r/SneerClub archives

Oh boy, I have a good one for you guys today!

So an EAer wrote about how we should believe in theism because there might be normative reasons for action, while simultaneously solving the realism/anti-realism debate! Honestly I’ve never seen a better piece of philosophy.

So to give a little context, their basic arguments goes like this:

  1. Normative anti-realism gives no guidance about what to do
  2. It *seems* like you should ignore all worlds where normative anti-realism is false, because reasons.
  3. if you ignore anti-realism, realism remains
  4. the only likely way for realism to be true is if God exists,
  5. therefore we should act like God exists, because we have normative reasons for action.

This may be an unfaithful reconstruction of the argument but the basic sentiment stays the same. But yeah, this might just be a revolutionary result. /s


Above is the link if you wanna read it.

Weird comment

Having not personally read any of his books, I hear C.S. Lewis is the guy [in Christian apologetics] who most recently made serious attempts to engage with morality and values.

Christian philosophy died on 22 November 1963

Ah yes pascals wager with extra steps.

Rule number 34 of EA: if it exists, you can shoehorn utilitarianism/decision theory into it
I'll make a prediction market to that!
Is that even Pacal's Wager levels of thoughtfulness? It seems more like: 1. If god doesn't exist there's no reason for acting 2. I feel like there's a reason to do things 3. There should probably be a reason to do things 4. Therefore god exists? Or at least we should pretend he does? Am I missing something?
I personally love how they state that they feel like there should be a reason to do things, while completely leaving the point unmotivated. Anti-realism be gone!
Yeah you are probably right, didn't spend that much time reading it, I have other things to do atm.
honestly feels more like the ontological argument

Sorry if I come off as a dumbass, I don’t understand the article

Don't worry, there's not much substance there anyways. But u/YourNetworkIsHaunted basically summarised the argument perfectly.