r/SneerClub archives
Why? Why shouldn't we just round these people up and do chomo genocide? (https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/tj525b/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_march_21_2022/i1tzhir/)


God that's so fucking funny
[This one is almost as good](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/tj525b/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_march_21_2022/i1uas73/) Socrates: what is stopping us from murdering pedophiles Euthydemus: I have GUNS because I am an AMERICAN and I will SHOOT YOU if you TRY
>when I hear "misinformation" I reach for my gun their flair lmao 'no I'm not implying that I want to shoot people who spread misinformation, I want to shoot the people who are correcting my misinformation'
Even better is the moderator felt obligated to say (paraphrasing) “hey don’t call for genocide, because winky winky the admins will come for us ok? Yes even tho it’s a genocide I support wink wink”


Ow god that thread is so bad, remember when they still were pretending they were centrist and both left and right ideas were getting airtime?
I used to think it was a neutral space ngl.
Hey, I used to think that about Scott, that is the miracle of the human mind(*), we can make mistakes and later realize those were mistakes. *: [an ability not constrained to humans](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfbb4yRBH64)

Wait, did they forget they are the group who go ‘the left accuses everybody they don’t like of being a racist and get them cancelled’. At least one of the saw the problem with ‘how do you determine who to genocide’ here.

Anyway, doubt that guy will have a reddit account for long, as I would think the reddit admins don’t like open calls for violence like that.

And note that in further comments this person is already generalizing and talking about undesirables and how liberal reactions might not be enough, and the how the whole idea that ‘don’t call people undesirable’ is unwise or something. themotte radicalization. (E: tbh, I have no idea if this person always was crazy like this or was radicalized)

And others are hinting that pedophiles are part of the democrats, and that is why reddit defends them.

Well guess we will just have to infiltrate the reddit admins and teach them some proper critical race theory neomarxist neopostmodern modding. E: the comment which mentioned that themotte was shadowbanned for having too many automatic removals was very 'are we the baddies' (even if I think it wasn't even true, they were complaining about a specific shadowbanned person, or could have been an outage)

There’s so much more sneerable content there: > Consent is an incoherent and unworkable standard for governing sexual encounters.

Like, maybe for you, buddy. But it’s not that hard to check in and not do things people don’t wanna do, or with people who are too young or fucked up to decide.

The whole consent conversation is filled with crazy remarks. Not just this one but also remarks like 'nobody understands how consent works' ?? And stuff like this > Part of the problem is that when it comes to sex we call anyone under the age of consent "children", so if someone says "some 15-year-olds voluntarily enter sex work" it can come off as "renting out 5-year-olds should be legal". >> Sure, a more traditionalist person could make that distinction, there are plenty of sexually developed teens who are indistinguishable physically from an 18 year old of the same sex, so older men/women who are sexually attracted to those younger teens would not be classified as sexually deviant. [comment then devolves into something incomprehensible which makes the progressives more pro pedo in a way I couldn't grok] The pedophilia apologia is coming from inside the thread. The whole thread is stuff like this: > I'll put on my "twitter schizo" hat and say that they don't know they're pro-pedophilia, but they will be once they receive their stimulus. The same way they would not have been pro gay marriage in the 80's, or pro having "transwomen" in girls locker rooms in the 90's. What? stimulus (another commenter explains it, progressives are like NPCs who receive orders via status signals or something)? And guess the history of LGBT rights didn't happen in this persons mind. The whole thread is a perfect sort of train wreck of rightwing anti-progressive crazy, this is what happens when you only get your views on the left via rightwing sources kind of way (And before a themotter jumps in to defend their honor, leftwing sources signal boosted by rightwing sources also is just a rightwing source, that is why the tweet you are mad at as 50 likes).
>The same way they would not have been pro gay marriage in the 80's, or pro having "transwomen" in girls locker rooms in the 90's. See this is an interesting bit of revisionist history because trans people were not NEARLY as hated decades ago as they are today. There was a lot of misunderstanding, but the right-wing outrage machine wasn't turned against them specifically, it was turned against gay people (and other queer/non-conforming people in general) as part of a deliberate move to agitate a base against a perceived enemy.
This sort of revisionist history is pretty common in Rationalism, Scott does this kind of stuff a lot. And also note the weird rightwing frame of the woman in womans locker rooms thing.
Yeah at least give the audience some credit and shed crocodile tears about those poor confused women in *men's* locker rooms.
When me and my brothers were younger it wasn't strange for our mother to also walk into the men's locker room, so yeah, I don't get why these people are so mad.

How do you need to be told that genocide is bad

How are there so many replies earnestly trying to do that

How do you end up like this

can someone steelman pogroms for me?

On the mod stepping in to “hold up” talk of summarily executing paedophiles in advance of any actual crime en masse, and the question of whether or not this is liable to attract the ire of one of the admins

You’re missing the who/whom part of reddit rules, which were changed to explicitly address this last year. Woodchippering Republican politicians (or any democrat not willing to break a filibuster): a-ok, 5000 upvotes and gelded in r/politics. Woodchippering members of a party-aligned group: instaban. Amadanb is being very sensible and forward-thinking to judge that this case counts as the latter, and doing the right thing to keep this sub on the right side of the rednames (and history).

I love how one of them can say “Let’s do a genocide”, and that’s fine. And when someone calls them a “dummy”, they are chided for making a “personal attack”.

It’s just… chef kiss

chomo genocide

my favorite grindcore band