more to free my brain of emotions

How can masks be real if our eyes aren't real? [drops mic.][by accident.]
*waves hand* There is no mic.

This but pants.


science reason and logic dictates that ACKTUALLY its the super hot people who are still masking up in order to avoid being catcalled and harassed by a video game playing redditor. if you deny this then youre a low decoupling virtue signalling MOTTER, disgusting

What if you’re in favour of wearing masks because you don’t like the look of everyone else’s face?

Yes anti maskers are well known as a beautiful group of people

TheMotte is pretty indistinguishable from /pol/ for me.

I mean, yeah, I guess you could say I’ve always felt moderately self-conscious about my jawline, and the tip of my nose is a little more buttony than I’d like, plus I can’t lie the Kosovo flag on my mask is definitely rad

> I’ve always felt moderately self-conscious about my jawline, and the tip of my nose is a little more buttony than I’d like Vanity is a sin.
Oh darling that one is very far down my list with Santa Claus

You could really do a quiz called “the motte or Stormfront” where the player is presented with a random series of quotes and then has to figure out where it was said. And it would be a very competitive game.