r/SneerClub archives
The Latin word for God is "Deus" - or as the Romans would have written it, "DEVS". The people who create programs, games, and simulated worlds are also called "devs". As time goes on, the two meanings will grow closer and closer. (https://twitter.com/slatestarcodex/status/1446187233673895940)

If you’ve dated in tech, does that mean you have a Deus Ex?

One possible pronunciation of “Deus” in English is “Deuce” which means I created a god in my bathroom this morning.


Tsssk, taking Dog’s name in vain again

A friend of a friend was in the army decades ago and at one point reading “I, Claudius”, the Robert Graves historical novel about the titular Roman Emperor, which had recently been made into the classic tv series of the same name

One day a squaddie at the barracks notices him toting the paperback around and pipes up, “Hey! I’ve been watching that I Clavdivs on the telly!”

Never read the book, although I've heard it's good. But man, the 70s BBC, with their unbeatable casts and their "drama class production from a public high school in a middle-class neighbourhood" production values. 😅
I remember that one -- it came on right after Blackadder and also had Brian Blessed, but it wasn't funny, so I was a very confused child.

Honestly this is every fiction writer’s worst nightmare. You come up with some super clever little idea and find out its the whole basis for a UPN+ series in it’s 5th season. I don’t even mean this disparagingly it’s basically impossible to have “original” ideas like this anymore now that there are something like 75000 streaming services pumping out original shows.

Seems to me someone has watched a certain TV series with a name appearing in that tweet

He loves me some nominative determinism.

(Ow wait, this was an idea created by Jung, of course it was. Why is it always you Jung? (Jorpy also has a hardon for Jung))

And of course techbros will love this, as I computer toucher I love my ego being stroked. We are going to become as gods! Devs vult! (I lied of course check this out)

[THIS CANNOT CONTINUE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TagvCyN7uNg)
Banger vid, does remind me I never actually completed Nier:a

Ok when do we tell them about the show “Devs”

Wasn’t this posted here before? I have a distinct memory of calling it “ierking off”.

Yes, it was. I remember making a dumb joke, or something about the show, in the thread.
I was wondering the same thing, that or I had seen it on twitter.

this is what happens when you cut funding for the humanities

putting on the ol’ clown makeup

I know that has to have been said before, but man, Scott Alexander was genuinely a much more interesting writer back when he was being Censored By SJW Fifth Columns In Rationalism. Now he’s just another Rick and Morty fan on substack.

At what point, exactly, did these people start being beyond even ridicule?

Scott needs to touch hardware

they made a tv show about this and it sucked almost as much as this tweet

Idk, show was pretty good. And good at deflating techies' vision of themselves.
They kind of had to betray the premise for the ending, though.
At a certain point Alex Garland is just a vibe, and that's ok
Idk, I quite enjoyed the show. But, everyone else I know that took the time to watch it (not even all of it) said it was pretentious and boring.

Something something devs ex machina