r/SneerClub archives
People criticize rationalists because we think too much. (https://twitter.com/yashkaf/status/1508865483579310089?s=20&t=X6wt8Axt0Y9FzJvaCd3DIA)


Only the grey tribe can think for themselves [they are all individuals](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QereR0CViMY) and [not NPCs.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NPC_(meme\))

honestly, nothing is more annoying than people being proud of their own antisocial behavior because it better fits the profile of an “intelligent” person.

>nothing is more annoying than people being proud of their ownantisocial behavior because it better fits the profile of an"intelligent" person.  This summarizes my issues with the rationalists 😑

…without really amounting to anything.


if you see a flock of black swans coming

Nitpicky, but then those black swans are no longer black swans. And I see no reason why gwerns sock post (Importance: 4, a 2 year long project, this is the shit he is defending here (*)) would help you resolve the issues which come from the flok of black swans, in fact Talib has already mentioned what helps you survive the effect of black swans, being antifragile. Which imho isn’t having your true beliefs worked out properly and rigidly I would say. (Which is also a weird view of Rationalism).

*: funnily this (the issue of wasting to much time on socks) was solved better by an old math teacher of mine, who just put all his socks in one pile, and randomly picked to (if he had 2 of the same colour, he would have a bad day, he also made us calculate how likely this was, because he was a math teacher, so simple and educational, and also everybody knew this so people gifted him colorful socks. But of course, this system is a) chaotic and b) requires social contacts (but it also saves time of the social contacts in the ‘what do we get as gifts’ department).

Also, just to be clear, there is nothing wrong with doing something silly and nerdy like gwern did just to amuse yourself, just don’t try to rationalize it to yourself that it will give you superpowers, makes you genetically superior, or makes you code javascript better or whatever.

people have criticized rationalists for 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 stuff for a decade now, asking if we need Bayes’ law to pick breakfast or how 2,000 pages of sequences help you make friends or fit in (as if that’s the limit of one’s possible ambitions)

posted by @yashkaf

The tweet is a quote of a tweet posted by @maxwellsfoley. Please reply “!quote” or “!q” to see the original tweet

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