r/SneerClub archives
I gotta believe that one of our favourite buddies has already done this. (/r/WritingPrompts/comments/u56d2k/wp_in_secrecy_the_richest_man_in_the_world_upon/)


Also, this is basically the plot of Norstrilia, except the AI is an “antique”
Or *Foundation*, or a million and one others
And the AI doesn't have a mission to progress humanity, just to help out the hick who owns it. Cordwainer Smith's stuff gets bonkers in the best ways.

Lol it would either get its wallet cleared out in 5 minutes by Armenian hackers or it would figure out that ceaseless accumulation of wealth and unaccountable private power deploying increasingly powerful technology will inevitably wipe everyone out so it kills every billionaire and forcibly converts every government to egalitarian social democracy and locks everyone with a hexagon twitter avi in an infinite 101 level humanities elective. I Have No Mouth and I Must HODL.

I have a friend in Kosovo whose day job was selling insurance rich to Germans, English, etc. over the phone in three different languages (she is now a law student), and now I want to meet a crypto scammer in Armenia. In fact, now I want to make it my life’s mission to go to every developing, struggling, or otherwise “second rate” country in the world and make friends with someone who pays the rent siphoning off post-industrial wealth from spendthrift Westerners using their mobile phone; we’ll start with that friendly young prince in Nigeria.
Sadly in crypto a big criminal player is north korea, not really a great state.
I was thinking on an individual, personal level, and I said paying the rent rather than the missile budget
There was someone from Serbia who got extradited for it (with a few other people also arrested) https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndtx/pr/serbian-man-extradited-us-charged-70-million-fraud-north-texas > After instructing investors to wire money through an international bank account, the defendants allegedly provided logins for a bogus online investment portal, which consistently showed positive returns on investments. Taking 70 million and redirecting people to fancy graphs that mean nothing is pretty funny
Yeah, not sure very many of those people exist, and tbh, they still end up stealing from a lot of normal people, and eventually if it will cause a crash we will see that a lot of social security like institutions will lose a lot of money again. So not really a big fan of the cryptocurrency scammers. From what I hear the big time criminals don't just pay their rent with this but buy massive houses and other bullshit with it. And then there is the whole ransomware shit (which has gotten so bad even Russia is cracking down on them (Shouldn't have gone after the pipelines folks)). So not really a big fan, even if there might by a very small percentage of scammers who only use it to pay rent for their shitty apartment.
I want to clarify that it was primarily a bit of an off-colour joke
Allright, fair enough, sorry I misinterpreted that then.

I have no mouth, and I must sell.

So I’m supposed to believe the richest man in the world, on his deathbed, decided to save the planet with a super-intelligent AI… that manages this with crypto and capitalism? Lol, this is Elon Musk erotica. Of course this is the kind of thing he’d do, so that is believable, but succeeding? Come on.

The AI shorts out because its directives to grow its wealth and save humanity are directly opposed.

What if the paperclip maximizer just made money?

There is a fun story in there about different copies of the same ai (no humans left to properly trade with, and it has no mouth but it must trade) breeding and trading boxes filled with wireheaded humans.

Add the way axie (cryptocurrency game) works (replace axies with humans), and to be a little bit current on current affairs the non wireheaded human resistance is run from north korea.

So all the robot needs to do to fulfill that last one is keep some sperm and eggs handy, or decide that they themselves are human, but I doubt that’s in the spirit of the thing.