The anonymous user’s final reply is pure class after gwrn’s rage
storm, so of course it’s downvoted.
Gwrn, you seem to be incapable of taking constructive criticism, and
worse you’ve demonstrated an alarming disregard for the safety of others
in your willingness to doxx someone merely to score a rhetorical point.
Thankfully in this case no harm was done, but you couldn’t have known
that and it wasn’t your call to make.
I will not be engaging with you again. I wish you the best.
Welp I screwed up and there's no way to edit the link after it's posted, maybe you can with your mod powers. The whole shitshow begins [here](
He used a bug in the site to discover the anonymous poster's real account, used that to look up his real name, and then dangled it in front of him as a threat.
Not sure if this is doxing or not, it is certainly iffy on the ethical side (esp when used to score points in dumb debate, and not relevant to the debate at all (apart from realizing that gwern was going to use this to pull an appeal from authority here, but he couldn't because the anon account knew what he was talking about, makes you wonder how often he does this)). A perhaps bigger issue is here that apparently gwern knew about this bug, and didn't take any steps to fix it or have it fixed, instead he used it.
Hell, I didn't even go that far when ssc revealed they had a reporting protocol error which allowed a funny sort of ddos on the site (which I never tested, really talked about, nor abused btw so not 100% clear if would work. But as ssc is dead now, no need to keep silent about it, apparently they had a rule that if a post was reported 3 times it automatically was removed and put into the moderation queue (which, is abusable if you make a bot which just reports everything 3 times)).
And, on topic, wouldn't anon be correct and gwern wrong, sure cryptocurrencies are trying to use 'zk-proofs over floating point numbers' but they don't work. This could be a bit of a case of telling your physicis teacher that people are hard at work disproving the laws of thermodynamics in the rich field of perpetual motion machines. It gets even weirder as gwern knows the cryptocurrency field is bunk, but he thinks something of real value can really bubble up from all this ... ow wait, I see some similarities with AGI research here. (anyway, this part of the argument is also just a bad argument, and fails to see the different levels both arguments operate on (I hope people can see the different levels via my perpetual motion machine example, which don't work and exist in broken forms). And argh, the Rationalists are supposed to be good at this kind of stuff).
E: and all this because somebody was critical about gwerns science fiction story. Also sorry to drip this exploding comment on you.
>It gets even weirder as gwern knows the cryptocurrency field is bunk, but he thinks something of real value can really bubble up from all this
"Imagine something useful" is maybe the core tenet of crypto shills. Makes it nigh-impossible to tell the gullible true believers from the canny grifters.
You’ll “take my word on Engrish”? You don’t need to, I provided WP
and multiple dictionaries. There is nothing hard about “and other Asian
languages” or movie examples about going to a Chinese food restaurant
and making fun of it. If you don’t know anything about the use of
‘Engrish’ and don’t bother to check a single source, why on earth are
you going around talking about how it discredits me?
I thought the fact that they were having a serious argument about the
correct use of the term ‘Engrish’ was funny enough on its own, but then
Gwern completely flips out because the other person doesn’t completely
submit to him on this point, despite having more or less conceded
You know, sometimes I worry that I take arguments on the internet too seriously. Then I see something like this and I realize I could be so much worse about it.
I read this shitty fanfic when Gwern posted it, and it's telling that nobody seems to have pointed out that "Engrish" is _racist_. The reason it's applied to all Asian languages instead of just Japanese is because racists can't tell Asian accents apart. Gwern just defends it as correct, not saying "this character is racist and even if you're right they wouldn't know".
it's incredibly petty but my favorite part of that is that he completely explodes when someone makes a very reasonable error of semantics (perfectly explained by someone only having encountered the term in a specific context), and then goes on to criticize others for "Gellman [sic] amnesia"
FYI it's not really a security issue, you can see people's nicknames on Greaterwrong:
and I can find no sources supporting your gotcha when you have
wandered into my area of expertise (writing English)
These blobs are then executed in a wide family of simulated game,
each randomized, and the HQU outer loop evolved to increase reward
So, he starts the job like normal and goes to hit the SF bars. It’d
be done in by the time he comes in for his required weekly on-site &
TPS report the next afternoon
This gradient descent which does updates after an episode is over
then gives way to a continual learning rule which can easily learn
within each episode and update weights immediately
HQU learns, and learns to learn, and then learn to learn how to
explore each problem, and thereby learns that problems are generally
solved by seizing control of the environment and updating on the fly to
each problem using general capabilities rather than relying entirely on
task-specific solutions.
Did you know you can use that WiFi to hack all of the cloud drone
services helpfully built into drones to take over all of those drones,
professional, hobbyist, and (oft as not) military and control them by
satellite? (“No!”) It’s true!
Have we as a society really fallen so far that we no longer recognize [Zero Wing?]( Perhaps all our base truly are belong to them.
I *recognize* it; that was my first meme in college. Opening a "story" by jamming it in with a low-rent *Fallout* reference was just too much even for me, a person who communicates in memes to an unhealthy degree.
Picard, his face palming
No it is amazing, there are now proper generations of memes on the internet, and eventually we all will have a moment where we simply no longer understand it (or we need to touch grass).
The anonymous user’s final reply is pure class after gwrn’s rage storm, so of course it’s downvoted.
I read the whole thing so you don’t have to:
I thought the fact that they were having a serious argument about the correct use of the term ‘Engrish’ was funny enough on its own, but then Gwern completely flips out because the other person doesn’t completely submit to him on this point, despite having more or less conceded it.
“A text model predicting the next letter of a prompt which is written poorly will emit more poor writing…”
You don’t say.
Imagine being this mad about some mild criticism.
Also super classy move, withholding the security issue
doin great
I smell toast. Does anyone else smell toast